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Neural Mechanisms of Binaural Processing in the Auditory Brainstem

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Spatial hearing, and more specifically the ability to localize sounds in space, is one of the most studied and best understood aspects of hearing. Because there is no coding of acoustic space at the receptor organ, physiological sensitivity to spatial aspects of sounds first emerges in the central nervous system. Much progress has been made in the identification and characterization of the circuits in the auditory brainstem that create sensitivity to binaural and monaural cues toward acoustic space. We review the progress over the past third of a century, with a focus on the mammalian brainstem and on the anatomy and cellular physiology underlying the physiological tuning of monaural and binaural circuits to acoustic cues toward spatial hearing. In addition to examining the detailed mechanisms involved in the processing of the three main spatial cues, we also review the integration of these cues and their use toward behavior. © 2019 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 9:1503‐1575, 2019.

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Figure 1. Figure 1. Comparison of FTCs and PSTHs of ANFs with different rates of spontaneous activity. (A) FTCs recorded from cats raised in a low‐noise environment arranged by SR in columns with high SR to the left and low SR to the right and by CF in rows with low at the top and high at the bottom. Low CF are all fibers between 1.9 and 2.2 kHz) and high CFs are between 4.4 and 5 kHz. Each curve is from a different fiber, and each panel plots curves from three to seven different fibers. The individual fibers show remarkable uniformity in shape. The far‐right panel illustrates this uniformity by replotting each of the curves after shifting the medium‐ and low‐SR fibers so the tips of the tuning curves coincide. The amount of shift can be seen from the arrows to the left. Modified, with permission, from Liberman MC, 1978 362. (B) Poststimulus‐time histograms of three ANFs of low (left), medium (middle), and high CF (right) as indicated. The fiber plotted in the middle has high spontaneous activity, while the one to the right has low spontaneous activity. The differences in the initial onset response and adaptation are evident in the PSTHs. The low‐frequency fiber on the left shows the multiple modes corresponding to the frequency of the tone, characteristic of phase‐locking. Modified, with permission, from Kiang NYS, 1984 313.
Figure 2. Figure 2. Phase‐locking of inner hair cell (left) and ANF (right) responses. (A) Intracellular receptor potentials for an inner hair cell of the anesthetized guinea pig to tones at 80 dB SPL varying in frequency from 100 to 5000 Hz. At low frequencies, the cyclic AC component dominates the response, but at higher frequencies, the DC component becomes larger as the AC component disappears above about 3 kHz. The oscillating AC component is responsible for the ANF phase‐locking at low frequencies. The 25‐mV scale bar applies for 100 to 900 Hz; the 12.5 mV applies for the 1000 to 5000 Hz waveforms. Reused, with permission, from Palmer AR and Russell IJ, 1986 489. (B) Period histograms of an auditory‐nerve fiber of the anesthetized squirrel monkey when stimulated with tones from 300 to 1403 Hz, as labeled. The abscissae represent one cycle of the tone, here labeled as the period in microseconds. The vector strength or synchronization index is indicated by its magnitude R and corresponding phase, indicated by the small arrow under each histogram. Note that the decline in R value mirrors the decrease in the AC component in the receptor potential of the IHC (A). The CF of the fiber was about 1100 Hz. Modified, with permission, from Anderson DJ, et al., 1971 19.
Figure 3. Figure 3. Temporal analysis of ANF spike trains in response to multiple repetitions of a broadband noise (70 dB), based on counting of interspike intervals. Each column shows displays for one ANF, ordered from low (left) to high CF (right). The top row (same abscissa as second row) shows all‐order interspike‐interval histograms, in which the time between spikes is measured for all spikes within a spike train (i.e. for each response to a single stimulus repetition). Because these intervals respect a refractory time, the intervals are never shorter than a minimal duration (∼1 ms), resulting in a gap without intervals. This gap obscures the temporal patterning, but it can be appreciated at the lowest CF (550 Hz) that there is a periodicity consistent with the characteristic period (CF−1, here 1.8 ms) and multiples thereof, indicated with dots under the abscissa. The second row shows the complementary histogram, in which all‐order interspike intervals are counted across spiketrains. There is no refractoriness across spiketrains, and a clear temporal pattern is now visible for all CFs, which is dominantly oscillatory (at CF−1) for CFs below 5 kHz and consists of a broad peak for CFs > 5 kHz. These two components reflect phase‐locking to the fine structure of motion of the organ of Corti at low CFs and to envelopes at high CFs. These shuffled autocorrelograms are much smoother than the all‐order interspike‐interval histograms because they allow many permutations between spike trains for the extraction of intervals. The bottom row shows the shuffled autocorrelograms in a format allowing easier comparison with binaural ITD functions by showing the histogram as a function for both forward and backward interspike intervals and by normalizing the ordinate to the total number of spikes. Numbers in top row indicate CF and spontaneous rate. Reused, with permission, from Louage DH, et al., 2004 386.
