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Microtubule Motors in Cell and Tissue Function

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The sections in this article are:

1 Why Motors—and Where—in Tissues?
2 Basic Cellular Motor Mechanisms
3 Organization of Microtubules in Tissues
4 Organelle‐Motor Complexes
5 Microtubule Motor Structure
6 Mechanism of Conversion of ATP Energy into Motility
7 Summary
Figure 1. Figure 1.

This illustrates three types of microtubule organization. The single microtubule organizing center (centrosome) in fibroblasts produces a radial array of microtubules with their plus ends toward the periphery. In epithelial cells, multiple microtubule organizing centers in the apical region give rise to a parallel array of microtubules. Within axons there is a third pattern of overlapping microtubules with all of their plus ends toward the periphery, thus forming a continuous path from the cell body to the synapse.

Figure 2. Figure 2.

This diagram illustrates the basic structure of the motors and the known components of the organelle motor complex. Kinectin is a membrane‐attached protein and appears to bind or interact with both motors. Dynactin activates organelle motility for only cytoplasmic dynein and has centractin bound to it which could interact with other myosin motility systems. There are probably many additional components that contribute to the regulation of organelle motility, these include the MAPs on the microtubule, which could block motor interactions with the microtubule.

Figure 1.

This illustrates three types of microtubule organization. The single microtubule organizing center (centrosome) in fibroblasts produces a radial array of microtubules with their plus ends toward the periphery. In epithelial cells, multiple microtubule organizing centers in the apical region give rise to a parallel array of microtubules. Within axons there is a third pattern of overlapping microtubules with all of their plus ends toward the periphery, thus forming a continuous path from the cell body to the synapse.

Figure 2.

This diagram illustrates the basic structure of the motors and the known components of the organelle motor complex. Kinectin is a membrane‐attached protein and appears to bind or interact with both motors. Dynactin activates organelle motility for only cytoplasmic dynein and has centractin bound to it which could interact with other myosin motility systems. There are probably many additional components that contribute to the regulation of organelle motility, these include the MAPs on the microtubule, which could block motor interactions with the microtubule.

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Michael P. Sheetz. Microtubule Motors in Cell and Tissue Function. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 31: Handbook of Physiology, Cell Physiology: 557-562. First published in print 1997. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp140113