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Electrophysiology of Salivary and Pancreatic Acinar Cells

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The sections in this article are:

1 Electrophysiological Methods in Study of Acinar Cells
1.1 Intracellular Microelectrodes
1.2 Patch‐Clamp Methods
2 Cell‐To‐Cell Communication
3 Resting Membrane Properties
3.1 Resting Membrane Potential
3.2 Electrodiffusional Control of Membrane Potential
4 Potassium Channels in Resting Membrane
4.1 Single‐Channel Recording from Excised Membrane Patches
4.2 Single‐Channel Current Recording from Intact Acinar Cells
4.3 Whole‐Cell Current Recording from Single Acinar Cells
5 Electrogenic Pumps
5.1 Sodium‐Potassium Pump
5.2 Sodium–Amino Acid Cotransport
6 Membrane Effects of Stimulants
6.1 Activation of Potassium Channels
6.2 Activation of Chloride Channels
6.3 Activation of Nonselective Cation Channels
6.4 Stimulant‐Evoked Membrane Potential Changes
6.5 Stimulation‐Evoked Changes in Membrane Capacitance
6.6 Source of Calcium Used as Messenger for Stimulant‐Evoked Membrane Changes
7 Importance of Electrogenic Processes For Acinar Cell Function
7.1 Potassium Channels and Fluid Secretion
7.2 Nonselective Cation Channels and Fluid Secretion
7.3 Potassium Channels and Protein Secretion
Figure 1. Figure 1.

Two simple models explaining stimulant‐evoked Cl uptake and membrane hyperpolarization in exocrine acinar cells. Left: model originally proposed by Lundberg 54 for salivary glands. Autonomic neurotransmitters activate directly an electrogenic active Cl transport. Right: model proposed by Petersen and Maruyama 97,119. Stimulant secretagogues [acetylcholine (ACh) and norepinephrine (NA) in salivary glands, other neurotransmitters or hormones in other glands; see ref. 89] evoke an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) that activates K+ channels. Exit of K+ allows K+ reuptake through Na+‐K+ pump and Na+‐K+‐2Cl cotransporter. In steady‐state stimulated condition all these processes constitute operational Cl pump that is electrogenic. i, Inner surface of plasma membrane; o, outer surface of plasma membrane.

From Petersen 93
Figure 2. Figure 2.

Intracellular recording with 2 separate microelectrodes from neighboring acinar cells. A: recording configuration. Both intracellular electrodes can be used for membrane potential recording and for current injection. If electrode is filled with secretagogue (shaded electrodes), current injection of appropriate polarity can be used for local agonist application. B: membrane potential recordings from mouse pancreas. Lower trace, rectangular hyperpolarizing current pulse 10‐9 A) of 100 ms duration. Upper traces, effects on membrane potential in injected cell as well as its neighbor during rest (a) and during acetylcholine application (b). Vertical calibration, 10 mV and 10‐9 A; horizontal calibration, 20 ms.

From Petersen and Ueda 104
Figure 3. Figure 3.

Different patch‐clamp recording configurations and procedures used to establish them. Patch‐clamp experiments start in cell‐attached configuration (top left). Tip of fire‐polished recording pipette is gently brought into contact with cell surface and slight suction is applied to pipette resulting in high‐resistance seal between tip of glass pipette and cell membrane. Detergent saponin (or digitonin) can be introduced briefly into bath to permeabilize cell membrane (outside isolated patch area), allowing equilibration between cell interior (i) and exterior (o) (open cell‐attached configuration). Starting from original cell‐attached situation, patch membrane can be mechanically pulled off leading to formation of closed membrane vesicle in pipette tip. Outer surface of vesicle can be disrupted by passing pipette tip briefly through air‐water interface of bath, leading to excised inside‐out membrane configuration. If short pulse of suction is applied to pipette in cell‐attached mode, membrane patch can be broken and direct continuity between pipette and cell interior established. Currents flowing across entire cell membrane can now be recorded (whole‐cell recording). If pipette is then pulled away from cell, excised membrane fragments will reseal so that excised outside‐out membrane patch is obtained.