Figure 4. Figure 4. Coding of stimulus intensity by ANFs in the anesthetized cat. Rate‐level curves of 13 ANFs of tones at CF as indicated in each plot and arranged by CF from top (low) to bottom (high) and with sloping (left) or flat (right) saturation. The spontaneous rate of the fiber and the threshold can be deduced from the lowest SPL used and its discharge rate at that SPL. There is a tendency for cells with flat saturation to have low threshold and high spontaneous activity. Reused, with permission, from Sachs MB and Abbas PJ, 1974 550.
Figure 5. Figure 5. Schematic diagram of the primary cell types and their connections in the cochlear nucleus with its two major subdivisions, the ventral (VCN) and dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). Excitatory glutamatergic synaptic endings are shown in green, inhibitory glycinergic terminals in yellow, and inhibitory gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABAergic) terminals in red. Auditory inputs to the nucleus arrive as type I auditory‐nerve fibers (ANFs, lower right), and the major output projection pathways are the trapezoid body (TB) and the dorsal and intermediate acoustic stria (DAS/IAS), on the left. Electrical synaptic connections are indicated by resistive symbols in the molecular domain of the DCN. Cell types: SBC, spherical bushy cell; GBC, globular bushy cell; RN, nerve root neuron; TS, T‐stellate; DS, D‐stellate; OC, octopus cell; FC, fusiform cell; GC, giant cell; VC, vertical cell; CW, cartwheel cell; BC, basket cell; GoC, Golgi cell; GrC, granule cell; SC, superficial stellate cell; and UBC, unipolar brush cell.
Figure 6. Figure 6. Transformations of the ANF response (on the left) by the five major projection neurons of the cochlear nucleus (right). The PSTHs show the responses to tones at CF, in some cases for both low (phase‐locked) and high CF. The frequency‐tuning curve (FTC) shows areas of excitation (black) and inhibition (dotted lines). In the AVCN, the spherical bushy cells have a primary‐like response, the globular bushy cells have a primary‐like‐with‐notch response, T‐stellate cells have a chopper response with prominent inhibitory side bands in the FTC, octopus cells have an onset response with a wide FTC, and fusiform cells can have pauser or buildup responses and a complex FTC with prominent inhibitory areas.
Figure 7. Figure 7. Circuits in the superior olivary complex (SOC) for computing the interaural cues. (A) The EE circuit involving the MSO that encodes ITDs from excitatory inputs from SBCs of both sides. MSO neurons also receive inhibitory inputs from the contralateral ear relayed through the ipsilateral MNTB and from the ipsilateral ear through the ipsilateral LNTB. (B) The IE circuit involving the LSO that computes ILDs from excitatory inputs from spherical bushy cells on the ipsilateral side and inhibitory inputs from the MNTB. The red to green shading shows the tonotopic organization from low to high frequencies, respectively, in each of the major nuclei. Excitatory glutamatergic cells are shown in green and inhibitory glycinergic cells in red. For simplicity, cell types include principal and nonprincipal cells. The PSTHs show typical responses to tones at CF for the cells adjacent to the histograms. In some cases, two histograms are shown for low and high CF. Abbreviations: MSO, medial superior olive; LSO, lateral superior olive; MNTB, medial nucleus of the trapezoid body; LNTB, lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body; VNTB, ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body.
