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Molecular Modeling is an Enabling Approach to Complement and Enhance Channelopathy Research

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Hundreds of human membrane proteins form channels that transport necessary ions and compounds, including drugs and metabolites, yet details of their normal function or how function is altered by genetic variants to cause diseases are often unknown. Without this knowledge, researchers are less equipped to develop approaches to diagnose and treat channelopathies. High‐resolution computational approaches such as molecular modeling enable researchers to investigate channelopathy protein function, facilitate detailed hypothesis generation, and produce data that is difficult to gather experimentally. Molecular modeling can be tailored to each physiologic context that a protein may act within, some of which may currently be difficult or impossible to assay experimentally. Because many genomic variants are observed in channelopathy proteins from high‐throughput sequencing studies, methods with mechanistic value are needed to interpret their effects. The eminent field of structural bioinformatics integrates techniques from multiple disciplines including molecular modeling, computational chemistry, biophysics, and biochemistry, to develop mechanistic hypotheses and enhance the information available for understanding function. Molecular modeling and simulation access 3D and time‐dependent information, not currently predictable from sequence. Thus, molecular modeling is valuable for increasing the resolution with which the natural function of protein channels can be investigated, and for interpreting how genomic variants alter them to produce physiologic changes that manifest as channelopathies. © 2022 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 12:3141‐3166, 2022.

