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Modeling Homeostatic Responses to Heat and Cold

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The sections in this article are:

1 Steady‐State Systems Analysis
1.1 Open‐Loop Treatment
1.2 Closed‐Loop Treatment
2 Modeling Dynamic Responses to Heat and Cold
2.1 Developments toward the Real Geometry and Anatomy of the Body
2.2 Developments toward a Better Representation of Circulatory Heat Transfer
2.3 Developments toward Modeling the Regulatory Concept
2.4 Developments toward Modeling Interaction with other Regulatory Systems
2.5 Individual Differences
3 Conclusion
Figure 1. Figure 1.

Simple scheme of cold and warm defense (for the sake of simplicity, vasomotor effector taken into account by altered characteristics of the passive system, see text). Tco, core temperature; Tsk, skin temperature; fa, (integrative) afferent frequency; fe, (integrative) efferent frequency; index c, cold; index w, warm; M, metabolic heat production; E, evaporative heat loss; Ta, air temperature; and W, exercise.

Figure 2. Figure 2.

Quantitative analysis of warm defense in humans. Unbroken characteristics of passive system take into account changes of heat resistances of the body, broken lines, parallel to unbroken 30°C characteristic, do not. (Numbers indicate air temperature.) Tb = 0.8 Tco + 0.2 Tsk, where Tb is mean body temperature, Tco is core temperature, and Tsk is skin temperature. E, evaporative heat loss; faw, afferent frequencies, warm; few, efferent frequencies, warm; imp, impulses.

Figure 3. Figure 3.

Quantitative analysis of cold defense in humans. Unbroken characteristics of passive system take into account changes of heat resistances of the body, broken lines, parallel to unbroken 30°C characteristic, do not. (Numbers indicate air temperature.) Tb = 0.8 Tco + 0.2 Tsk. Where Tb is mean body temperature, Tco is core temperature, and Tsk is skin temperature. ER, respiratory evaporative heat loss; fac, afferent frequencies, cold; fec, efferent frequencies, cold; imp, impulses; M, metabolic heat production.

Figure 4. Figure 4.

Quantitative analysis of cold adaptation in the rabbit using experimental data from Werner and Graener 63. o, before adaptation; f, after functional adaptation; m, morphological adaptation; m + f, after morphological + functional adaptation; °C on the passive system's characteristics refers to air temperature; Ta, 24°C before adaptation, 10°C during adaptation; T10 and T24, body temperature at Ta = 10°C and 24°C; fac, afferent frequencies, cold; fec, efferent frequencies, cold; imp, impulses; M, metabolic heat production; Tb, mean body temperature.

Figure 5. Figure 5.

Examples of classical versions of cylindrical thermal models: (A) First version of Stolwijk model 46: lumped parameter, closed‐loop. HS, head shell; HC, head core; TS, trunk shell; TM, muscle trunk; ES, extremity shell; EC, extremity core; CB, central blood pool; ER respiratory evaporative heat loss. (B) Second version of Wissler model 67: radial dependencies, open‐loop. (C) First version of Werner model 51: radial dependencies, closed‐loop. (D) First version of Kuznetz model 28: radial and angular dependencies, closed‐loop.

Figure 6. Figure 6.

First 30 min in a sauna heated to 80°C: radial temperature profiles in trunk (A) and leg (B). (initial air temperature 30°C.) Computed from six‐cylinder model (only radial coordinate), personal computer version by Werner 60.

Figure 7. Figure 7.

Central longitudinal temperature profiles at various ambient temperatures Ta. Computed by three‐dimensional model by Werner et al. 62.

Figure 8. Figure 8.

Example of the dynamics of the central longitudinal (A) and radial (transverse) (B) temperature profiles of the human arm in response to a change of air temperature from 30°C to 12°C. Computed by three‐dimensional model 62.

Figure 1.

Simple scheme of cold and warm defense (for the sake of simplicity, vasomotor effector taken into account by altered characteristics of the passive system, see text). Tco, core temperature; Tsk, skin temperature; fa, (integrative) afferent frequency; fe, (integrative) efferent frequency; index c, cold; index w, warm; M, metabolic heat production; E, evaporative heat loss; Ta, air temperature; and W, exercise.

Figure 2.

Quantitative analysis of warm defense in humans. Unbroken characteristics of passive system take into account changes of heat resistances of the body, broken lines, parallel to unbroken 30°C characteristic, do not. (Numbers indicate air temperature.) Tb = 0.8 Tco + 0.2 Tsk, where Tb is mean body temperature, Tco is core temperature, and Tsk is skin temperature. E, evaporative heat loss; faw, afferent frequencies, warm; few, efferent frequencies, warm; imp, impulses.

Figure 3.

Quantitative analysis of cold defense in humans. Unbroken characteristics of passive system take into account changes of heat resistances of the body, broken lines, parallel to unbroken 30°C characteristic, do not. (Numbers indicate air temperature.) Tb = 0.8 Tco + 0.2 Tsk. Where Tb is mean body temperature, Tco is core temperature, and Tsk is skin temperature. ER, respiratory evaporative heat loss; fac, afferent frequencies, cold; fec, efferent frequencies, cold; imp, impulses; M, metabolic heat production.

Figure 4.

Quantitative analysis of cold adaptation in the rabbit using experimental data from Werner and Graener 63. o, before adaptation; f, after functional adaptation; m, morphological adaptation; m + f, after morphological + functional adaptation; °C on the passive system's characteristics refers to air temperature; Ta, 24°C before adaptation, 10°C during adaptation; T10 and T24, body temperature at Ta = 10°C and 24°C; fac, afferent frequencies, cold; fec, efferent frequencies, cold; imp, impulses; M, metabolic heat production; Tb, mean body temperature.

Figure 5.

Examples of classical versions of cylindrical thermal models: (A) First version of Stolwijk model 46: lumped parameter, closed‐loop. HS, head shell; HC, head core; TS, trunk shell; TM, muscle trunk; ES, extremity shell; EC, extremity core; CB, central blood pool; ER respiratory evaporative heat loss. (B) Second version of Wissler model 67: radial dependencies, open‐loop. (C) First version of Werner model 51: radial dependencies, closed‐loop. (D) First version of Kuznetz model 28: radial and angular dependencies, closed‐loop.

Figure 6.

First 30 min in a sauna heated to 80°C: radial temperature profiles in trunk (A) and leg (B). (initial air temperature 30°C.) Computed from six‐cylinder model (only radial coordinate), personal computer version by Werner 60.

Figure 7.

Central longitudinal temperature profiles at various ambient temperatures Ta. Computed by three‐dimensional model by Werner et al. 62.

Figure 8.

Example of the dynamics of the central longitudinal (A) and radial (transverse) (B) temperature profiles of the human arm in response to a change of air temperature from 30°C to 12°C. Computed by three‐dimensional model 62.

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How to Cite

Jürgen Werner. Modeling Homeostatic Responses to Heat and Cold. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 14: Handbook of Physiology, Environmental Physiology: 613-626. First published in print 1996. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp040128