From Petersen and Petersen 99
Figure 4. Figure 4.

Measurement of current fluctuation with help of patch‐clamp whole‐cell recording configuration. Recording obtained from single isolated rat parotid acinar cell dialyzed with K+‐rich and Ca2+‐free, ethylene glycol‐bis(β‐aminoethylether)‐N,N'‐tetraacetic acid (EGTA)‐containing solution. Holding potential was −60 mV. A: single trace of whole‐cell current elicited by 80 mV depolarizing voltage step. B: mean current elicited by 80 mV depolarizing voltage steps obtained by averaging 20 single sweeps. C: current fluctuation obtained by subtracting trace B from trace A.

From Maruyama et al. 62
Figure 5. Figure 5.

Single‐channel current recording from excised (inside‐out) pig pancreatic acinar membrane patches. A: single‐channel current traces from inside‐out membrane patch exposed to extracellular solution on outside (pipette) and intracellular solution on inside (bath) (see cartoon), a: Ca2+ concentration in bath ([Ca2+]i) was 10‐8 M; b: in same patch, [Ca2+]i was adjusted to 10‐7 M. Membrane potentials (MP) at which individual traces were obtained are indicated. Horizontal dashed lines, current level when channel is closed. Upward deflections represent outward current. Upper 2 traces, response at membrane potential of 40 mV. Although channel was generally open, there were times when channel went from open state into state of prolonged closure. B: single‐channel current‐voltage (i/V) relationships from excised membrane patches. Circles, experiment shown in A (normal Na+/K+ gradients). Closed circles, [Ca2+]i = 10‐8 M; open circles, [Ca2+]i = 10‐7 M. Triangles, different experiment in which intracellular solution was used on both sides of membrane (K+/K+). Closed triangles, [Ca2+]i = 10‐8 M; open triangles, [Ca2+]i = 10‐7 M. C: relationship between open‐state probability (P) of K+ channel and membrane potential (MP) at 3 different levels of [Ca2+]i: open circles, 10‐8 M; closed circles, 10‐7 M; and open and closed squares, 10‐6 M. Open and closed circles, experiment shown in A. Triangles (dashed line), experiment on in situ (cell‐attached) patch. In intact cell [Ca2+]i was apparently between 10‐7 M and 10‐8 M.

From Maruyama et al. 69. Reprinted by permission from Nature, copyright 1983, Macmillan Journals Limited
Figure 6. Figure 6.

Single‐channel current recording in cell‐attached configuration (isolated pig pancreatic acinar cell). Cartoon shows recording configuration. Recording pipette is filled with intracellular solution (high K+ concentration), whereas bath fluid is extracellular solution (high Na+ concentration). Traces, single‐channel currents through K+ channel in isolated patch area at different pipette potentials (Vp).

From Petersen 93
Figure 7. Figure 7.

Effects of intracellular and extracellular tetraethylammonium (TEA) on whole‐cell currents in pig pancreatic acinar cell evoked by depolarizing or hyperpolarizing voltage steps from holding potential (HP) of −40 mV. Pipette contained intracellular K+‐rich solution to which 2 mM TEA had been added. Bath was filled with extracellular Na+‐rich solution. A: whole‐cell currents before, during presence of TEA 2 mM) in bath, and after return to control situation. Voltage steps of ±20 to 70 mV (in one case 80 mV) were applied. B: whole‐cell current‐voltage relationship in control situations before and after TEA application and in presence of 2 mM TEA in bath.

From Iwatsuki and Petersen 42
Figure 8. Figure 8.

Whole‐cell currents in isolated pig pancreas acinar cell at different intracellular ionized Ca2+ concentrations (strongly buffered Ca2+‐EGTA solution) plotted as function of membrane potential.