Figure 1. Figure 1. Structural biology enables 3D interpretation of ion channel function. We use an example of a channelopathy gene, KCNK9, which encodes a homodimeric K+ ion channel transporter. (A) We show the protein sequence annotated in different ways using data from UniProt 247 and the MESSA webserver 49. The amino acids are numbered and the sequence colored by amino acid type with hydrophobic amino acids highlighted in yellow, acidic in red, and basic in blue. The second line shows sequence‐based prediction of secondary structures. Next, sequence‐based predictions of transmembrane helices. Finally, we show the localization annotation from UniProt. We underline residues predicted to be disordered by the DisEmbl program 145. Reproduced, with permission, from UniProt C, 2019 247; Cong Q and Grishin NV, 2012 49. (B) We show the dimer structure in a typical cartoon representation and each monomer colored green or blue and the trans‐membrane region marked by grey lines. The amino acid residues of KCNK9 that form the K+ ion selectivity filter are shown in a ball‐and‐stick representation with carbon atoms from each monomer colored green or blue, oxygen red, and nitrogen dark blue. From the model, we can better understand the biochemistry and mechanics of function, compared to only knowing these regions of sequence are pore‐forming. The four most likely positions for ions within the channel are predicted and shown as black spheres in (C) the same orientation, and (D) rotated by 90°.
Figure 2. Figure 2. Diversity of channelopathy structures. Representatives of the diversity of channelopathy structures were chosen from major branches of the phylogenetic tree (Figure 3), and that have most of the protein experimentally resolved or where most of the protein can be modeled (indicated with blue or purple dot). KCNQ1 (purple dot) is an example of a protein where a molecular model can be generated due to known functional and biochemical relationships across its protein family, but that are not evident from purely sequence‐based homology detection (blue dots). Many channelopathy proteins function as multimers. One monomer from each protein has its solvent‐accessible surface shown in transparent white. Beta‐strands are colored yellow, alpha‐helices on the extracellular side are colored dark teal, and alpha‐helices on the intracellular side purple. Trans‐membrane (TM) helices are colored tan. TM helix positions were predicted using hidden Markov models 129 and cellular locations are taken from sequence‐based predictions 170. Ligands are shown as thick sticks colored by atom type and ions as black spheres.
Figure 3. Figure 3. Phylogenetic tree of channelopathy proteins colored by 3D experimental data availability. (A) We show the unrooted tree generated from channelopathy protein sequences and colored by the fraction of amino acids in the protein that either have been solved in 3D experimentally or have a homologous experimental structure available, which can be used to generate a 3D model. The 11 proteins shown in detail (Figure 2) are indicated by gold asterisks. (B) We show the maximum identity across any region of each channelopathy protein.
Figure 4. Figure 4. Maximum coverage of channelopathy proteins by existing 3D structures. The median of 0.7 is marked by an orange line. This histogram summarizes the data shown in the channelopathy phylogeny (Figure 3B).
Figure 5. Figure 5. Detailed coverage summary of channelopathy proteins by existing 3D structures. We show each instance of a channelopathy protein with a sequence‐based relationship to an existing experimental 3D structure as a point, colored by sequence identity. The (A) length of the template's overlap with the channelopathy protein (number of amino acids) and (B) the fraction of the channelopathy protein covered indicate the extent with which molecular modeling can extend existing data to enable 3D structure‐based assessment of channelopathy proteins.
Figure 6. Figure 6. Most channelopathy proteins can be modeled in 3D using homology‐based methods. We combine the data about template coverage to show the fraction of amino acids across all channelopathy proteins that are accessible to 3D modeling through homology‐based methods. Each point is an individual channelopathy protein. At each of the five levels of sequence homology, we show the fraction of amino acids that can be modeled in 3D. We used a violin plot to show the density of data at each level of amino acid coverage. Finally, we binned the amino acid coverage into ten levels and used a heatmap to indicate the number of channelopathy proteins within each bin. The right‐most bin (98%) primarily contains human experimental structures; few channelopathy proteins have been experimentally solved. Most channelopathy proteins, at least in part, can be modeled in 3D using homology‐based methods.
Figure 7. Figure 7. Types of protein visual representations emphasize different protein features. This figure shows the HIV‐1 protease, 1T3R 235, from the PDB 29, in the same orientation and under seven different visualizations from five commonly used software tools. Each software has its own visual style. We show a comparison between default and straightforward visual representations (preset options) using: (A) QuteMol 238 showing atomic spheres, (B) Discovery Studio Visualizer 33 showing cartoons through the protein backbone and bound inhibitor, (C) Chimera 186 showing the same but colored by the two monomers or surface properties, (D) visual molecular dynamics (VMD) 100 showing a similar cartoon view but with different extent of smoothing through the backbone, and (E) PyMol 192 with a tube through the protein backbone scaled in thickness and color by apparent mobility (B‐factors) in the crystallographic structure. (F) Beyond the whole‐protein view, the representation used for the atoms themselves can convey a different amount of information. For example, The PKMIGGIGGFIKVR peptide from HIV‐1 protease is shown in four representations: i, cartoon with hydrogen bonds; ii, backbone nonhydrogen atoms in ball‐and‐stick; iii, all nonhydrogen atoms; iv, cartoon for the backbone and nonhydrogen atoms of side chains.
Figure 8. Figure 8. KCNJ11 tetramer in complex with ATP and ABCC8. The experimental tetramer is shown (A) in two orientations, colored by monomer, and with the molecular surface shown. One monomer has a transparent surface and shows the cartoon representation as shown previously (Figure 1). (B) KCNJ11 monomers for close interactions with ABCC8 in 1:1 stoichiometry. (C) From an inward‐facing view, KCNJ11 trans‐membrane helices pack next to ABCC8 trans‐membrane helices (e.g., light green to dark green), but from an outward‐facing view, the monomer‐monomer relationship is shifted (e.g., light‐green to gray). (D) The ATP binding site is composed of residues from two adjacent KCNJ11 monomers, with residues from ABCC8 close by and supporting.
Figure 9. Figure 9. Charge segregation in channelopathy proteins is critical for assembly and function. We show three channelopathy proteins using APBS electrostatic calculations and a combination of surface and cartoon representations. Cartoons are colored as previously (Figure 2). Surface color scale is the same in all panels and indicates the degree of electrostatic charge. The importance of electrostatic complementarity between monomers is visually apparent. (A) AQP2 is a homotetramer and we show two monomers in their electrostatic surface, and two in cartoon representation. Three orientations show the protein from the perspective of the (i) intracellular‐facing, (ii) membrane‐plane, and (iii) extracellular‐facing sides. (B) GABRG2 is a homopentamer and we show two monomers in their electrostatic surface and three in cartoons. For clarity, the membrane‐plane view, we show a second view that has only the two monomers' surfaces shown, to better view the positive interior. (C) (i) GRIA2 is a homotetramer and we show one monomer in electrostatic surface and in two views. (ii) We show the trans‐membrane regions from an intracellular perspective to view the wide inner membrane cavity. The surfaces of the remaining three monomers are colored tan.
Figure 10. Figure 10. Genomic diversity among channelopathy proteins. We show (A‐C) KCNQ1, a model based on protein family similarity and with very low sequence‐based homology, and (D‐F) GRIN2A, an experimentally determined structure. Because the KCNQ1 model is primarily embedded in the membrane, we show a top‐down view, while GRIN2A has a bulky extracellular domain, so we show it from a side profile. GRIN2A and KCNQ1 are from two ends of the spectrum between many experimental measures informing the model, and few, respectively. Yet, we believe both models are highly useful for generating structure‐based hypotheses. (A, D) We place a sphere at each residue position where there is an observed genomic variant affecting the encoded amino acid. Spheres are colored by their disease context. KCNQ1 has many germline disease genes, while GRIN2A has few. Those occurring in GRIN2A do so primarily at two specific regions—at the top of the transmembrane domain and within the core of the middle domain. Variants observed somatically in cancer follow the same pattern. However, KCNQ1 has few variant sites in the currently healthy adult population, while GRIN2A has them throughout the entire structure. (B, E) Most of these variants are rare, but both proteins have a subset of variants seen in up to one in a thousand people. (C, F) We used a structure‐based algorithm to predict stability changes for each genomic variant. Rare and disease variation is more likely to be destabilizing.
Figure 11. Figure 11. Distribution of pathogenic variants and VUS across channelopathy proteins. Each channelopathy protein is plotted based on the number of ClinVar variants of uncertain significance (VUS; plus one to better accommodate log‐scale) and (likely) pathogenic variants. Coloring is by the total number of ClinVar variants per protein, including benign. Proteins with at least 200 distinct variants are labeled. KCNQ1 and GRIN2A, shown as previously (Figure 10), are among the labeled proteins.
Figure 12. Figure 12. Construction of an Elastic Network Model. (A) We use the HIV‐1 protease as an illustrative example (similar to Figure 7). We show the overall structure of the homodimer colored by crystallographic B‐factors. (B) Spheres mark the Cα positions. Any reference point from each residue can be used, but Cα is the most common. (C) To construct an ENM, we first start with a given residue (red sphere) and connect all residues within a cutoff. This procedure is repeated for all residues until we have constructed (D) an ENM.
Figure 13. Figure 13. ENM modes of motion inform about KCNQ1 mechanism. We use the example of KCNQ1, a model based on protein family similarity and with very low sequence‐based homology, but which can be used to gain insight into potential mechanisms. Reproduced, with permission, from Paquin A, et al., 2018 181; Smith JA, et al., 2007 228.