Figure 8. Figure 8. Drawings of Golgi‐impregnated axons/neurons in coronal sections through the superior olivary complex of the cat. Modified, with permission, from Figures 343, 344, and 345 of Ramon y Cajal S, 1909 516. (A) Axons projecting to the SOC. Midline is to the right edge of the drawing. The prominent calyces of Held in the MNTB are seen near (a), terminals in VNTB near (b), in MSO near (c), in the S‐shaped LSO near (d), and VNTB near (e). (B) Neurons in the LSO. The bipolar principal cells are shown near (a) and an example of a marginal cell near (b). (C) Neurons in the MSO. The bipolar principal cells are shown near (a) and a marginal cell near (b).
Figure 9. Figure 9. Head‐related transfer functions (HRTFs) for the cat. (A) HRTFs for five positions in space varying in azimuth at 0° elevation. At each position, the top traces show the time domain recordings from the left (blue trace) and right (red) ear to a click stimulus from the azimuthal position indicated. The bottom traces are the Fourier transforms of the time domain signal showing the frequency spectrum. (B) HRTFs for five positions varying in elevation at 0° azimuth. Here, the time domain traces are to the left and the spectra to the right in each pair. The midfrequency notch in each spectral plot is indicated by the asterisk. Dotted vertical lines in spectra traces are at 10 kHz for reference. Reused, with permission, from Musicant AD, et al., 1990 449.
Figure 10. Figure 10. The Jeffress model for computing ITDs. Reused, with permission, from Goldberg JM and Brown PB, 1969 199.
Figure 11. Figure 11. Comparison of phase‐locking of ANFs to bushy cells from the anesthetized cat. (A, B) Responses of an ANF to tones at CF (350 Hz) at 70 dB SPL plotted as dot rasters in (A) and period histogram in (B). Each dot indicates the time of occurrence of an action potential relative to stimulus onset at 0 time. Each row represents the response to one of the 200 stimulus presentations of tones of 25 ms duration (waveform seen below C), repeated every 100 ms. Period histograms in (B) of the same responses showing the probability of spikes to occur over a narrow range of stimulus phase angles. The histogram has been shifted on the phase axis so that the mean phase is 0.0 for ease of comparison with (D). Panels (C) and (D): dot rasters and period histograms for a bushy cell recorded from its axon in the trapezoid body with a CF of 340 Hz at 69 dB SPL. (E) Comparison of the maximum synchronization index over stimulus level for ANFs and bushy cells. The two lines indicate the range of Rmax in ANFs reported by Johnson 272, and the data points are for all the bushy cells recorded in the trapezoid body. The bushy cells are designated by SBC or GBC if there were anatomical data on the course of their axons (e.g. GBC projecting to MNTB as calyces of Held and SBC projecting bilaterally to MSO). Otherwise, they are called phase‐locked (PHL) since it is not possible to distinguish primary‐like from primary‐like‐with‐notch responses when they are phase‐locked. The ordinate is plotted on an expansive scale to emphasize the values greater than 0.9, which no ANF ever exceeds. Redrawn, with permission, from Joris PX, et al., 1994 277.
Figure 12. Figure 12. Coincidence detection in the MSO of the anesthetized cat. (A) ITD sensitivity to pure tones at CF (1000 Hz). Positive ITDs represent delays of the ipsilateral tone. Stimulus was 1 repetition of a 5‐s long tone at 60 dB SPL. The arrows labeled C and I on the ordinate indicate the level of response to monaural stimulation of the contralateral and ipsilateral ear, respectively. Downward arrow marks the mean interaural phase φd of the delay curve. Examples of waveform timing are shown below the plot. (B) Period histogram of responses to the same monaural tones to the contralateral ear. Downward arrow marks the mean monaural phase. (C) Period histogram of responses to monaural tones to the ipsilateral ear. Modified, with permission, from Yin TC and Chan JC, 1990 722.
Figure 13. Figure 13. Schematic diagram of the characteristic delay analysis. Each row is meant to illustrate a different type of response. For illustrative purposes, the ITD responses are idealized as linear, triangular responses on the left. Each curve is the response to a different stimulus frequency as shown by the different symbols. To the right is the interaural phase versus frequency plot. (A) Peak response type with CP = 0.0 and CD = +300 μs. (B) Trough response type with CP = 0.5 and CD = −100 μs. (C) Intermediate response type (tweener) with CP = 0.2 and CD = 200 μs. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC and Kuwada S, 1983 727.
