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Phenomics of Cardiac Chloride Channels

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Forward genetic studies have identified several chloride (Cl) channel genes, including CFTR, ClC‐2, ClC‐3, CLCA, Bestrophin, and Ano1, in the heart. Recent reverse genetic studies using gene targeting and transgenic techniques to delineate the functional role of cardiac Cl channels have shown that Cl channels may contribute to cardiac arrhythmogenesis, myocardial hypertrophy and heart failure, and cardioprotection against ischemia reperfusion. The study of physiological or pathophysiological phenotypes of cardiac Cl channels, however, is complicated by the compensatory changes in the animals in response to the targeted genetic manipulation. Alternatively, tissue‐specific conditional or inducible knockout or knockin animal models may be more valuable in the phenotypic studies of specific Cl channels by limiting the effect of compensation on the phenotype. The integrated function of Cl channels may involve multiprotein complexes of the Cl channel subproteome. Similar phenotypes can be attained from alternative protein pathways within cellular networks, which are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. The phenomics approach, which characterizes phenotypes as a whole phenome and systematically studies the molecular changes that give rise to particular phenotypes achieved by modifying the genotype under the scope of genome/proteome/phenome, may provide more complete understanding of the integrated function of each cardiac Cl channel in the context of health and disease. © 2013 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 3:667‐692, 2013.

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Figure 1. Figure 1.

Schematic representation of Cl channels in cardiac myocytes. Cl channels and their corresponding molecular entities or candidates are indicated. ClC‐3, a member of voltage‐gated ClC Cl channel family, encodes Cl channels that are volume‐regulated (ICl,vol) and can be activated by cell swelling (ICl,swell) induced by exposure to hypotonic extracellular solutions or possibly membrane stretch. ICl,b is a basally activated ClC‐3 Cl current. ClC‐2, a member of voltage‐gated ClC Cl channel family, is responsible for a volume‐regulated and hyperpolarization‐activated inward rectifying Cl current (ICl,ir). Membrane topology models (α‐helices a‐r) for ClC‐3 and ClC‐2 are modified from Dutzler et al. (63). ICl,acid is a Cl current regulated by extracellular pH and the molecular entity for ICl,acid is currently unknown. ICl,Ca is a Cl current activated by increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i); Molecular candidates for ICl,Ca include CLCA1, a member of a Ca2+‐sensitive Cl channel family (CLCA), bestrophin‐2, a member of the Bestrophin gene family, and TMEM16, transmembrane protein 16. CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, encodes Cl channels activated by stimulation of cAMP‐protein kinase A (PKA) pathway (ICl,PKA), protein kinase C (PKC) (ICl,PKC), or extracellular ATP through purinergic receptors (ICl,ATP). CFTR is composed by two membrane spanning domains (MSD1 and MSD2), two nucleotide‐binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2), and a regulatory subunit (R). P, phosphorylation sites for PKA and PKC; PP, serine‐threonine protein phosphatases; Gi, heterodimeric inhibitory G protein; A1R, adenosine type 1 receptor; AC, adenylyl cyclase; H2R, histamine type II receptor; Gs, heterodimeric stimulatory G protein; β‐AR, β‐adrenergic receptor; P2R, purinergic type 2 receptor; proposed intracellular signaling pathway for purinergic activation of CFTR. VDAC, voltage‐dependent anion channels (porin); mito, mitochondrion (50). (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009.)

Figure 2. Figure 2.

Modulation of cardiac electrical activity by activation of Cl channels in heart. Changes in action potentials (top), membrane currents (middle), and ECG (bottom) due to activation of CFTR or volume‐regulated ClC‐3 Cl channels are depicted. Top panel: numbers illustrate conventional phases of a prototype ventricular action potential under control conditions (black) and after activation of ICl (red). Range of estimates for normal physiological values for Cl equilibrium potential (ECl) is indicated in blue. Middle panel: range of zero‐current values corresponding to ECl is shown in grey. Activation of CFTR or ClC‐3 channels generates both inward (indicated by green) and outward (indicated by red) currents and cause both depolarization as well as repolarization during the action potential. Activation of ICl, therefore, induces larger membrane depolarization and induction of early afterdepolarizations under conditions where resting K+ conductance is reduced (dotted red lines in top panel). Bottom panel: the letters (P, Q, R, S, and T) indicate the conventional waves of electrocardiograph (ECG) complex under control conditions (black) and after activation of ICl (red). Corresponding to the shortening of action potential in ventricular myocytes activation of ICl causes a shortening of Q‐T interval. See text for details (50). (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009.)

Figure 3. Figure 3.

Effects of CFTR gene knockout (FABPCFTR) on ischemic preconditioning in isolated working mouse heart. (A) Experimental protocol. (B‐D) Recovery of left ventricular contractile (B and C.) and relaxation (D) function of wild‐type WT (FVB/NJ), CFTR+/−, and CFTR−/− (FABPCFTR) mice after 45 min ischemia and 40 min reperfusion. (E) IPC on infarct size of ventricles. Representative ventricle transverse slices after ischemia (Isch) or IPC. (F). Mean infarct size measured from age‐matched WT, CFTR+/−, or CFTR−/− mouse heart after ischemia or IPC (n = 6 for each group). *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001, NS: not significant (23). (Copyright Request: Chen H, et al. Circulation 110: 700‐704, 2004.)

Figure 4. Figure 4.