Figure 1. Structural biology enables 3D interpretation of ion channel function. We use an example of a channelopathy gene, KCNK9, which encodes a homodimeric K+ ion channel transporter. (A) We show the protein sequence annotated in different ways using data from UniProt 247 and the MESSA webserver 49. The amino acids are numbered and the sequence colored by amino acid type with hydrophobic amino acids highlighted in yellow, acidic in red, and basic in blue. The second line shows sequence‐based prediction of secondary structures. Next, sequence‐based predictions of transmembrane helices. Finally, we show the localization annotation from UniProt. We underline residues predicted to be disordered by the DisEmbl program 145. Reproduced, with permission, from UniProt C, 2019 247; Cong Q and Grishin NV, 2012 49. (B) We show the dimer structure in a typical cartoon representation and each monomer colored green or blue and the trans‐membrane region marked by grey lines. The amino acid residues of KCNK9 that form the K+ ion selectivity filter are shown in a ball‐and‐stick representation with carbon atoms from each monomer colored green or blue, oxygen red, and nitrogen dark blue. From the model, we can better understand the biochemistry and mechanics of function, compared to only knowing these regions of sequence are pore‐forming. The four most likely positions for ions within the channel are predicted and shown as black spheres in (C) the same orientation, and (D) rotated by 90°.

