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Gas Mixing in the Airways and Airspaces

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Basic physical concepts of diffusion, convection, and dispersion pertaining to gas transport in the human airways are reviewed. Their incorporation into quantitative models of gas mixing is presented, also illustrating the crucial interaction of gas transport equations with the model geometry. Model simulations are confronted with the available experimental gas mixing indices such as the phase III slope obtained in normal human lungs, with some pertinent examples in laboratory animals and in human lung disease. The use of inert gases with differing diffusion coefficients and their associated phase III slope provides invaluable experimental information on gas mixing in the lungs, with the concept of the diffusion front playing a central role. Sources of inter‐ and intraregional ventilation heterogeneity can be related to the location of the diffusion front, which offers the possibility to distinguish between ventilation heterogeneity proximal to the diffusion front (driven by convection between lung units larger than acini) and more peripheral ventilation heterogeneity (driven by diffusion‐convection interaction mainly within the acinus). While specific ventilation distribution and flow asynchrony co‐act to generate convection‐dependent ventilation heterogeneity, local structural asymmetry of the acinar air spaces is sufficient to generate diffusion‐convection‐dependent ventilation heterogeneity. The remaining hiatus in our understanding of ventilation heterogeneity in the human lung is described, together with some potential perspectives for its investigation. © 2011 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 1:809‐834, 2011.

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Figure 1. Figure 1.

Cross‐sectional area (solid line, no symbol; right axis) obtained by summing the airway cross section of all parallel airways in any given airway generation for a lung model based on Weibel 23 and Haefeli‐Bleuer 29 morphometric data, at mid‐inspiration of a 1 liter inspiration starting from a lung volume of 3.7 liter. For an inspiratory flow of 0.5 liters/s in this model, Peclet numbers are computed for a large (SF6) and a low (He) molecular mass of the inflowing gas.

Figure 2. Figure 2.

Concentration profiles in a tube, in the cases of piston flow (grey area), with superimposed axial diffusion (dotted line), and in cases of fully developed laminar flow with average velocity , without (solid line) or with radial diffusion (dashed line).

Figure 3. Figure 3.

Ratios of bolus half widths of He and particles (HHe/HPa), of SF6 and particles (HSF6/HPa), and of He and SF6 (HHe/HSF6) plotted versus volumetric lung depth in three dogs; individual data points; from 49.

Figure 4. Figure 4.

Panel A: inspiratory O2 concentration profiles simulated in a symmetrical Weibel model plotted at 0.2 s intervals of a 1 s inhalation (at 1 liters/s); replotted from 76. Panel B: end‐inspiratory He and SF6 concentration profiles simulated in a symmetrical Weibel model (at 1 liters/s); replotted from Paiva and Engel 76.

Figure 5. Figure 5.

Panel A: diffusion front simulations in the human acinus. Dashed and dotted lines are averaged SF6 and He concentrations, respectively, at end inspiration of 2 liters starting from 3.7 liters at 1 liters/s; adapted from 30. Panel B: diffusion front simulations in the rat lung. Dashed and dotted lines are averaged SF6 and He concentrations, respectively, at end inspiration of 2 ml starting from 3.7 ml at 1 ml/s; adapted from 30. For clarity, these plots do not include the variability of He or SF6 concentration around the average value in each generation nor that in the terminal units. Therefore these plots could lead to the perception that mass balance for He and SF6 inside the model is in favor of SF6, which is not the case.

Figure 6. Figure 6.

A: Expiratory O2 fractional concentration profiles simulated in a symmetrical Weibel model plotted at 0.2 s intervals of a 1 s exhalation (at 1 liters/s); t = 0 curves corresponds to the end‐inspiratory O2 concentration profile retrieved from Figure 4A; adapted from 76. B: Expiratory N2 concentration profiles recovered at the model exit as a result of simulations of panel A.

Figure 7. Figure 7.

NO concentration profiles in generations 7 to 23 during expiration as a function of axial distance from alveolar end obtained by solving Eq. 13 with source term Eq. 14 with constant expiratory flow (500 ml/s). Curves are shown every 0.2 s (from 0 to 2 s). Curve at t = 0 is the NO profile after 2 s inspiration at 500 ml/s; adapted from 70.

Figure 8. Figure 8.