From Maruyama and Petersen 67
Figure 9. Figure 9.

Simplified diagram for transport of amino acids and cations across basolateral plasma membrane of acinar cells. Na+‐amino acid cotransport system is coupled to Na+‐K+ pump that is closely linked to the K+ channels, i, Inner surface of plasma membrane; o, outer surface of plasma membrane.

From Singh and Petersen 115
Figure 10. Figure 10.

Whole‐cell recording from isolated mouse pancreatic acinar cell with Na+‐rich solutions on both sides of membrane. Transmembrane current at membrane voltage of 0 mV after external addition and removal of l‐alanine (ala) or N‐methylaminoiso‐butyric acid (MeAIB). Inward currents are plotted downward.

From Jauch et al. 44
Figure 11. Figure 11.

Single‐channel current recording from basolateral membrane patch in pig pancreatic acinar cell. All records were obtained in cell‐attached configuration. Recording pipette was filled with K+‐rich (intracellular) solution containing 2.5 mM Ca2+, whereas bath was filled with Na+‐rich (extracellular) solution. Resting membrane potential was about −60 mV. Upper traces, recording made on slow time base. In control situation there are only a few inward current steps. Application of 10‐6 M cholecystokinin‐5 (CCK‐5) to bath evokes, after latency of ∼18 s, a clear and sustained increase in frequency of channel openings (inward current steps). Single‐channel current amplitude is also enhanced because of membrane hyperpolarization (to about −80 mV). Lower graphs, plots of channel open‐state probability as function of membrane potential in control situation and during stimulation with 10‐6 M and 5 X 10‐6 M CCK‐5. Inset, single‐channel current recorded on fast time base together with idealized current trace obtained from computerized threshold analysis of digitized data (bottom trace). Inset trace was obtained in presence of CCK‐5 10‐6 M) at membrane potential of −50 mV.

From Suzuki et al. 118
Figure 12. Figure 12.

Whole‐cell voltage‐clamp current recordings from single pig pancreatic acinar cell. Bath contained extracellular Na+‐rich solution and pipette was filled with intracellular K+‐rich solution without Ca2+ (containing 0.5 mM EGTA). Currents associated with depolarizing voltage steps are shown as upward deflections (outward current) and with hyperpolarizing steps as downward deflections. Holding potential was −40 mV, and 90 ms voltage steps to −20, 0, +20, and +40, as well as −60, −80, and in one case −100 mV, were applied. Control, currents recorded before stimulation; CCK‐5, 3 min after start of continued exposure to 10‐6 M CCK‐5; CCK‐5 with TEA, 3 min after addition of 5 mM TEA still in presence of CCK‐5; TEA, 3 min after discontinuation of CCK‐5 stimulation but still in presence of TEA. Relationship between steady‐state currents and membrane potential in different experimental situations obtained from displayed current traces is shown in graph.

From Suzuki et al. 118
Figure 13. Figure 13.

Activation of single‐channel current in mouse pancreatic acinar cell by local CCK application. A: schematic of experimental system. a: Recording from in situ membrane patch. Recording pipette was always filled with extracellular bath solution. No agonist was present in pipette solution. CCK pipette contained the octapeptide CCK‐8 in concentration of 5 μM. Spontaneous diffusion of CCK from tip of micropipette was used as means of stimulation. b: After in situ recording patch‐clamp pipette was withdrawn from acinus to obtain excised inside‐out membrane patch. Single‐channel recordings were made in symmetrical saline solutions or bath fluid was changed to one having an intracellular composition. B: a‐h: consecutive traces from same membrane patch. a: Recording situation as described in A but with CCK pipette far away from acinus under investigation; pipette potential +40 mV. b‐d: Three continuous traces obtained 20, 30, and 40 s, respectively, after tip of CCK pipette had been brought close to patch pipette; pipette potential +40 mV. e: 50 s after start of CCK stimulation. Star, potential of patch pipette was changed (in steps of 5 mV) from +40 to +20 mV. f: Pipette potential +20 mV. Plus sign, potential was changed to 0. g: Pipette potential −40 mV. h: currents from same patch after excision so now inside out [recording situation as shown in A (b)]. Symmetrical extracellular saline solutions; pipette potential +50 mV. i,j: Currents recorded from another excised (inside‐out) membrane patch with intracellular solution (high K+, low Na+) in bath and normal extracellular solution (high Na+, low K+) in pipette. Pipette potential +60 mV in i and −60 mV in j. Dashed lines, current level when all channels are closed. Downward deflections represent current from extracellular to intracellular side of membrane.