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) interactome. All components comprising the CFTR interactome are depicted as nodes (ovals) in the network. Components identified in previous studies as CFTR interactors are highlighted with bold lines surrounding the ovals. Straight blue lines are edges in the network that show direct or indirect protein interactions between CFTR and the indicated component identified by MudPIT. Straight red lines illustrate edges that define interactions based on the BIND ( and DIP (http://dip.doe‐ protein interaction databases and the Tmm coexpression database (, which were accessed using the Cytoscape platform ( Proteins involved in folding and export from the ER are illustrated as gray nodes; green nodes highlight protein interactions involved in postendoplasmic reticulum trafficking and activity. Yellow nodes indicate interactors with unknown function. See the Supplementary Discussion for a more complete description of proteins defined by green and yellow nodes. The network includes proteins involved in the modulation of CFTR folding and function (168). (Copyright request: Wang et al. Cell 127: 803‐815, 2006.)

Figure 5. Figure 5.

Model of the mechanotransduction process coupling β1 integrin stretch to activation of Cl‐ channels in ventricular myocytes. Integrin stretch triggers the phosphorylation and activation of focal adhesion kinase and Src, and the release of angiotensin II (Ang II) from secretory vesicles. Ang II binds to the AT1 receptor (AT1R) and activates the AT1R signaling cascade. Components of the AT1R signaling cascade, possibly in concert with components of integrin signaling, induce the activation of p47phox, p67phox, and rac, which translocate to the membrane and assemble with gp91phox and p22phox to form the active NADPH oxidase complex. NADPH oxidase recruits NAD(P)H as an electron donor and catalyzes the transmembrane transfer of electrons to molecular O2 to form superoxide (O2). Extracellular O2 is rapidly converted to membrane‐permeant H2O2 by ecSOD. H2O2 may activate Cl stretch‐activated channels (SAC) either directly or via reactive oxygen species (ROS)‐sensitive signaling pathways (18). (Copyright Request: Browe and Baumgarten. J Gen Physiol 124: 273‐287, 2004.)

Figure 6. Figure 6.

Comparison of pressure overload‐induced remodeling of wild‐type and Clcn3−/− mouse hearts. Hearts from age‐matched wild‐type (WT, Clcn3+/+) and Clcn3−/‐ mice were excised 1 week (top panel) or 10 weeks (bottom panel) after minimally invasive transverse aorta binding (MTAB) or sham operation are shown. Hearts were cleaned of blood and connective tissues and then fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. Bar = 5 mm. Compared to WT mice disruption of ClC‐3 gene significantly changed the remodeling process after MTAB. Both left ventricle and atrium were extremely enlarged after 10 weeks of MTAB. [Adapted, with permission, from Duan (50)]. (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009)

Figure 7. Figure 7.

Schematic representation of ClC‐3 Cl channels in VSMCs. ClC‐3, a member of voltage‐gated ClC Cl channel family, encodes Cl channels in vascular smooth muscle cells that are volume regulated (ICl,vol) and can be activated by cell swelling (ICl,swell) induced by exposure to hypotonic extracellular solutions or possibly membrane stretch. ICl,b is a basally activated ClC‐3 Cl current. α‐helices of ClC‐3 are shown as a‐r. ClC‐3 proteins are expressed on both sarcolemmal membrane and intracellular organelles including mitochondria (mito) and endosomes. The proposed model of endosome ion flux and function of Nox1 and ClC‐3 in the signaling endosome is adapted from Miller Jr. et al. (120). Binding of IL‐1β or TNF‐α to the cell membrane initiates endocytosis and formation of an early endosome (EEA1 and Rab5), which also contains NADPH oxidase subunits Nox1 and p22phox, in addition to ClC‐3. Nox1 is electrogenic, moving electrons from intracellular NADPH through a redox chain within the enzyme into the endosome to reduce oxygen to superoxide. ClC‐3 functions as a chloride‐proton exchanger, required for charge neutralization of the electron flow generated by Nox1. The ROS generated by Nox1 result in NF‐κB activation. Both ClC‐3 and Nox1 are necessary for generation of endosomal reactive oxygen species (ROS) and subsequent NF‐κB activation by IL‐1β or TNF‐α in VSMCs. Statins block ClC‐3 channels, which causes hyperpolarization of the cell membrane, closure of Ca2+ channels and vasorelaxation, and inhibition of cell proliferation. PKC, protein kinase C; PP, serine‐threonine protein phosphatases; α−AR, α‐adrenergic receptor; Gi, heterodimeric inhibitory G protein. Nox: NADPH oxidase (61). (Copyright Request: Duan, Hypertension, 2010)

Figure 8. Figure 8.

Comparative two‐dimensional (2D) electrophoresis analysis of protein expression patterns in membranes of cardiac cells from Clcn3+/+ and Clcn3−/− mice. (A) representative 2D gel depicts Coomassie‐stained proteins from wild‐type (Clcn3+/+) mouse heart. (B) Representative 2D gel depicts Coomassie‐stained proteins from Clcn3/ mouse heart. (C) Spot sets created from images of 2D gels of both wild‐type and Clcn3/ mouse heart run under the same conditions as the gels in A and B and compared using Bio‐Rad PDQuest version 7.1.1 software. Three gels were run for each mouse heart type; two hearts were pooled to provide proteins for each gel. The filled symbols indicate changes in protein patterns in Clcn3/ compared to wild type. A total of 35 proteins consistently changed (minimum criteria: more than twofold change) in membranes from Clcn3/ mouse heart in all 3 experiments (6 missing proteins, 2 new proteins, 9 upregulated proteins, 15 downregulated proteins, and 2 translocated proteins). The open squares (□) in A, B, and C indicate the location (molecular mass 85 kDa and pI 6.9) of the ClC‐3 protein spot (No. 3812) in the 2D gels, which was independently confirmed by Western blotting using a specific anti‐ClC‐3 C670∼687 antibody (180). [Copyright Request: Yamamoto‐Mizuma et al. (180) with permission from Blackwell Publishing].

Figure 9. Figure 9.

Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function. (A) Representative M‐mode echocardiography from wild‐type (Clcn3+/+; left) and heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout (hsClcn3−/−; right) mice. (B) Echocardiographic measurements in Clcn3+/+ and hsClcn3−/− mice. IVSd, interventricular septum thickness at the end of diastole; LVDd, left ventricular (LV) dimension at the end of diastole; LVPWd, LV posterior wall thickness at the end of diastole; IVSs, interventricular septum thickness at the end of systole; LVDs, LV dimension at the end of systole; LVPWs, LV posterior wall thickness at the end of systole; LVEP, calculated LV ejection fraction; %FS, LV fractional shortening; estimated LV mass, LVM (mg) = 1.05[(IVS + LVID + LVPW)3 − (LVID)3], where 1.05 is the specific gravity of the myocardium. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 compared with Clcn3+/+ mice. C. Single longitudinal section (μm) of hearts to demonstrate all four heart chambers. Longitudinal were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (Bar = 2 mm) (Duan D. et al. unpublished data.)

Figure 10. Figure 10.

Effects of inducible heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout on cardiac volume‐regulated Cl current (VRCC) and heart function. (A) Representative current traces in isotonic condition and under hypotonic challenge recorded in freshly isolated atrial myocytes from the inducible heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout (doxyhsClC‐3−/−) mice with doxycycline (on Doxy) in the diet (panel a), or after withdraw of doxycycline (off Doxy) from the diet for 3 weeks (panel b). (c) Summary of VRCC current densities in isotonic and hypotonic solutions, recorded at +80 mV and −80 mV. (B) Representative M‐mode echocardiography from on Doxy (a) and off Doxy (b) mice. (C) Time‐dependent changes in M‐mode echocardiogram of age matched on Doxy or off Doxy for 1.5 and 3 weeks. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 versus off Doxy 0 week; #, P < 0.05; ##, P < 0.01; ###, P < 0.001 versus on Doxy at the same time point. (D) Comparison of hearts isolated from age‐matched (11‐week old) doxyhsClcn3−/− mice on Doxy or off Doxy for 3 weeks. Hearts were cleaned up blood and connective tissues and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. [Adapted, with permission, from Xiong et al. (174).]

Figure 11. Figure 11.

Effects of inducible heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout on cardiac volume‐regulated Cl current (VRCC) and heart function. (A) Representative current traces in isotonic condition and under hypotonic challenge recorded in freshly isolated atrial myocytes from the inducible heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout (doxyhsClC‐3−/−) mice with doxycycline (on Doxy) in the diet (panel a), or after withdraw of doxycycline (off Doxy) from the diet for 3 weeks (panel b). (c) Summary of VRCC current densities in isotonic and hypotonic solutions, recorded at +80 mV and −80 mV. (B) Representative M‐mode echocardiography from on Doxy (a) and off Doxy (b) mice. (C) Time‐dependent changes in M‐mode echocardiogram of age matched on Doxy or off Doxy for 1.5 and 3 weeks. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 versus off Doxy 0 week; #, P < 0.05; ##, P < 0.01; ###, P < 0.001 versus on Doxy at the same time point. (D) Comparison of hearts isolated from age‐matched (11‐week old) doxyhsClcn3−/− mice on Doxy or off Doxy for 3 weeks. Hearts were cleaned up blood and connective tissues and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. [Adapted, with permission, from Xiong et al. (174).]

Figure 12. Figure 12.

Modulation of cardiac electrical activity by activation of ClC‐2 channels in cardiac pacemaker cells and myocytes. Changes in action potentials (top panels) and membrane currents (bottom panels) of cardiac pacemaker cells (A) or atrial and ventricular myocytes (B) due to activation of ClC‐2 channels are depicted. ICl,ir is activated by hyperpolarization, cell swelling, and acidosis. Top panels: numbers illustrate conventional phases of a prototype ventricular action potential under control conditions (black) and after activation of ICl (red). Range of estimates for normal physiological values for Cl equilibrium potential (ECl) is indicated in blue. Bottom panels: range of zero‐current values corresponding to ECl is shown in grey. (A) Activation of ICl,ir in pacemaker cells during hyperpolarization causes acceleration of phase 4 depolarization and automaticity, shortening of action potential duration, and decrease in cycle length and action potential amplitude (dashed red line in top panel). (B) Activation of ICl,ir in atrial and ventricular myocytes during hyperpolarization causes depolarization of resting membrane potential and induction of phase 4 auto depolarization and abnormal electrical impulse (trigger activity) and automaticity (dotted red line in top panel). [Adapted, with permission, from Duan (50)]. (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009)

Figure 13. Figure 13.

Whole‐cell currents recorded from SAN cells of guinea‐pig heart. (A) An example of single SAN cells (arrows) isolated from the SAN region of guinea pig heart by enzymatic dispersion. (B) Whole‐cell currents recorded from SAN cells. When cations (Na+ and K+) were included in the extracellular solutions, inward currents were slowly activated upon hyperpolarization under isotonic (a) conditions. Exposure of the same cell to hypotonic extracellular solution caused cell swelling and an increase in the inward current amplitude (b). The difference current caused by hypotonic cell swelling is shown in panel e. Subsequent replacement of 20 mmol/L of NaCl with CsCl caused a significant inhibition of the inward current (c). The Cs+‐sensitive current is shown in panel f. Subsequent addition of 0.2 mmol/L of Cd2+ to the hypotonic solution caused an inhibition of the inward current (d). The Cd2+‐sensitive currents are shown in panel g (91).

Figure 14. Figure 14.