A two‐trumpet model representing asymmetry of branching where each subunit is represented by a single trumpet. Structural asymmetry can be generated in two ways: by either considering s1 = s2 and S1 = S2 in which case one of the units can be truncated in axial length at the level of a dashed line, or, by considering the same axial length for both trumpets but s1 ≠ s2 and/or S1 ≠ S2; from 92

Figure 9. Figure 9.

Pattern of fractional O2 concentration at 0.2 s intervals during expiration after 1 liters of inspiration of O2 at 1 liters/s into an asymmetrical two‐trumpet model (V2/V1 = 0.12). Dashed lines: shorter unit (volume V2). Solid lines: longer unit (volume V1) and common pathway. Branch point is at x = 2.7 mm. Inset: O2 at model exit plotted against expired volume [from 92].

Figure 10. Figure 10.

Lower left panel: schematic representation of upper (A) and lower (B) lung units at residual volume (continuous circles: VA > VB). For a vital capacity O2 inspiration, the N2 concentration in unit A is higher than in unit B (lower right panel). The pressure volume loop for a vital capacity breath is represented in the upper panel (downward arrows for the expiratory limb). If the vertical gradient of pleural pressure remains constant during expiration, units A and B, respectively, contribute more at end and at the beginning of expiration (respective expired concentrations are represented by a closed circle and a star); from 21.

Figure 11. Figure 11.

Nitrogen concentration and volume tracings as a function of time during a multiple‐breath washout (MBW) test from a normal subject during a bronchoprovocation test with histamine, which greatly increases the slopes, particularly at the end of the MBW. Inset: alveolar slope versus expired volume from breaths 1 and 20 plotted using an equivalent scaling with respect to mean expired nitrogen concentrations of breaths 1 and 20, respectively; from 128.

Figure 12. Figure 12.

Normalized phase III slopes as a function of breath number, in a baseline condition (no symbols), with increasing specific ventilation heterogeneity only (squares), increased flow asynchrony between two compartments (circles), or both (triangles). The dashed line frame indicates normal measurement range (see corresponding y‐axis in Fig. 13).

Figure 13. Figure 13.

A typical experimental normalized phase III slope curve obtained in a normal subject (closed circles), and its decomposition into the corresponding the evolution of normalized slope as a function of breath number (or lung turnover) predicted by inter‐ and intraregional ventilation heterogeneities combined (open circles) and by intra‐acinar ventilation heterogeneities (open triangles).

Figure 14. Figure 14.

Panel A: normalized slope (Sn) curves obtained for N2 and SF6‐He slope difference in normal subjects; adapted from 130. Panel B: normalized slope curves obtained for N2, with and without end‐inspiratory breath hold times of either 1 or 4 s; from 146.

Figure 15. Figure 15.

Normalized slope curves obtained in humans, rats, and steers. In contrast to humans, CDI is almost negligible in the lungs of rats and steers; from 30.

Figure 16. Figure 16.

Schematic representation of predicted changes of normalized phase III slopes versus lung turnover or breath number and corresponding changes in MBW indices Sacin and Scond, following structural alterations in the proximal or the peripheral lung.

Figure 1.

Cross‐sectional area (solid line, no symbol; right axis) obtained by summing the airway cross section of all parallel airways in any given airway generation for a lung model based on Weibel 23 and Haefeli‐Bleuer 29 morphometric data, at mid‐inspiration of a 1 liter inspiration starting from a lung volume of 3.7 liter. For an inspiratory flow of 0.5 liters/s in this model, Peclet numbers are computed for a large (SF6) and a low (He) molecular mass of the inflowing gas.

Figure 2.

Concentration profiles in a tube, in the cases of piston flow (grey area), with superimposed axial diffusion (dotted line), and in cases of fully developed laminar flow with average velocity , without (solid line) or with radial diffusion (dashed line).

Figure 3.

Ratios of bolus half widths of He and particles (HHe/HPa), of SF6 and particles (HSF6/HPa), and of He and SF6 (HHe/HSF6) plotted versus volumetric lung depth in three dogs; individual data points; from 49.

Figure 4.

Panel A: inspiratory O2 concentration profiles simulated in a symmetrical Weibel model plotted at 0.2 s intervals of a 1 s inhalation (at 1 liters/s); replotted from 76. Panel B: end‐inspiratory He and SF6 concentration profiles simulated in a symmetrical Weibel model (at 1 liters/s); replotted from Paiva and Engel 76.

Figure 5.