From Maruyama and Petersen 65. Reprinted by permission from Nature, copyright 1982, Macmillan Journals Limited
Figure 14. Figure 14.

Conductance change during response to nerve stimulation using two intracellular micro‐electrodes in neighboring cells of cockroach salivary gland acinus (see Fig. 2. A: upper trace, current pulses; lower trace, electrotonic potentials. Period of stimulation indicated by thickening of traces due to stimulus artifacts. Extracellular K+ concentration = 10 mM. B: upper and lower envelopes of voltage trace in A.

From Ginsborg et al. 25
Figure 15. Figure 15.

Intracellular microelectrode recording from pig pancreatic acinar cell. Effects of external Ca2+ removal on ACh‐evoked membrane potential changes. Upper trace, recording during control conditions with normal extracellular Ca2+ levels in superfusion fluid. Lower 2 traces, part of continuous recording made 20 min after switch to superfusion with Ca2+‐free solution containing Ca2+‐chelating agent EGTA 10‐4 M). Horizontal bars, period of 5 X 10‐7 M ACh superfusion.

From Pearson et al. 81
Figure 16. Figure 16.

Effects of acetylcholine (ACh) and epinephrine (Epi), applied by microionophoresis, on membrane potential and resistance of mouse parotid acinar cells. Resting potential of each cell is written to left of its potential recording. Pulses on potential record are produced by passage of rectangular current pulses 2 nA, 100 ms, 1 s‐1) through recording microelectrode. Shorter intervals on time marker trace (top) represent 1 s.

From Roberts and Petersen 109
Figure 17. Figure 17.

Comparison between effect of nerve stimulation (FS) and local acetylcholine (ACh) application on rat pancreatic acinar cell membrane potential and resistance. Upper traces, pen recordings; lower traces, oscilloscope photographs taken at times indicated in pen recording. Calibration in oscilloscope photographs: vertical, 10 mV and 1 nA; horizontal, 20 ms.

From Petersen 90
Figure 18. Figure 18.

Patch‐clamp whole‐cell recording of Ca2+‐evoked capacitance changes in isolated rat pancreatic acinar cells. Cell was dialyzed with K+‐glutamate solution containing Mg2+ and ATP, and Ca2+‐EGTA buffered solutions were used to attain specified free Ca2+ concentrations inside cell. In each of 3 records (A, B, and C), trace labeled C represents capacitance, whereas trace labeled G represents conductance. A: Ca2+ concentration in cell <10‐9 M (nominally Ca2+‐free solution, 1 mM EGTA); B and C: Ca2+ concentration in cell = 5 X 10‐7 M 1 mM Ca2+, 1.2 mM EGTA).

From Maruyama 60
Figure 19. Figure 19.

Dog submaxillary gland in vivo. Submaxillary gland circulation was isolated so that venous blood draining from gland could be collected. Following rest period, chorda tympani (parasympathetic nerves) was stimulated at 20 Hz. Kv, venous plasma K+ concentration (mM); Ks salivary K+ concentration (mM); V, saliva flow rate in mg·g‐1·min‐1; ABF, arterial blood flow through gland in ml·g‐1‐min‐1. At beginning of stimulation K+ concentration in saliva was >40 mM, whereas in steady state it was only 6 mM. At beginning of stimulation concentration of K+ in venous plasma reached >11 mM and later settled down to 2.6 mM.