Figure 2. Diversity of channelopathy structures. Representatives of the diversity of channelopathy structures were chosen from major branches of the phylogenetic tree (Figure 3), and that have most of the protein experimentally resolved or where most of the protein can be modeled (indicated with blue or purple dot). KCNQ1 (purple dot) is an example of a protein where a molecular model can be generated due to known functional and biochemical relationships across its protein family, but that are not evident from purely sequence‐based homology detection (blue dots). Many channelopathy proteins function as multimers. One monomer from each protein has its solvent‐accessible surface shown in transparent white. Beta‐strands are colored yellow, alpha‐helices on the extracellular side are colored dark teal, and alpha‐helices on the intracellular side purple. Trans‐membrane (TM) helices are colored tan. TM helix positions were predicted using hidden Markov models 129 and cellular locations are taken from sequence‐based predictions 170. Ligands are shown as thick sticks colored by atom type and ions as black spheres.

Figure 3. Phylogenetic tree of channelopathy proteins colored by 3D experimental data availability. (A) We show the unrooted tree generated from channelopathy protein sequences and colored by the fraction of amino acids in the protein that either have been solved in 3D experimentally or have a homologous experimental structure available, which can be used to generate a 3D model. The 11 proteins shown in detail (Figure 2) are indicated by gold asterisks. (B) We show the maximum identity across any region of each channelopathy protein.

Figure 4. Maximum coverage of channelopathy proteins by existing 3D structures. The median of 0.7 is marked by an orange line. This histogram summarizes the data shown in the channelopathy phylogeny (Figure 3B).

Figure 5. Detailed coverage summary of channelopathy proteins by existing 3D structures. We show each instance of a channelopathy protein with a sequence‐based relationship to an existing experimental 3D structure as a point, colored by sequence identity. The (A) length of the template's overlap with the channelopathy protein (number of amino acids) and (B) the fraction of the channelopathy protein covered indicate the extent with which molecular modeling can extend existing data to enable 3D structure‐based assessment of channelopathy proteins.

Figure 6. Most channelopathy proteins can be modeled in 3D using homology‐based methods. We combine the data about template coverage to show the fraction of amino acids across all channelopathy proteins that are accessible to 3D modeling through homology‐based methods. Each point is an individual channelopathy protein. At each of the five levels of sequence homology, we show the fraction of amino acids that can be modeled in 3D. We used a violin plot to show the density of data at each level of amino acid coverage. Finally, we binned the amino acid coverage into ten levels and used a heatmap to indicate the number of channelopathy proteins within each bin. The right‐most bin (98%) primarily contains human experimental structures; few channelopathy proteins have been experimentally solved. Most channelopathy proteins, at least in part, can be modeled in 3D using homology‐based methods.

Figure 7. Types of protein visual representations emphasize different protein features. This figure shows the HIV‐1 protease, 1T3R 235, from the PDB 29, in the same orientation and under seven different visualizations from five commonly used software tools. Each software has its own visual style. We show a comparison between default and straightforward visual representations (preset options) using: (A) QuteMol 238 showing atomic spheres, (B) Discovery Studio Visualizer 33 showing cartoons through the protein backbone and bound inhibitor, (C) Chimera 186 showing the same but colored by the two monomers or surface properties, (D) visual molecular dynamics (VMD) 100 showing a similar cartoon view but with different extent of smoothing through the backbone, and (E) PyMol 192 with a tube through the protein backbone scaled in thickness and color by apparent mobility (B‐factors) in the crystallographic structure. (F) Beyond the whole‐protein view, the representation used for the atoms themselves can convey a different amount of information. For example, The PKMIGGIGGFIKVR peptide from HIV‐1 protease is shown in four representations: i, cartoon with hydrogen bonds; ii, backbone nonhydrogen atoms in ball‐and‐stick; iii, all nonhydrogen atoms; iv, cartoon for the backbone and nonhydrogen atoms of side chains.