Panel A: diffusion front simulations in the human acinus. Dashed and dotted lines are averaged SF6 and He concentrations, respectively, at end inspiration of 2 liters starting from 3.7 liters at 1 liters/s; adapted from 30. Panel B: diffusion front simulations in the rat lung. Dashed and dotted lines are averaged SF6 and He concentrations, respectively, at end inspiration of 2 ml starting from 3.7 ml at 1 ml/s; adapted from 30. For clarity, these plots do not include the variability of He or SF6 concentration around the average value in each generation nor that in the terminal units. Therefore these plots could lead to the perception that mass balance for He and SF6 inside the model is in favor of SF6, which is not the case.

Figure 6.

A: Expiratory O2 fractional concentration profiles simulated in a symmetrical Weibel model plotted at 0.2 s intervals of a 1 s exhalation (at 1 liters/s); t = 0 curves corresponds to the end‐inspiratory O2 concentration profile retrieved from Figure 4A; adapted from 76. B: Expiratory N2 concentration profiles recovered at the model exit as a result of simulations of panel A.

Figure 7.

NO concentration profiles in generations 7 to 23 during expiration as a function of axial distance from alveolar end obtained by solving Eq. 13 with source term Eq. 14 with constant expiratory flow (500 ml/s). Curves are shown every 0.2 s (from 0 to 2 s). Curve at t = 0 is the NO profile after 2 s inspiration at 500 ml/s; adapted from 70.

Figure 8.

A two‐trumpet model representing asymmetry of branching where each subunit is represented by a single trumpet. Structural asymmetry can be generated in two ways: by either considering s1 = s2 and S1 = S2 in which case one of the units can be truncated in axial length at the level of a dashed line, or, by considering the same axial length for both trumpets but s1 ≠ s2 and/or S1 ≠ S2; from 92

Figure 9.

Pattern of fractional O2 concentration at 0.2 s intervals during expiration after 1 liters of inspiration of O2 at 1 liters/s into an asymmetrical two‐trumpet model (V2/V1 = 0.12). Dashed lines: shorter unit (volume V2). Solid lines: longer unit (volume V1) and common pathway. Branch point is at x = 2.7 mm. Inset: O2 at model exit plotted against expired volume [from 92].

Figure 10.

Lower left panel: schematic representation of upper (A) and lower (B) lung units at residual volume (continuous circles: VA > VB). For a vital capacity O2 inspiration, the N2 concentration in unit A is higher than in unit B (lower right panel). The pressure volume loop for a vital capacity breath is represented in the upper panel (downward arrows for the expiratory limb). If the vertical gradient of pleural pressure remains constant during expiration, units A and B, respectively, contribute more at end and at the beginning of expiration (respective expired concentrations are represented by a closed circle and a star); from 21.

Figure 11.

Nitrogen concentration and volume tracings as a function of time during a multiple‐breath washout (MBW) test from a normal subject during a bronchoprovocation test with histamine, which greatly increases the slopes, particularly at the end of the MBW. Inset: alveolar slope versus expired volume from breaths 1 and 20 plotted using an equivalent scaling with respect to mean expired nitrogen concentrations of breaths 1 and 20, respectively; from 128.

Figure 12.

Normalized phase III slopes as a function of breath number, in a baseline condition (no symbols), with increasing specific ventilation heterogeneity only (squares), increased flow asynchrony between two compartments (circles), or both (triangles). The dashed line frame indicates normal measurement range (see corresponding y‐axis in Fig. 13).

Figure 13.

A typical experimental normalized phase III slope curve obtained in a normal subject (closed circles), and its decomposition into the corresponding the evolution of normalized slope as a function of breath number (or lung turnover) predicted by inter‐ and intraregional ventilation heterogeneities combined (open circles) and by intra‐acinar ventilation heterogeneities (open triangles).

Figure 14.

Panel A: normalized slope (Sn) curves obtained for N2 and SF6‐He slope difference in normal subjects; adapted from 130. Panel B: normalized slope curves obtained for N2, with and without end‐inspiratory breath hold times of either 1 or 4 s; from 146.

Figure 15.

Normalized slope curves obtained in humans, rats, and steers. In contrast to humans, CDI is almost negligible in the lungs of rats and steers; from 30.

Figure 16.

Schematic representation of predicted changes of normalized phase III slopes versus lung turnover or breath number and corresponding changes in MBW indices Sacin and Scond, following structural alterations in the proximal or the peripheral lung.

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Sylvia Verbanck, Manuel Paiva. Gas Mixing in the Airways and Airspaces. Compr Physiol 2011, 1: 809-834. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c100018