From Burgen 5
Figure 20. Figure 20.

Semiquantitative model of transport events in exocrine acini. Three different aspects are, for clarity, represented by three separate cells. Upper cell, intracellular Ca2+ release by transmitter (e.g., acetylcholine) or hormone (e.g., epinephrine) and Ca2+ activation of K+ and Cl conductance pathways. Middle cell, relation between transport rates via different routes in steady‐state stimulation situation. Lower cell, overall electrical circuit.

From Suzuki and Petersen 119

Figure 1.

Two simple models explaining stimulant‐evoked Cl uptake and membrane hyperpolarization in exocrine acinar cells. Left: model originally proposed by Lundberg 54 for salivary glands. Autonomic neurotransmitters activate directly an electrogenic active Cl transport. Right: model proposed by Petersen and Maruyama 97,119. Stimulant secretagogues [acetylcholine (ACh) and norepinephrine (NA) in salivary glands, other neurotransmitters or hormones in other glands; see ref. 89] evoke an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) that activates K+ channels. Exit of K+ allows K+ reuptake through Na+‐K+ pump and Na+‐K+‐2Cl cotransporter. In steady‐state stimulated condition all these processes constitute operational Cl pump that is electrogenic. i, Inner surface of plasma membrane; o, outer surface of plasma membrane.

From Petersen 93

Figure 2.

Intracellular recording with 2 separate microelectrodes from neighboring acinar cells. A: recording configuration. Both intracellular electrodes can be used for membrane potential recording and for current injection. If electrode is filled with secretagogue (shaded electrodes), current injection of appropriate polarity can be used for local agonist application. B: membrane potential recordings from mouse pancreas. Lower trace, rectangular hyperpolarizing current pulse 10‐9 A) of 100 ms duration. Upper traces, effects on membrane potential in injected cell as well as its neighbor during rest (a) and during acetylcholine application (b). Vertical calibration, 10 mV and 10‐9 A; horizontal calibration, 20 ms.

From Petersen and Ueda 104

Figure 3.

Different patch‐clamp recording configurations and procedures used to establish them. Patch‐clamp experiments start in cell‐attached configuration (top left). Tip of fire‐polished recording pipette is gently brought into contact with cell surface and slight suction is applied to pipette resulting in high‐resistance seal between tip of glass pipette and cell membrane. Detergent saponin (or digitonin) can be introduced briefly into bath to permeabilize cell membrane (outside isolated patch area), allowing equilibration between cell interior (i) and exterior (o) (open cell‐attached configuration). Starting from original cell‐attached situation, patch membrane can be mechanically pulled off leading to formation of closed membrane vesicle in pipette tip. Outer surface of vesicle can be disrupted by passing pipette tip briefly through air‐water interface of bath, leading to excised inside‐out membrane configuration. If short pulse of suction is applied to pipette in cell‐attached mode, membrane patch can be broken and direct continuity between pipette and cell interior established. Currents flowing across entire cell membrane can now be recorded (whole‐cell recording). If pipette is then pulled away from cell, excised membrane fragments will reseal so that excised outside‐out membrane patch is obtained.

From Petersen and Petersen 99

Figure 4.

Measurement of current fluctuation with help of patch‐clamp whole‐cell recording configuration. Recording obtained from single isolated rat parotid acinar cell dialyzed with K+‐rich and Ca2+‐free, ethylene glycol‐bis(β‐aminoethylether)‐N,N'‐tetraacetic acid (EGTA)‐containing solution. Holding potential was −60 mV. A: single trace of whole‐cell current elicited by 80 mV depolarizing voltage step. B: mean current elicited by 80 mV depolarizing voltage steps obtained by averaging 20 single sweeps. C: current fluctuation obtained by subtracting trace B from trace A.