Figure 8. KCNJ11 tetramer in complex with ATP and ABCC8. The experimental tetramer is shown (A) in two orientations, colored by monomer, and with the molecular surface shown. One monomer has a transparent surface and shows the cartoon representation as shown previously (Figure 1). (B) KCNJ11 monomers for close interactions with ABCC8 in 1:1 stoichiometry. (C) From an inward‐facing view, KCNJ11 trans‐membrane helices pack next to ABCC8 trans‐membrane helices (e.g., light green to dark green), but from an outward‐facing view, the monomer‐monomer relationship is shifted (e.g., light‐green to gray). (D) The ATP binding site is composed of residues from two adjacent KCNJ11 monomers, with residues from ABCC8 close by and supporting.

Figure 9. Charge segregation in channelopathy proteins is critical for assembly and function. We show three channelopathy proteins using APBS electrostatic calculations and a combination of surface and cartoon representations. Cartoons are colored as previously (Figure 2). Surface color scale is the same in all panels and indicates the degree of electrostatic charge. The importance of electrostatic complementarity between monomers is visually apparent. (A) AQP2 is a homotetramer and we show two monomers in their electrostatic surface, and two in cartoon representation. Three orientations show the protein from the perspective of the (i) intracellular‐facing, (ii) membrane‐plane, and (iii) extracellular‐facing sides. (B) GABRG2 is a homopentamer and we show two monomers in their electrostatic surface and three in cartoons. For clarity, the membrane‐plane view, we show a second view that has only the two monomers' surfaces shown, to better view the positive interior. (C) (i) GRIA2 is a homotetramer and we show one monomer in electrostatic surface and in two views. (ii) We show the trans‐membrane regions from an intracellular perspective to view the wide inner membrane cavity. The surfaces of the remaining three monomers are colored tan.

Figure 10. Genomic diversity among channelopathy proteins. We show (A‐C) KCNQ1, a model based on protein family similarity and with very low sequence‐based homology, and (D‐F) GRIN2A, an experimentally determined structure. Because the KCNQ1 model is primarily embedded in the membrane, we show a top‐down view, while GRIN2A has a bulky extracellular domain, so we show it from a side profile. GRIN2A and KCNQ1 are from two ends of the spectrum between many experimental measures informing the model, and few, respectively. Yet, we believe both models are highly useful for generating structure‐based hypotheses. (A, D) We place a sphere at each residue position where there is an observed genomic variant affecting the encoded amino acid. Spheres are colored by their disease context. KCNQ1 has many germline disease genes, while GRIN2A has few. Those occurring in GRIN2A do so primarily at two specific regions—at the top of the transmembrane domain and within the core of the middle domain. Variants observed somatically in cancer follow the same pattern. However, KCNQ1 has few variant sites in the currently healthy adult population, while GRIN2A has them throughout the entire structure. (B, E) Most of these variants are rare, but both proteins have a subset of variants seen in up to one in a thousand people. (C, F) We used a structure‐based algorithm to predict stability changes for each genomic variant. Rare and disease variation is more likely to be destabilizing.

Figure 11. Distribution of pathogenic variants and VUS across channelopathy proteins. Each channelopathy protein is plotted based on the number of ClinVar variants of uncertain significance (VUS; plus one to better accommodate log‐scale) and (likely) pathogenic variants. Coloring is by the total number of ClinVar variants per protein, including benign. Proteins with at least 200 distinct variants are labeled. KCNQ1 and GRIN2A, shown as previously (Figure 10), are among the labeled proteins.

Figure 12. Construction of an Elastic Network Model. (A) We use the HIV‐1 protease as an illustrative example (similar to Figure 7). We show the overall structure of the homodimer colored by crystallographic B‐factors. (B) Spheres mark the Cα positions. Any reference point from each residue can be used, but Cα is the most common. (C) To construct an ENM, we first start with a given residue (red sphere) and connect all residues within a cutoff. This procedure is repeated for all residues until we have constructed (D) an ENM.

Figure 13. ENM modes of motion inform about KCNQ1 mechanism. We use the example of KCNQ1, a model based on protein family similarity and with very low sequence‐based homology, but which can be used to gain insight into potential mechanisms. Reproduced, with permission, from Paquin A, et al., 2018 181; Smith JA, et al., 2007 228.
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Michael T. Zimmermann. Molecular Modeling is an Enabling Approach to Complement and Enhance Channelopathy Research. Compr Physiol 2022, 12: 3141-3166. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c190047