Molecular expression of ClC‐2 in SAN cells. (A) Localization of ClC‐2 chloride channels in guinea‐pig SAN tissue. (a) Section labeled with anti‐Connexin 43 (red) to illustrate the adjacent atrial (AT) septum was positively labeled while the SAN was negative (dark region), which clearly delineates the SAN region from the AT septum (dashed white line). (b) Section stained with 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole (DAPI) (blue) to compare nuclei density in the SAN region and in AT. The SAN region had a higher DAPI staining density (higher nuclei density) than the adjacent AT. (c) Section stained with anti‐ClC‐2 (green). ClC‐2 immunoreactivity is evident in both SAN and AT regions. (d) Merged images of a, b, and c illustrate that ClC‐2 is expressed in the densely nucleated and Cx43 negative SAN region. (B) Agarose gel depicting real time polymerase chain reaction product of ClC‐2 amplified from mRNA prepared from enzymatically dispersed guinea‐pig SA nodal cells. (C) Images of ClC‐2‐like immunofluorescence in a representative SAN cell visualized using fluorescent microscopy. Phase contrast (a) and fluorescent micrographs (b) of a single SAN cell.

Figure 15. Figure 15.

Effects of Anti‐ClC‐2 Ab on ICl,ir in SAN cells. (A) Representative whole‐cell currents recorded from SAN cells under isotonic (panel a) and hypotonic (panel b) conditions in the presence of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab in the pipette solutions. SAN cells were exposed to isotonic solution for at least 10 min before whole‐cell recordings. Currents shown in panel a were recorded right after successful whole‐cell configuration under isotonic conditions. Currents shown in panel b were recorded after exposure to hypotonic solution for 20 min. Pipette and bath solutions were identical to those described in Figure 1B except the pipette solution contained 3 μg/mL anti‐ClC‐2 Ab. (d) Mean I‐V from 5 SAN cells under the same conditions. (B) SAN cells were exposed to hypotonic solution for 20 min to fully activate ICl,ir before whole‐cell recordings. Bath and pipette solutions were the same as in panel A. Representative current traces recorded by voltage‐clamp (protocol is shown in inset) from the SAN cell immediately after membrane rupture (a) and after 20 min of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab dialysis (b). The anti‐ClC‐2 Ab‐sensitive current (a)‐(b) is shown in (c) (current traces) and (d) (mean I‐V, n = 5). Notice the anti‐ClC‐2 Ab‐sensitive current (c) was similar to ICl,ir shown in Figure 1 and the typical ICa and If (b) were not affected by anti‐ClC‐2 Ab.

Figure 16. Figure 16.

Effects of Anti‐ClC‐2 Ab on pacemaker action potential in SAN cells. (A) Representative spontaneous action potentials recorded from an SAN cell by current‐clamp (no current injection) with pipette solution containing no anti‐ClC‐2 Ab under isotonic (a) and hypotonic (b) conditions. SAN cells were exposed to isotonic solution for at least 10 min before action potential recordings. Action potentials shown in panel a were recorded right after successful whole‐cell configuration under isotonic conditions. Action potentials shown in panel b were recorded after exposure to hypotonic solution for 20 min. For comparison, the action potentials recorded under these conditions were superimposed with an expanded time scale in panel c. The dotted lines indicate zero voltage. (B) Spontaneous action potentials recorded from a SAN cell by current clamp using a pipette solution containing pre‐absorbed anti‐ClC‐2 Ab (control) and cell was exposed to isotonic solutions for 10 min (a) and hypotonic solutions for 20 min (b). For comparison, the action potentials recorded under these conditions were superimposed with an expanded time scale in panel c. (C) SAN cells were perfused with isotonic solutions for 20 min before whole‐cell recordings. Action potentials were recorded immediately after membrane rupture (a) and after dialysis of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab for 20 min (b) under the same isotonic conditions. Panel c shows the expanded and superimposed action potentials as shown in panel a and panel b. Note that after 20 min dialysis of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab in to the cell the spontaneous action potential rate was not significantly altered. (D) SAN cells were exposed to hypotonic solution for 20 min to fully activate ICl,ir before whole‐cell recordings. Action potentials were recorded immediately after membrane rupture (a) and after dialysis of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab for 20 min (b). Panel c shows the expanded and superimposed action potentials as shown in panel a and panel b. Note that the spontaneous action potential rate significantly decreased after 20 min dialysis of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab in to the cell, which corresponds with the decrease in inward

Figure 17. Figure 17.

Telemetry electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings in Clcn2−/− mice and their Clcn2+/+ and Clcn2+/− littermates during treadmill exercises. (A) Representative ECG (Lead II) recordings in Clcn2+/+, Clcn2+/−, and Clcn2−/− mice while they were subjected to treadmill exercise at (a) rest period: acclimation at 0 m/min, incline 0o for 5 min; (b) walk period: walking at 5m/min, incline 0o for 5 min; (c) run period: running at 15 m/min, uphill incline 8o for 5 min. (B) Mean heart rate during the last minute of each treadmill exercise segment for the Clcn2+/+ (n = 6), Clcn2+/‐ (n = 5), and Clcn2−/− (n = 7) mice. (C) Mean heart rate of the Clcn2+/+ (n = 5) and Clcn2−/− (n = 4) mice before (Control, Cont) and after the intraperitoneal injection of atropine (Atro), propranolol (Prop), or atropine plus propranolol (Atro + Prop) during the last minute of each treadmill exercise segment (rest, walk, and run). *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 versus Clcn2+/+; #, P < 0.05; ##, P < 0.01; ###, P < 0.001 versus Clcn2+/−; $, P < 0.05; $$, P < 0.01; $$$, P < 0.001 versus control (Cont); d, P < 0.05 versus rest (91).

Figure 18. Figure 18.

