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Relationship Between Neuromuscular Respiratory Drive and Ventilatory Output

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The sections in this article are:

1 Neural Regulation of Breathing
1.1 Time Course of Inspiratory Activity
2 Driving Pressure
2.1 Airway Occlusion Pressure
3 Passive and Active Impedances of the Respiratory System
4 Model Predictions of Respiratory Dynamics
4.1 Passive Inspiration
4.2 Passive Expiration
4.3 Spontaneous Inspiration
4.4 Spontaneous Expiration
5 Summary and Conclusions
Figure 1. Figure 1.

Integrated phrenic activity (Ephr) of breaths occluded at end expiration and of preceding unoccluded breaths in 2 cats anesthetized with pentobarbital (35 mg/kg) at different levels of alveolar partial pressure of CO2 (PACO2). Phrenic activity was integrated by a “leaky integrator” with a time constant of 100 ms. Removal of volume‐related vagal feedback by airway occlusion prolongs activity but initial Ephr trajectory is not altered.

From Siafakas et al. 68
Figure 2. Figure 2.

Average time course of airway (tracheal) occlusion pressure (Påo) in humans anesthetized with 2 different anesthetics. Bars, 1 SD. For normalization Påo is expressed as a fraction obtained 1 s after onset of inspiration [Påo1]. Curve fitting according to Eq. 2.

Methoxyflurane data derived from Derenne et al. 20 and enflurane data from S. Shore (unpublished observations)
Figure 3. Figure 3.

Top: time course of inspiratory driving pressure. Middle: instantaneous flow. Bottom: volume. Values computed for different driving‐pressure waveforms. Constants a and b are from Eq. 1, where a is 5 cmH2O and b is 0.6, 1.0, and 1.4. Solid lines, passive inflation; broken lines, active inspiration.

Figure 4. Figure 4.

Ordinates: mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI) and minute ventilation (I). Abscissa: inspiratory duration (TI) and respiratory frequency (f). Relationships computed from passive data in Fig. 3, the values of b being indicated on each curve. Inspiratory duty cycle (TI/TT) was chosen to be 0.4, in which case the respiratory frequency is TI × 60/2.5.

Figure 5. Figure 5.

Relationship between intensity of inspiratory drive [constant a of Eq. 1 expressed as a fraction of its value at TI = 1 s, (a/a1)] and TI for constant VT/TI. Curves for 3 b values of Eq. 1 are shown. Respiratory system elastance (Ers) = 0.2 cmH2O·ml−1. Rrs, respiratory system resistance; τrs, time constant of the respiratory system.

Figure 6. Figure 6.

Volume‐flow relationship during relaxed expiration in a cat anesthetized with pentobarbital with upper airways bypassed by tracheal intubation. After first moments of relaxed expiration, accelerative forces become infinitesimal and slope represents passive time constant of total respiratory system (τrs). Also shown is relationship between elastic recoil pressure (Pel,rs = Ers·V) and flow.

Adapted from Zin et al. 84
Figure 7. Figure 7.

Solid lines illustrate a pneumotachogram and spirogram (A) and corresponding volume‐flow relationship (B) obtained during spontaneous breathing in cat anesthetized with pentobarbital. Crosses, inspiration values predicted from occlusion‐pressure wave and active resistance and active elastance data determined in same cat under same conditions. Broken lines, relationships obtained during relaxed expiration.

Adapted from Zin et al. 84,85
Figure 8. Figure 8.

Time course of pressure exerted by inspiratory muscles (Pmus,I) during spontaneous expiration in cat in Fig. 7 computed according to Eq. 13 with resistance and elastance data determined in same cat. Filled circles, mean values of 7 determinations; bars, ± 1 SD. Mean (±SD) duration of expiration (TE) is also shown.

From Zin et al. 84
Figure 9. Figure 9.

A: pneumotachogram and spirogram of conscious subject breathing at rest. B: corresponding volume‐flow relationship (solid line). Broken line, volume‐flow relationship during relaxed expiration.

Figure 1.

Integrated phrenic activity (Ephr) of breaths occluded at end expiration and of preceding unoccluded breaths in 2 cats anesthetized with pentobarbital (35 mg/kg) at different levels of alveolar partial pressure of CO2 (PACO2). Phrenic activity was integrated by a “leaky integrator” with a time constant of 100 ms. Removal of volume‐related vagal feedback by airway occlusion prolongs activity but initial Ephr trajectory is not altered.

From Siafakas et al. 68

Figure 2.

Average time course of airway (tracheal) occlusion pressure (Påo) in humans anesthetized with 2 different anesthetics. Bars, 1 SD. For normalization Påo is expressed as a fraction obtained 1 s after onset of inspiration [Påo1]. Curve fitting according to Eq. 2.

Methoxyflurane data derived from Derenne et al. 20 and enflurane data from S. Shore (unpublished observations)

Figure 3.

Top: time course of inspiratory driving pressure. Middle: instantaneous flow. Bottom: volume. Values computed for different driving‐pressure waveforms. Constants a and b are from Eq. 1, where a is 5 cmH2O and b is 0.6, 1.0, and 1.4. Solid lines, passive inflation; broken lines, active inspiration.

Figure 4.

Ordinates: mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI) and minute ventilation (I). Abscissa: inspiratory duration (TI) and respiratory frequency (f). Relationships computed from passive data in Fig. 3, the values of b being indicated on each curve. Inspiratory duty cycle (TI/TT) was chosen to be 0.4, in which case the respiratory frequency is TI × 60/2.5.

Figure 5.

Relationship between intensity of inspiratory drive [constant a of Eq. 1 expressed as a fraction of its value at TI = 1 s, (a/a1)] and TI for constant VT/TI. Curves for 3 b values of Eq. 1 are shown. Respiratory system elastance (Ers) = 0.2 cmH2O·ml−1. Rrs, respiratory system resistance; τrs, time constant of the respiratory system.

Figure 6.

Volume‐flow relationship during relaxed expiration in a cat anesthetized with pentobarbital with upper airways bypassed by tracheal intubation. After first moments of relaxed expiration, accelerative forces become infinitesimal and slope represents passive time constant of total respiratory system (τrs). Also shown is relationship between elastic recoil pressure (Pel,rs = Ers·V) and flow.

Adapted from Zin et al. 84

Figure 7.

Solid lines illustrate a pneumotachogram and spirogram (A) and corresponding volume‐flow relationship (B) obtained during spontaneous breathing in cat anesthetized with pentobarbital. Crosses, inspiration values predicted from occlusion‐pressure wave and active resistance and active elastance data determined in same cat under same conditions. Broken lines, relationships obtained during relaxed expiration.

Adapted from Zin et al. 84,85

Figure 8.

Time course of pressure exerted by inspiratory muscles (Pmus,I) during spontaneous expiration in cat in Fig. 7 computed according to Eq. 13 with resistance and elastance data determined in same cat. Filled circles, mean values of 7 determinations; bars, ± 1 SD. Mean (±SD) duration of expiration (TE) is also shown.

From Zin et al. 84

Figure 9.

A: pneumotachogram and spirogram of conscious subject breathing at rest. B: corresponding volume‐flow relationship (solid line). Broken line, volume‐flow relationship during relaxed expiration.

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How to Cite

J. Milic‐Emili, W. A. Zin. Relationship Between Neuromuscular Respiratory Drive and Ventilatory Output. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 12: Handbook of Physiology, The Respiratory System, Mechanics of Breathing: 631-646. First published in print 1986. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp030335