From Maruyama et al. 62

Figure 5.

Single‐channel current recording from excised (inside‐out) pig pancreatic acinar membrane patches. A: single‐channel current traces from inside‐out membrane patch exposed to extracellular solution on outside (pipette) and intracellular solution on inside (bath) (see cartoon), a: Ca2+ concentration in bath ([Ca2+]i) was 10‐8 M; b: in same patch, [Ca2+]i was adjusted to 10‐7 M. Membrane potentials (MP) at which individual traces were obtained are indicated. Horizontal dashed lines, current level when channel is closed. Upward deflections represent outward current. Upper 2 traces, response at membrane potential of 40 mV. Although channel was generally open, there were times when channel went from open state into state of prolonged closure. B: single‐channel current‐voltage (i/V) relationships from excised membrane patches. Circles, experiment shown in A (normal Na+/K+ gradients). Closed circles, [Ca2+]i = 10‐8 M; open circles, [Ca2+]i = 10‐7 M. Triangles, different experiment in which intracellular solution was used on both sides of membrane (K+/K+). Closed triangles, [Ca2+]i = 10‐8 M; open triangles, [Ca2+]i = 10‐7 M. C: relationship between open‐state probability (P) of K+ channel and membrane potential (MP) at 3 different levels of [Ca2+]i: open circles, 10‐8 M; closed circles, 10‐7 M; and open and closed squares, 10‐6 M. Open and closed circles, experiment shown in A. Triangles (dashed line), experiment on in situ (cell‐attached) patch. In intact cell [Ca2+]i was apparently between 10‐7 M and 10‐8 M.

From Maruyama et al. 69. Reprinted by permission from Nature, copyright 1983, Macmillan Journals Limited

Figure 6.

Single‐channel current recording in cell‐attached configuration (isolated pig pancreatic acinar cell). Cartoon shows recording configuration. Recording pipette is filled with intracellular solution (high K+ concentration), whereas bath fluid is extracellular solution (high Na+ concentration). Traces, single‐channel currents through K+ channel in isolated patch area at different pipette potentials (Vp).

From Petersen 93

Figure 7.

Effects of intracellular and extracellular tetraethylammonium (TEA) on whole‐cell currents in pig pancreatic acinar cell evoked by depolarizing or hyperpolarizing voltage steps from holding potential (HP) of −40 mV. Pipette contained intracellular K+‐rich solution to which 2 mM TEA had been added. Bath was filled with extracellular Na+‐rich solution. A: whole‐cell currents before, during presence of TEA 2 mM) in bath, and after return to control situation. Voltage steps of ±20 to 70 mV (in one case 80 mV) were applied. B: whole‐cell current‐voltage relationship in control situations before and after TEA application and in presence of 2 mM TEA in bath.

From Iwatsuki and Petersen 42

Figure 8.

Whole‐cell currents in isolated pig pancreas acinar cell at different intracellular ionized Ca2+ concentrations (strongly buffered Ca2+‐EGTA solution) plotted as function of membrane potential.

From Maruyama and Petersen 67

Figure 9.

Simplified diagram for transport of amino acids and cations across basolateral plasma membrane of acinar cells. Na+‐amino acid cotransport system is coupled to Na+‐K+ pump that is closely linked to the K+ channels, i, Inner surface of plasma membrane; o, outer surface of plasma membrane.

From Singh and Petersen 115

Figure 10.

Whole‐cell recording from isolated mouse pancreatic acinar cell with Na+‐rich solutions on both sides of membrane. Transmembrane current at membrane voltage of 0 mV after external addition and removal of l‐alanine (ala) or N‐methylaminoiso‐butyric acid (MeAIB). Inward currents are plotted downward.

From Jauch et al. 44

Figure 11.