Modulation of cardiac electrical activity by activation of Ca2+‐activated Cl channels in heart. Changes in action potentials (top) and membrane currents (bottom) due to activation of Ca2+‐activated Cl channels are depicted. Top panel: numbers illustrate conventional phases of a prototype ventricular action potential under control conditions (black) and after activation of ICl (red). Range of estimates for normal physiological values for ECl is indicated in blue. Bottom panel: Range of zero‐current values corresponding to ECl is shown in grey. Activation of ICl,Ca during [Ca2+]i overload results in oscillatory transient inward current (ITI) and induction of delayed afterdepolarization (DAD) (dotted red lines). [Adapted, with permission, from Duan (50)]. (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009.)

Figure 1.

Schematic representation of Cl channels in cardiac myocytes. Cl channels and their corresponding molecular entities or candidates are indicated. ClC‐3, a member of voltage‐gated ClC Cl channel family, encodes Cl channels that are volume‐regulated (ICl,vol) and can be activated by cell swelling (ICl,swell) induced by exposure to hypotonic extracellular solutions or possibly membrane stretch. ICl,b is a basally activated ClC‐3 Cl current. ClC‐2, a member of voltage‐gated ClC Cl channel family, is responsible for a volume‐regulated and hyperpolarization‐activated inward rectifying Cl current (ICl,ir). Membrane topology models (α‐helices a‐r) for ClC‐3 and ClC‐2 are modified from Dutzler et al. (63). ICl,acid is a Cl current regulated by extracellular pH and the molecular entity for ICl,acid is currently unknown. ICl,Ca is a Cl current activated by increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i); Molecular candidates for ICl,Ca include CLCA1, a member of a Ca2+‐sensitive Cl channel family (CLCA), bestrophin‐2, a member of the Bestrophin gene family, and TMEM16, transmembrane protein 16. CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, encodes Cl channels activated by stimulation of cAMP‐protein kinase A (PKA) pathway (ICl,PKA), protein kinase C (PKC) (ICl,PKC), or extracellular ATP through purinergic receptors (ICl,ATP). CFTR is composed by two membrane spanning domains (MSD1 and MSD2), two nucleotide‐binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2), and a regulatory subunit (R). P, phosphorylation sites for PKA and PKC; PP, serine‐threonine protein phosphatases; Gi, heterodimeric inhibitory G protein; A1R, adenosine type 1 receptor; AC, adenylyl cyclase; H2R, histamine type II receptor; Gs, heterodimeric stimulatory G protein; β‐AR, β‐adrenergic receptor; P2R, purinergic type 2 receptor; proposed intracellular signaling pathway for purinergic activation of CFTR. VDAC, voltage‐dependent anion channels (porin); mito, mitochondrion (50). (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009.)

Figure 2.

Modulation of cardiac electrical activity by activation of Cl channels in heart. Changes in action potentials (top), membrane currents (middle), and ECG (bottom) due to activation of CFTR or volume‐regulated ClC‐3 Cl channels are depicted. Top panel: numbers illustrate conventional phases of a prototype ventricular action potential under control conditions (black) and after activation of ICl (red). Range of estimates for normal physiological values for Cl equilibrium potential (ECl) is indicated in blue. Middle panel: range of zero‐current values corresponding to ECl is shown in grey. Activation of CFTR or ClC‐3 channels generates both inward (indicated by green) and outward (indicated by red) currents and cause both depolarization as well as repolarization during the action potential. Activation of ICl, therefore, induces larger membrane depolarization and induction of early afterdepolarizations under conditions where resting K+ conductance is reduced (dotted red lines in top panel). Bottom panel: the letters (P, Q, R, S, and T) indicate the conventional waves of electrocardiograph (ECG) complex under control conditions (black) and after activation of ICl (red). Corresponding to the shortening of action potential in ventricular myocytes activation of ICl causes a shortening of Q‐T interval. See text for details (50). (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009.)

Figure 3.

Effects of CFTR gene knockout (FABPCFTR) on ischemic preconditioning in isolated working mouse heart. (A) Experimental protocol. (B‐D) Recovery of left ventricular contractile (B and C.) and relaxation (D) function of wild‐type WT (FVB/NJ), CFTR+/−, and CFTR−/− (FABPCFTR) mice after 45 min ischemia and 40 min reperfusion. (E) IPC on infarct size of ventricles. Representative ventricle transverse slices after ischemia (Isch) or IPC. (F). Mean infarct size measured from age‐matched WT, CFTR+/−, or CFTR−/− mouse heart after ischemia or IPC (n = 6 for each group). *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001, NS: not significant (23). (Copyright Request: Chen H, et al. Circulation 110: 700‐704, 2004.)

Figure 4.

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) interactome. All components comprising the CFTR interactome are depicted as nodes (ovals) in the network. Components identified in previous studies as CFTR interactors are highlighted with bold lines surrounding the ovals. Straight blue lines are edges in the network that show direct or indirect protein interactions between CFTR and the indicated component identified by MudPIT. Straight red lines illustrate edges that define interactions based on the BIND ( and DIP (http://dip.doe‐ protein interaction databases and the Tmm coexpression database (, which were accessed using the Cytoscape platform ( Proteins involved in folding and export from the ER are illustrated as gray nodes; green nodes highlight protein interactions involved in postendoplasmic reticulum trafficking and activity. Yellow nodes indicate interactors with unknown function. See the Supplementary Discussion for a more complete description of proteins defined by green and yellow nodes. The network includes proteins involved in the modulation of CFTR folding and function (168). (Copyright request: Wang et al. Cell 127: 803‐815, 2006.)

Figure 5.