Figure 14. Figure 14. Responses of three cells (rows) in the ICC of anesthetized cat that illustrate the three cell types commonly seen. On the left are the superimposed and normalized ITD curves at different frequencies, and on the right are the interaural phase versus frequency plots. CD and CP are as indicated. (A) Peak‐type cell. (B) Trough‐type cell. (C) Intermediate‐type cell. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC and Kuwada S, 1983 727.
Figure 15. Figure 15. Binaural‐beat stimulus and analysis. (A) Plots of the tone stimuli to the ipsilateral and contralateral ears during a binaural‐beat stimulus showing how the interaural phase (φ) changes continuously during the duration of the stimulus. In this case, the contralateral stimulus is higher by fb, so it leads the ipsilateral stimulus during the first half cycle and lags during the second half cycle. The cycle repeats every fb. (B) Schematic diagram of how the stimuli would be perceived, though the perceived position is inside the head rather than externalized as diagrammed. (C) Responses of a cell in the ICC to the binaural‐beat stimulus, in this case with fb = 1 Hz added to the ipsilateral tone. (D) Response of the same cell to ITDs of the same tone. (E) Comparison of the interaural‐phase sensitivity of the cell computed using ITDs (D) and binaural beats (C) plotted as interaural period histograms. Modified, with permission, from Yin TC and Kuwada S, 1983 726.
Figure 16. Figure 16. Comparison of ITD sensitivity to tones and noise in an MSO cell of the anesthetized cat. (A) ITD functions for eight frequencies plotted on a common ITD axis. (B) Response of the same cell to ITDs of noise (asterisks) and to tones (triangles) as computed by the composite curve, which is the sum of its responses to all frequencies. For comparison, the two curves are normalized to their peak response. (C) Characteristic delay analysis of the same cell showing its peak‐type response with CP = 0.63 and CD = 33 μs. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC and Chan JC, 1990 722.
Figure 17. Figure 17. Comparison, for nine ICC cells, of ITDs of noise (solid line, *) and tone composite curves (dashed line, Δ) from the anesthetized cat. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC, et al., 1986 724.
Figure 18. Figure 18. Responses of four ICC cells in the anesthetized cat to ITDs of noise with different interaural correlations. The interaural noise correlation for each curve is indicated in the key. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC, et al., 1987 723.
Figure 19. Figure 19. Stylized distributions (yellow surfaces) of optimal delays (ODs) with a hard boundary (dashed line) at the edge of the physiological range (A) or with a hard π‐limit (B). The middle panels represent a population of MSO (or ICC) neurons: each neuron (circle) is represented according to its OD (abscissa) and best frequency (BF) (ordinate). The top and bottom panels illustrate the corresponding ITD functions for a high‐ and lower BF neuron, respectively, at the edge of the distribution, as would be obtained in response to broadband noise (Figures 16,17,18). The distribution in (A) predicts that neurons with high BF would have a secondary maximum (slipped cycle) that is closer to 0 ITD than the primary maximum at the OD: this is only rarely observed. Experimentally, the largest ODs observed are such that the primary peak of the ITD function (at the OD) is usually the peak closest to 0 ITD. This results in the π‐limit. Modified, with permission, from Joris P and Yin TC, 2007 273.
Figure 20. Figure 20. Intracellular recording from gerbil MSO, in vivo, using the whole‐cell patch recording technique. The top panels show monaural responses to a long ipsilateral (200 Hz) or contralateral (201 Hz) tone at 70 dB SPL. Note that the EPSPs are spike‐like in duration and are subthreshold. There are no obvious IPSPs. The lower panels show two segments of the response when the two tones are now delivered as a binaural‐beat stimulus. When the tones are nearly in‐phase (left), spikes are triggered. When the tones are nearly out‐of‐phase (right), the EPSPs are smaller and remain subthreshold. Reused, with permission, from Franken TP, et al., 2015 177 and unpublished data.