Single‐channel current recording from basolateral membrane patch in pig pancreatic acinar cell. All records were obtained in cell‐attached configuration. Recording pipette was filled with K+‐rich (intracellular) solution containing 2.5 mM Ca2+, whereas bath was filled with Na+‐rich (extracellular) solution. Resting membrane potential was about −60 mV. Upper traces, recording made on slow time base. In control situation there are only a few inward current steps. Application of 10‐6 M cholecystokinin‐5 (CCK‐5) to bath evokes, after latency of ∼18 s, a clear and sustained increase in frequency of channel openings (inward current steps). Single‐channel current amplitude is also enhanced because of membrane hyperpolarization (to about −80 mV). Lower graphs, plots of channel open‐state probability as function of membrane potential in control situation and during stimulation with 10‐6 M and 5 X 10‐6 M CCK‐5. Inset, single‐channel current recorded on fast time base together with idealized current trace obtained from computerized threshold analysis of digitized data (bottom trace). Inset trace was obtained in presence of CCK‐5 10‐6 M) at membrane potential of −50 mV.

From Suzuki et al. 118

Figure 12.

Whole‐cell voltage‐clamp current recordings from single pig pancreatic acinar cell. Bath contained extracellular Na+‐rich solution and pipette was filled with intracellular K+‐rich solution without Ca2+ (containing 0.5 mM EGTA). Currents associated with depolarizing voltage steps are shown as upward deflections (outward current) and with hyperpolarizing steps as downward deflections. Holding potential was −40 mV, and 90 ms voltage steps to −20, 0, +20, and +40, as well as −60, −80, and in one case −100 mV, were applied. Control, currents recorded before stimulation; CCK‐5, 3 min after start of continued exposure to 10‐6 M CCK‐5; CCK‐5 with TEA, 3 min after addition of 5 mM TEA still in presence of CCK‐5; TEA, 3 min after discontinuation of CCK‐5 stimulation but still in presence of TEA. Relationship between steady‐state currents and membrane potential in different experimental situations obtained from displayed current traces is shown in graph.

From Suzuki et al. 118

Figure 13.

Activation of single‐channel current in mouse pancreatic acinar cell by local CCK application. A: schematic of experimental system. a: Recording from in situ membrane patch. Recording pipette was always filled with extracellular bath solution. No agonist was present in pipette solution. CCK pipette contained the octapeptide CCK‐8 in concentration of 5 μM. Spontaneous diffusion of CCK from tip of micropipette was used as means of stimulation. b: After in situ recording patch‐clamp pipette was withdrawn from acinus to obtain excised inside‐out membrane patch. Single‐channel recordings were made in symmetrical saline solutions or bath fluid was changed to one having an intracellular composition. B: a‐h: consecutive traces from same membrane patch. a: Recording situation as described in A but with CCK pipette far away from acinus under investigation; pipette potential +40 mV. b‐d: Three continuous traces obtained 20, 30, and 40 s, respectively, after tip of CCK pipette had been brought close to patch pipette; pipette potential +40 mV. e: 50 s after start of CCK stimulation. Star, potential of patch pipette was changed (in steps of 5 mV) from +40 to +20 mV. f: Pipette potential +20 mV. Plus sign, potential was changed to 0. g: Pipette potential −40 mV. h: currents from same patch after excision so now inside out [recording situation as shown in A (b)]. Symmetrical extracellular saline solutions; pipette potential +50 mV. i,j: Currents recorded from another excised (inside‐out) membrane patch with intracellular solution (high K+, low Na+) in bath and normal extracellular solution (high Na+, low K+) in pipette. Pipette potential +60 mV in i and −60 mV in j. Dashed lines, current level when all channels are closed. Downward deflections represent current from extracellular to intracellular side of membrane.

From Maruyama and Petersen 65. Reprinted by permission from Nature, copyright 1982, Macmillan Journals Limited

Figure 14.

