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Diving Mammals

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The ability of diving mammals to forage at depth on a breath hold of air is dependent on gas exchange, both in the lung and in peripheral tissues. Anatomical and physiological adaptations in the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, blood and peripheral tissues contribute to the remarkable breath‐hold capacities of these animals. The end results of these adaptations include efficient ventilation, enhanced oxygen storage, regulated transport and delivery of respiratory gases, extreme hypoxemic/ischemic tolerance, and pressure tolerance. © 2011 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 1:447‐465, 2011.

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Figure 1. Figure 1.

Depth and arterial Pn2 profiles of a Weddell seal. Data from reference 60. During this 8‐min dive, samples collected during the first 4 min demonstrated that Pn2 peaked at 2.7 ATA and then declined despite depths as deep as 9.2 ATA (82 m) during sampling. A minimum 80% N2 fraction in the lungs would correspond to an alveolar Pn2 of approximately 7.3 ATA at a depth of 82 m.

Figure 1.

Depth and arterial Pn2 profiles of a Weddell seal. Data from reference 60. During this 8‐min dive, samples collected during the first 4 min demonstrated that Pn2 peaked at 2.7 ATA and then declined despite depths as deep as 9.2 ATA (82 m) during sampling. A minimum 80% N2 fraction in the lungs would correspond to an alveolar Pn2 of approximately 7.3 ATA at a depth of 82 m.

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Paul J. Ponganis. Diving Mammals. Compr Physiol 2011, 1: 447-465. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c091003