Figure 21. Figure 21. ILD sensitivity of an LSO nonprincipal cell of the anesthetized cat. (A‐D) Dot rasters (top) and PSTHs (bottom) to 20 repetitions of CF tones with four combinations of ILDs obtained by holding the ipsilateral stimulus constant at 30 dB SPL, while the contralateral level varied between 5 dB (A) and 45 dB (D). The 16‐kHz tone was on during the first 300 ms. The inset in (A) shows the first 40 ms of a monaural ipsilateral tone at CF to show the chopping response. (E) Plot of the ILD sensitivity of the cell as mean discharge rate and +1 SEM. Points labeled (A‐D) correspond to the responses above. Dotted line labeled Spon indicates the spontaneous activity, and the vertical dotted line shows the half‐maximal ILD. Reused, with permission, from Tollin DJ and Yin TC, 2002 651.
Figure 22. Figure 22. Spatial receptive field in azimuth of the same LSO cell as in Figure 21 studied using VAS to simulate different spatial positions in azimuth at 0° elevation. (A) At each position, a broadband noise was filtered with the HRTF appropriate for that position in space and delivered to both the ipsilateral and contralateral ears. The dot rasters for 21 azimuthal positions spaced at 4.5° are stacked together and plotted as a function of poststimulus time. The duration of the stimulus was 0 to 200 ms. (B) Same stimulus as in (A) except that the input to the contralateral ear was turned off. (C) Plots of azimuthal receptive field derived from (A) and (B) showing the clear suppressive effect of the contralateral input at all azimuthal positions. Reused, with permission, from Tollin DJ and Yin TC, 2002 651.
Figure 23. Figure 23. Responses of an LSO cell in the anesthetized cat to ITDs and ILDs of clicks. The level of the excitatory ipsilateral click was held constant at 50 dB SPL, while the level of the contralateral click was varied from 30 to 70 dB SPL. Positive ITDs correspond to the excitatory ipsilateral click delayed in time, as shown by the schematic EPSP from the ipsilateral side and IPSP from the contralateral side at the top. The CF of the cell was 5.2 kHz. Traces above the plot illustrate the timing of the ipsilateral EPSP and contralateral IPSP during the three conditions. This cell gave a transient response to ipsilateral tones, and was therefore likely a principal cell. Reused, with permission, from Joris PX and Yin TC, 1995 290.
Figure 24. Figure 24. Test of the latency hypothesis from responses to bilateral click stimuli of cells in the LSO of the anesthetized rat. (A) ILD (or what they call IID) sensitivity function (open circles) and monaural rate‐level curve (solid circles, labeled ipsi alone). The ILD function was obtained with the contralateral SPL at the base level 75 dB and varying the ipsilateral SPL from 50 to 100 dB SPL as shown by the bottom axis. (B) ITD sensitivity of the same cell at 75 dB base in both ears. Positive ITDs indicate that the contralateral inhibitory stimulus leads in time. The ITDs used were chosen from the latency changes recorded from rate‐level curves for the ipsilateral excitatory stimulus (not shown). From this latency‐level function, the equivalent ITDs (ITDe) can be calculated for changes in SPL from the base (top axis in C). (C) Comparison of the ILD function (IID, open circles), with the equivalent ITD function (ITDe, closed circles) and delay‐cancelled ILD (IIDdc, open diamonds) for a cell in which the ILD sensitivity appears to be primarily derived from ITD through the changes in latency with level since the ILD and ITDe curves are similar, while the ILDdc curve is flat. (D) Same comparisons as in (C) for a different cell for which ITD appears not to be important in establishing the ILD sensitivity since the ILD and ILDdc curves are similar, while the ITDe curve is flat. Redrawn, with permission, from Figures 3 and 4 of Irvine DR, et al., 2001 260.
Figure 25. Figure 25. ILD functions in the LSO of the awake mustache bat, Pteronotus parnellii, showing the variation in the threshold for spike inhibition due to the inhibitory contralateral input. The ILD functions were obtained by holding the ipsilateral tone at CF constant, while varying the level of the contralateral inhibitory tone. Reused, with permission, from Park TJ, et al., 1997 498.