Model of the mechanotransduction process coupling β1 integrin stretch to activation of Cl‐ channels in ventricular myocytes. Integrin stretch triggers the phosphorylation and activation of focal adhesion kinase and Src, and the release of angiotensin II (Ang II) from secretory vesicles. Ang II binds to the AT1 receptor (AT1R) and activates the AT1R signaling cascade. Components of the AT1R signaling cascade, possibly in concert with components of integrin signaling, induce the activation of p47phox, p67phox, and rac, which translocate to the membrane and assemble with gp91phox and p22phox to form the active NADPH oxidase complex. NADPH oxidase recruits NAD(P)H as an electron donor and catalyzes the transmembrane transfer of electrons to molecular O2 to form superoxide (O2). Extracellular O2 is rapidly converted to membrane‐permeant H2O2 by ecSOD. H2O2 may activate Cl stretch‐activated channels (SAC) either directly or via reactive oxygen species (ROS)‐sensitive signaling pathways (18). (Copyright Request: Browe and Baumgarten. J Gen Physiol 124: 273‐287, 2004.)

Figure 6.

Comparison of pressure overload‐induced remodeling of wild‐type and Clcn3−/− mouse hearts. Hearts from age‐matched wild‐type (WT, Clcn3+/+) and Clcn3−/‐ mice were excised 1 week (top panel) or 10 weeks (bottom panel) after minimally invasive transverse aorta binding (MTAB) or sham operation are shown. Hearts were cleaned of blood and connective tissues and then fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. Bar = 5 mm. Compared to WT mice disruption of ClC‐3 gene significantly changed the remodeling process after MTAB. Both left ventricle and atrium were extremely enlarged after 10 weeks of MTAB. [Adapted, with permission, from Duan (50)]. (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009)

Figure 7.

Schematic representation of ClC‐3 Cl channels in VSMCs. ClC‐3, a member of voltage‐gated ClC Cl channel family, encodes Cl channels in vascular smooth muscle cells that are volume regulated (ICl,vol) and can be activated by cell swelling (ICl,swell) induced by exposure to hypotonic extracellular solutions or possibly membrane stretch. ICl,b is a basally activated ClC‐3 Cl current. α‐helices of ClC‐3 are shown as a‐r. ClC‐3 proteins are expressed on both sarcolemmal membrane and intracellular organelles including mitochondria (mito) and endosomes. The proposed model of endosome ion flux and function of Nox1 and ClC‐3 in the signaling endosome is adapted from Miller Jr. et al. (120). Binding of IL‐1β or TNF‐α to the cell membrane initiates endocytosis and formation of an early endosome (EEA1 and Rab5), which also contains NADPH oxidase subunits Nox1 and p22phox, in addition to ClC‐3. Nox1 is electrogenic, moving electrons from intracellular NADPH through a redox chain within the enzyme into the endosome to reduce oxygen to superoxide. ClC‐3 functions as a chloride‐proton exchanger, required for charge neutralization of the electron flow generated by Nox1. The ROS generated by Nox1 result in NF‐κB activation. Both ClC‐3 and Nox1 are necessary for generation of endosomal reactive oxygen species (ROS) and subsequent NF‐κB activation by IL‐1β or TNF‐α in VSMCs. Statins block ClC‐3 channels, which causes hyperpolarization of the cell membrane, closure of Ca2+ channels and vasorelaxation, and inhibition of cell proliferation. PKC, protein kinase C; PP, serine‐threonine protein phosphatases; α−AR, α‐adrenergic receptor; Gi, heterodimeric inhibitory G protein. Nox: NADPH oxidase (61). (Copyright Request: Duan, Hypertension, 2010)

Figure 8.

Comparative two‐dimensional (2D) electrophoresis analysis of protein expression patterns in membranes of cardiac cells from Clcn3+/+ and Clcn3−/− mice. (A) representative 2D gel depicts Coomassie‐stained proteins from wild‐type (Clcn3+/+) mouse heart. (B) Representative 2D gel depicts Coomassie‐stained proteins from Clcn3/ mouse heart. (C) Spot sets created from images of 2D gels of both wild‐type and Clcn3/ mouse heart run under the same conditions as the gels in A and B and compared using Bio‐Rad PDQuest version 7.1.1 software. Three gels were run for each mouse heart type; two hearts were pooled to provide proteins for each gel. The filled symbols indicate changes in protein patterns in Clcn3/ compared to wild type. A total of 35 proteins consistently changed (minimum criteria: more than twofold change) in membranes from Clcn3/ mouse heart in all 3 experiments (6 missing proteins, 2 new proteins, 9 upregulated proteins, 15 downregulated proteins, and 2 translocated proteins). The open squares (□) in A, B, and C indicate the location (molecular mass 85 kDa and pI 6.9) of the ClC‐3 protein spot (No. 3812) in the 2D gels, which was independently confirmed by Western blotting using a specific anti‐ClC‐3 C670∼687 antibody (180). [Copyright Request: Yamamoto‐Mizuma et al. (180) with permission from Blackwell Publishing].

Figure 9.

Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function. (A) Representative M‐mode echocardiography from wild‐type (Clcn3+/+; left) and heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout (hsClcn3−/−; right) mice. (B) Echocardiographic measurements in Clcn3+/+ and hsClcn3−/− mice. IVSd, interventricular septum thickness at the end of diastole; LVDd, left ventricular (LV) dimension at the end of diastole; LVPWd, LV posterior wall thickness at the end of diastole; IVSs, interventricular septum thickness at the end of systole; LVDs, LV dimension at the end of systole; LVPWs, LV posterior wall thickness at the end of systole; LVEP, calculated LV ejection fraction; %FS, LV fractional shortening; estimated LV mass, LVM (mg) = 1.05[(IVS + LVID + LVPW)3 − (LVID)3], where 1.05 is the specific gravity of the myocardium. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 compared with Clcn3+/+ mice. C. Single longitudinal section (μm) of hearts to demonstrate all four heart chambers. Longitudinal were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (Bar = 2 mm) (Duan D. et al. unpublished data.)