Conductance change during response to nerve stimulation using two intracellular micro‐electrodes in neighboring cells of cockroach salivary gland acinus (see Fig. 2. A: upper trace, current pulses; lower trace, electrotonic potentials. Period of stimulation indicated by thickening of traces due to stimulus artifacts. Extracellular K+ concentration = 10 mM. B: upper and lower envelopes of voltage trace in A.

From Ginsborg et al. 25

Figure 15.

Intracellular microelectrode recording from pig pancreatic acinar cell. Effects of external Ca2+ removal on ACh‐evoked membrane potential changes. Upper trace, recording during control conditions with normal extracellular Ca2+ levels in superfusion fluid. Lower 2 traces, part of continuous recording made 20 min after switch to superfusion with Ca2+‐free solution containing Ca2+‐chelating agent EGTA 10‐4 M). Horizontal bars, period of 5 X 10‐7 M ACh superfusion.

From Pearson et al. 81

Figure 16.

Effects of acetylcholine (ACh) and epinephrine (Epi), applied by microionophoresis, on membrane potential and resistance of mouse parotid acinar cells. Resting potential of each cell is written to left of its potential recording. Pulses on potential record are produced by passage of rectangular current pulses 2 nA, 100 ms, 1 s‐1) through recording microelectrode. Shorter intervals on time marker trace (top) represent 1 s.

From Roberts and Petersen 109

Figure 17.

Comparison between effect of nerve stimulation (FS) and local acetylcholine (ACh) application on rat pancreatic acinar cell membrane potential and resistance. Upper traces, pen recordings; lower traces, oscilloscope photographs taken at times indicated in pen recording. Calibration in oscilloscope photographs: vertical, 10 mV and 1 nA; horizontal, 20 ms.

From Petersen 90

Figure 18.

Patch‐clamp whole‐cell recording of Ca2+‐evoked capacitance changes in isolated rat pancreatic acinar cells. Cell was dialyzed with K+‐glutamate solution containing Mg2+ and ATP, and Ca2+‐EGTA buffered solutions were used to attain specified free Ca2+ concentrations inside cell. In each of 3 records (A, B, and C), trace labeled C represents capacitance, whereas trace labeled G represents conductance. A: Ca2+ concentration in cell <10‐9 M (nominally Ca2+‐free solution, 1 mM EGTA); B and C: Ca2+ concentration in cell = 5 X 10‐7 M 1 mM Ca2+, 1.2 mM EGTA).

From Maruyama 60

Figure 19.

Dog submaxillary gland in vivo. Submaxillary gland circulation was isolated so that venous blood draining from gland could be collected. Following rest period, chorda tympani (parasympathetic nerves) was stimulated at 20 Hz. Kv, venous plasma K+ concentration (mM); Ks salivary K+ concentration (mM); V, saliva flow rate in mg·g‐1·min‐1; ABF, arterial blood flow through gland in ml·g‐1‐min‐1. At beginning of stimulation K+ concentration in saliva was >40 mM, whereas in steady state it was only 6 mM. At beginning of stimulation concentration of K+ in venous plasma reached >11 mM and later settled down to 2.6 mM.

From Burgen 5

Figure 20.

Semiquantitative model of transport events in exocrine acini. Three different aspects are, for clarity, represented by three separate cells. Upper cell, intracellular Ca2+ release by transmitter (e.g., acetylcholine) or hormone (e.g., epinephrine) and Ca2+ activation of K+ and Cl conductance pathways. Middle cell, relation between transport rates via different routes in steady‐state stimulation situation. Lower cell, overall electrical circuit.

From Suzuki and Petersen 119
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O. H. Petersen, Y. Maruyama. Electrophysiology of Salivary and Pancreatic Acinar Cells. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 18: Handbook of Physiology, The Gastrointestinal System, Salivary, Gastric, Pancreatic, and Hepatobiliary Secretion: 25-50. First published in print 1989. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp060302