Figure 26. Figure 26. Topographic distribution of ILDs in the inferior colliculus of the mustache bat, Pteronotus parnellii. Reconstructions of four electrode penetrations in four different animals showing the systematic change in inhibitory threshold (numbers to the right of symbols) with increasing depth. ILD functions were obtained by setting the contralateral excitatory CF tone to 15 dB above threshold and varying the ipsilateral level. The inhibitory threshold was defined as the half‐maximal ILD. The CFs of multiunit cluster recordings are plotted on the abscissae. The approximate locations of the penetrations on a surface view of the IC are shown to the right, but all penetrations were in different animals. Reused, with permission, from Wenstrup JJ, et al., 1986 688.
Figure 27. Figure 27. Circuitry in DCN to account for the type IV response map. (A) DCN circuitry with respect to inputs to the type IV (fusiform) cells. The heavy horizontal line at the bottom represents the tonotopic input from ANFs with low frequencies to the left. The type II cell is thought to be the vertical cell and the wideband inhibitor (WBI) the D‐stellate cell in Figure 5. MSN (medullary somatic nuclei) represents the somatosensory input from the dorsal column and spinal trigeminal nuclei. Modified, with permission, from Figure 12 of Davis KA and Young ED, 2000 130. (B) Schematic of the tuning curves of the three inputs to the type IV cell that carry acoustic information from ANFs. Inhibitory input from type II cell is shown in red and from the WBI in green, while excitatory input from ANFs is shown in black. Drawn, with permission, from Young ED, et al., 1992 735. (C) Response map of a typical type IV neuron in the DCN of a decerebrate cat. Plots of spike activity as a function of frequency for nine different attenuation levels are shown modulated about the spontaneous activity (horizontal line in each plot). Inhibition is plotted below the spontaneous rate and is coded by the same shading as in (B). The CF of the neuron is 7.41 kHz. Modified, with permission, from Figure 2C of Spirou GA and Young ED, 1991 622.
Figure 28. Figure 28. Sensitivity of a type IV neuron in the DCN of a decerebrate cat to the frequency of a spectral notch. (A) Power spectrum of three stimuli of broadband noise filtered through a simulated HRTF spectral notch at different notch frequencies. (B) Response map of a type IV neuron tested with the notch filtered noises. The stimulus labeled c has a notch frequency that corresponds to the CF (11.6 kHz) of the type IV cell, shown by the downward arrow. Shading convention same as in Figure 27. (A) and (B) have a common frequency axis. (C, D) Responses of the cell to variations in stimulus level for the five different spectral notch frequencies. Modified, with permission, from Figure 5 of Young ED, et al., 1997 733.
Figure 29. Figure 29. Study of an IC neuron in the anesthetized guinea pig to test for convergent input. (A) Interaural phase versus frequency plot showing an intermediate CP = 0.2. (B) Superimposed ITD plots at 10 different frequencies. (C) PSTH of the responses to a 3‐s binaural beat at the CF of 250 Hz (histogram) and in the presence of suppressor tones at the two ears of 100 Hz (heavy line). The suppressor tone was chosen to have an unfavorable ITD at 100 Hz. (D‐H) Similar responses as in (C) at five other frequencies with the same suppressor tones. Here, the data are plotted as interaural‐phase period histograms for the binaural‐beat stimulus at the indicated frequencies. The 100‐Hz tone at an unfavorable ITD suppresses the interaural‐phase sensitivity at the lowest frequencies (E, 150 Hz) and phaseshifts the responses at higher frequencies. (I) Interaural phase versus frequency plot for the original unsuppressed responses (open squares and closed circles) and in the presence of the 100‐Hz suppressor (open circles). (J) ITD curves for the five highest frequencies in the presence of the low‐frequency suppressor show a peak‐type response as suggested by the phase‐frequency plot for these frequencies in (I). Reused, with permission, from McAlpine D, et al., 1998 420.