Figure 10.

Effects of inducible heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout on cardiac volume‐regulated Cl current (VRCC) and heart function. (A) Representative current traces in isotonic condition and under hypotonic challenge recorded in freshly isolated atrial myocytes from the inducible heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout (doxyhsClC‐3−/−) mice with doxycycline (on Doxy) in the diet (panel a), or after withdraw of doxycycline (off Doxy) from the diet for 3 weeks (panel b). (c) Summary of VRCC current densities in isotonic and hypotonic solutions, recorded at +80 mV and −80 mV. (B) Representative M‐mode echocardiography from on Doxy (a) and off Doxy (b) mice. (C) Time‐dependent changes in M‐mode echocardiogram of age matched on Doxy or off Doxy for 1.5 and 3 weeks. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 versus off Doxy 0 week; #, P < 0.05; ##, P < 0.01; ###, P < 0.001 versus on Doxy at the same time point. (D) Comparison of hearts isolated from age‐matched (11‐week old) doxyhsClcn3−/− mice on Doxy or off Doxy for 3 weeks. Hearts were cleaned up blood and connective tissues and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. [Adapted, with permission, from Xiong et al. (174).]

Figure 11.

Effects of inducible heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout on cardiac volume‐regulated Cl current (VRCC) and heart function. (A) Representative current traces in isotonic condition and under hypotonic challenge recorded in freshly isolated atrial myocytes from the inducible heart‐specific ClC‐3 knockout (doxyhsClC‐3−/−) mice with doxycycline (on Doxy) in the diet (panel a), or after withdraw of doxycycline (off Doxy) from the diet for 3 weeks (panel b). (c) Summary of VRCC current densities in isotonic and hypotonic solutions, recorded at +80 mV and −80 mV. (B) Representative M‐mode echocardiography from on Doxy (a) and off Doxy (b) mice. (C) Time‐dependent changes in M‐mode echocardiogram of age matched on Doxy or off Doxy for 1.5 and 3 weeks. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 versus off Doxy 0 week; #, P < 0.05; ##, P < 0.01; ###, P < 0.001 versus on Doxy at the same time point. (D) Comparison of hearts isolated from age‐matched (11‐week old) doxyhsClcn3−/− mice on Doxy or off Doxy for 3 weeks. Hearts were cleaned up blood and connective tissues and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. [Adapted, with permission, from Xiong et al. (174).]

Figure 12.

Modulation of cardiac electrical activity by activation of ClC‐2 channels in cardiac pacemaker cells and myocytes. Changes in action potentials (top panels) and membrane currents (bottom panels) of cardiac pacemaker cells (A) or atrial and ventricular myocytes (B) due to activation of ClC‐2 channels are depicted. ICl,ir is activated by hyperpolarization, cell swelling, and acidosis. Top panels: numbers illustrate conventional phases of a prototype ventricular action potential under control conditions (black) and after activation of ICl (red). Range of estimates for normal physiological values for Cl equilibrium potential (ECl) is indicated in blue. Bottom panels: range of zero‐current values corresponding to ECl is shown in grey. (A) Activation of ICl,ir in pacemaker cells during hyperpolarization causes acceleration of phase 4 depolarization and automaticity, shortening of action potential duration, and decrease in cycle length and action potential amplitude (dashed red line in top panel). (B) Activation of ICl,ir in atrial and ventricular myocytes during hyperpolarization causes depolarization of resting membrane potential and induction of phase 4 auto depolarization and abnormal electrical impulse (trigger activity) and automaticity (dotted red line in top panel). [Adapted, with permission, from Duan (50)]. (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009)

Figure 13.

Whole‐cell currents recorded from SAN cells of guinea‐pig heart. (A) An example of single SAN cells (arrows) isolated from the SAN region of guinea pig heart by enzymatic dispersion. (B) Whole‐cell currents recorded from SAN cells. When cations (Na+ and K+) were included in the extracellular solutions, inward currents were slowly activated upon hyperpolarization under isotonic (a) conditions. Exposure of the same cell to hypotonic extracellular solution caused cell swelling and an increase in the inward current amplitude (b). The difference current caused by hypotonic cell swelling is shown in panel e. Subsequent replacement of 20 mmol/L of NaCl with CsCl caused a significant inhibition of the inward current (c). The Cs+‐sensitive current is shown in panel f. Subsequent addition of 0.2 mmol/L of Cd2+ to the hypotonic solution caused an inhibition of the inward current (d). The Cd2+‐sensitive currents are shown in panel g (91).

Figure 14.

Molecular expression of ClC‐2 in SAN cells. (A) Localization of ClC‐2 chloride channels in guinea‐pig SAN tissue. (a) Section labeled with anti‐Connexin 43 (red) to illustrate the adjacent atrial (AT) septum was positively labeled while the SAN was negative (dark region), which clearly delineates the SAN region from the AT septum (dashed white line). (b) Section stained with 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole (DAPI) (blue) to compare nuclei density in the SAN region and in AT. The SAN region had a higher DAPI staining density (higher nuclei density) than the adjacent AT. (c) Section stained with anti‐ClC‐2 (green). ClC‐2 immunoreactivity is evident in both SAN and AT regions. (d) Merged images of a, b, and c illustrate that ClC‐2 is expressed in the densely nucleated and Cx43 negative SAN region. (B) Agarose gel depicting real time polymerase chain reaction product of ClC‐2 amplified from mRNA prepared from enzymatically dispersed guinea‐pig SA nodal cells. (C) Images of ClC‐2‐like immunofluorescence in a representative SAN cell visualized using fluorescent microscopy. Phase contrast (a) and fluorescent micrographs (b) of a single SAN cell.