Figure 30. Figure 30. The precedence effect (PE). (A) Typical arrangement of studies of the PE using free field stimuli. A cat is positioned between two speakers (a) and (b). Identical stimuli, usually clicks or transients, are delivered to the speakers with an interstimulus delay (ISD) between the stimuli. When ISD = 0, the subject perceives the click to arise from a phantom source directly in front. (B) Plots of the perceived azimuth as a function of ISD. Three intervals of ISD are identified: summing localization, the period of the PE, and ISDs longer than the echo threshold (breakdown of fusion) when both clicks are heard and localized. Adapted, with permission, from Blauert J, 1997 51. (C) Behavioral measurements of localization in cats trained to direct their gaze to the location of sound sources. In this case, the speakers (a) and (b) were positioned at +18° and −18°, respectively, as shown by the arrows to the far right. With the head restrained, cats undershoot the acoustic targets. In this case, the apparent locations of “a” and “b” show the degree of undershoot. All three components of the PE are seen in cats. Reused, with permission, from Tollin DJ, et al., 2004 648.
Figure 31. Figure 31. Responses of a cell in the ICC of the anesthetized cat to stimuli mimicking the PE. (A) Spatial receptive field of the cell for single clicks varying in azimuth in the frontal hemifield. The locations of the two speakers used during PE stimuli are shown by the downward arrows. (B) Plots of the responses of the cell to PE stimuli, with a click to speakers at ±45° with variable interclick delays (ICDs). Positive ICDs correspond to the click to speaker (a) leading. Spikes during two different time periods are plotted: those occurring from 12 to 18 ms following the leading click (dashed line) and those during the 0 to 150 ms period (solid line). Error bars indicate +1 SEM over 50 repetitions. (C) Dot rasters of the responses to the PE stimuli. The ICD for each set of stimuli is indicated to the right. When the (b) speaker is leading (negative ICDs in lower section), the suppression of the lagging click to speaker (a) is apparent as the ICD is decreased from 100 to 2 ms. When the (a) speaker is leading, there is partial suppression of the response to the lagging (b) speaker even when the ICD is 100 ms and complete suppression for all other ICDs shown. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC, 1994 720.
Figure 32. Figure 32. Binaural masking‐level differences (BMLDs). Schematic diagram of the BMLD and its counterintuitive results from adding noise (bottom trace) or signal (tone trace). The frowning subject indicates difficulty in detecting the tone signal, while smiling means the signal is more easily detected. The nomenclature for describing the different stimulus conditions is shown in the right column, where N stands for noise, S for signal, the subscript m designates monaural, and o and π mean either in‐phase or out‐of‐phase, respectively. (A) Monaural signal and noise to one ear is difficult to detect. (B) Adding noise to the other ear now makes the signal more detectable. (C) Adding the signal to the other ear makes the signal difficult to detect. (D) Inverting the phase of the signal makes it detectable. Adapted, with permission, from Moore BCJ, 1982 436.
Figure 33. Figure 33. Studies of BMLDs in the ICC of anesthetized guinea pigs. Responses from three different cells (rows) are shown. In each row, the left‐hand plot is the ITD sensitivity for broadband noise. In the middle are interaural period histograms of the responses to binaural beats at CF. On the right are responses to stimuli mimicking the BMLD paradigm showing the responses plotted as D′ values of the detectability of the 500‐Hz tone with a constant noise masker as a function of the level of the tone. The two plots in each graph show the NoSo (solid circles) and NoSπ (open circles) configurations. (A) Cell shows a positive BMLD in which adding signal in‐phase causes an increase in discharge, while adding signal out‐of‐phase causes a decrease. (B) Cell shows a positive BMLD, where adding signal in‐ or out‐of‐phase both causes an increase in response. (C) Cell shows a negative BMLD, where adding signal in‐ or out‐of‐phase causes an increase in discharge. Modified, with permission, from Figures 4,5,6 of Jiang D, et al., 1997 270.
Figure 34. Figure 34. Studies of spatial release from masking in the ICC of anesthetized cats. Virtual acoustic space techniques were used to simulate sounds in free field but delivered over head phones. The top row shows the stimulus configuration. The stimulus (S) was a train of broadband chirps at 40 Hz repetition, while the noise (N) was broadband and continuous. The virtual positions of S and N are either at +90° or −90°. This cell had a CF of 740 Hz and responded best at +90°. Bottom row shows dot rasters as a function of noise level. In each condition, the signal was on from 0 to 200 ms, while the noise was continuous. Reused, with permission, from Lane CC and Delgutte B, 2005 351.