Figure 15.

Effects of Anti‐ClC‐2 Ab on ICl,ir in SAN cells. (A) Representative whole‐cell currents recorded from SAN cells under isotonic (panel a) and hypotonic (panel b) conditions in the presence of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab in the pipette solutions. SAN cells were exposed to isotonic solution for at least 10 min before whole‐cell recordings. Currents shown in panel a were recorded right after successful whole‐cell configuration under isotonic conditions. Currents shown in panel b were recorded after exposure to hypotonic solution for 20 min. Pipette and bath solutions were identical to those described in Figure 1B except the pipette solution contained 3 μg/mL anti‐ClC‐2 Ab. (d) Mean I‐V from 5 SAN cells under the same conditions. (B) SAN cells were exposed to hypotonic solution for 20 min to fully activate ICl,ir before whole‐cell recordings. Bath and pipette solutions were the same as in panel A. Representative current traces recorded by voltage‐clamp (protocol is shown in inset) from the SAN cell immediately after membrane rupture (a) and after 20 min of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab dialysis (b). The anti‐ClC‐2 Ab‐sensitive current (a)‐(b) is shown in (c) (current traces) and (d) (mean I‐V, n = 5). Notice the anti‐ClC‐2 Ab‐sensitive current (c) was similar to ICl,ir shown in Figure 1 and the typical ICa and If (b) were not affected by anti‐ClC‐2 Ab.

Figure 16.

Effects of Anti‐ClC‐2 Ab on pacemaker action potential in SAN cells. (A) Representative spontaneous action potentials recorded from an SAN cell by current‐clamp (no current injection) with pipette solution containing no anti‐ClC‐2 Ab under isotonic (a) and hypotonic (b) conditions. SAN cells were exposed to isotonic solution for at least 10 min before action potential recordings. Action potentials shown in panel a were recorded right after successful whole‐cell configuration under isotonic conditions. Action potentials shown in panel b were recorded after exposure to hypotonic solution for 20 min. For comparison, the action potentials recorded under these conditions were superimposed with an expanded time scale in panel c. The dotted lines indicate zero voltage. (B) Spontaneous action potentials recorded from a SAN cell by current clamp using a pipette solution containing pre‐absorbed anti‐ClC‐2 Ab (control) and cell was exposed to isotonic solutions for 10 min (a) and hypotonic solutions for 20 min (b). For comparison, the action potentials recorded under these conditions were superimposed with an expanded time scale in panel c. (C) SAN cells were perfused with isotonic solutions for 20 min before whole‐cell recordings. Action potentials were recorded immediately after membrane rupture (a) and after dialysis of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab for 20 min (b) under the same isotonic conditions. Panel c shows the expanded and superimposed action potentials as shown in panel a and panel b. Note that after 20 min dialysis of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab in to the cell the spontaneous action potential rate was not significantly altered. (D) SAN cells were exposed to hypotonic solution for 20 min to fully activate ICl,ir before whole‐cell recordings. Action potentials were recorded immediately after membrane rupture (a) and after dialysis of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab for 20 min (b). Panel c shows the expanded and superimposed action potentials as shown in panel a and panel b. Note that the spontaneous action potential rate significantly decreased after 20 min dialysis of anti‐ClC‐2 Ab in to the cell, which corresponds with the decrease in inward

Figure 17.

Telemetry electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings in Clcn2−/− mice and their Clcn2+/+ and Clcn2+/− littermates during treadmill exercises. (A) Representative ECG (Lead II) recordings in Clcn2+/+, Clcn2+/−, and Clcn2−/− mice while they were subjected to treadmill exercise at (a) rest period: acclimation at 0 m/min, incline 0o for 5 min; (b) walk period: walking at 5m/min, incline 0o for 5 min; (c) run period: running at 15 m/min, uphill incline 8o for 5 min. (B) Mean heart rate during the last minute of each treadmill exercise segment for the Clcn2+/+ (n = 6), Clcn2+/‐ (n = 5), and Clcn2−/− (n = 7) mice. (C) Mean heart rate of the Clcn2+/+ (n = 5) and Clcn2−/− (n = 4) mice before (Control, Cont) and after the intraperitoneal injection of atropine (Atro), propranolol (Prop), or atropine plus propranolol (Atro + Prop) during the last minute of each treadmill exercise segment (rest, walk, and run). *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 versus Clcn2+/+; #, P < 0.05; ##, P < 0.01; ###, P < 0.001 versus Clcn2+/−; $, P < 0.05; $$, P < 0.01; $$$, P < 0.001 versus control (Cont); d, P < 0.05 versus rest (91).

Figure 18.

Modulation of cardiac electrical activity by activation of Ca2+‐activated Cl channels in heart. Changes in action potentials (top) and membrane currents (bottom) due to activation of Ca2+‐activated Cl channels are depicted. Top panel: numbers illustrate conventional phases of a prototype ventricular action potential under control conditions (black) and after activation of ICl (red). Range of estimates for normal physiological values for ECl is indicated in blue. Bottom panel: Range of zero‐current values corresponding to ECl is shown in grey. Activation of ICl,Ca during [Ca2+]i overload results in oscillatory transient inward current (ITI) and induction of delayed afterdepolarization (DAD) (dotted red lines). [Adapted, with permission, from Duan (50)]. (Copyright Request: Duan D. J Physiol 587: 2163‐2177, 2009.)

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Dayue Darrel Duan. Phenomics of Cardiac Chloride Channels. Compr Physiol 2013, 3: 667-692. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c110014