Figure 1. Comparison of FTCs and PSTHs of ANFs with different rates of spontaneous activity. (A) FTCs recorded from cats raised in a low‐noise environment arranged by SR in columns with high SR to the left and low SR to the right and by CF in rows with low at the top and high at the bottom. Low CF are all fibers between 1.9 and 2.2 kHz) and high CFs are between 4.4 and 5 kHz. Each curve is from a different fiber, and each panel plots curves from three to seven different fibers. The individual fibers show remarkable uniformity in shape. The far‐right panel illustrates this uniformity by replotting each of the curves after shifting the medium‐ and low‐SR fibers so the tips of the tuning curves coincide. The amount of shift can be seen from the arrows to the left. Modified, with permission, from Liberman MC, 1978 362. (B) Poststimulus‐time histograms of three ANFs of low (left), medium (middle), and high CF (right) as indicated. The fiber plotted in the middle has high spontaneous activity, while the one to the right has low spontaneous activity. The differences in the initial onset response and adaptation are evident in the PSTHs. The low‐frequency fiber on the left shows the multiple modes corresponding to the frequency of the tone, characteristic of phase‐locking. Modified, with permission, from Kiang NYS, 1984 313.

Figure 2. Phase‐locking of inner hair cell (left) and ANF (right) responses. (A) Intracellular receptor potentials for an inner hair cell of the anesthetized guinea pig to tones at 80 dB SPL varying in frequency from 100 to 5000 Hz. At low frequencies, the cyclic AC component dominates the response, but at higher frequencies, the DC component becomes larger as the AC component disappears above about 3 kHz. The oscillating AC component is responsible for the ANF phase‐locking at low frequencies. The 25‐mV scale bar applies for 100 to 900 Hz; the 12.5 mV applies for the 1000 to 5000 Hz waveforms. Reused, with permission, from Palmer AR and Russell IJ, 1986 489. (B) Period histograms of an auditory‐nerve fiber of the anesthetized squirrel monkey when stimulated with tones from 300 to 1403 Hz, as labeled. The abscissae represent one cycle of the tone, here labeled as the period in microseconds. The vector strength or synchronization index is indicated by its magnitude R and corresponding phase, indicated by the small arrow under each histogram. Note that the decline in R value mirrors the decrease in the AC component in the receptor potential of the IHC (A). The CF of the fiber was about 1100 Hz. Modified, with permission, from Anderson DJ, et al., 1971 19.

Figure 3. Temporal analysis of ANF spike trains in response to multiple repetitions of a broadband noise (70 dB), based on counting of interspike intervals. Each column shows displays for one ANF, ordered from low (left) to high CF (right). The top row (same abscissa as second row) shows all‐order interspike‐interval histograms, in which the time between spikes is measured for all spikes within a spike train (i.e. for each response to a single stimulus repetition). Because these intervals respect a refractory time, the intervals are never shorter than a minimal duration (∼1 ms), resulting in a gap without intervals. This gap obscures the temporal patterning, but it can be appreciated at the lowest CF (550 Hz) that there is a periodicity consistent with the characteristic period (CF−1, here 1.8 ms) and multiples thereof, indicated with dots under the abscissa. The second row shows the complementary histogram, in which all‐order interspike intervals are counted across spiketrains. There is no refractoriness across spiketrains, and a clear temporal pattern is now visible for all CFs, which is dominantly oscillatory (at CF−1) for CFs below 5 kHz and consists of a broad peak for CFs > 5 kHz. These two components reflect phase‐locking to the fine structure of motion of the organ of Corti at low CFs and to envelopes at high CFs. These shuffled autocorrelograms are much smoother than the all‐order interspike‐interval histograms because they allow many permutations between spike trains for the extraction of intervals. The bottom row shows the shuffled autocorrelograms in a format allowing easier comparison with binaural ITD functions by showing the histogram as a function for both forward and backward interspike intervals and by normalizing the ordinate to the total number of spikes. Numbers in top row indicate CF and spontaneous rate. Reused, with permission, from Louage DH, et al., 2004 386.

Figure 4. Coding of stimulus intensity by ANFs in the anesthetized cat. Rate‐level curves of 13 ANFs of tones at CF as indicated in each plot and arranged by CF from top (low) to bottom (high) and with sloping (left) or flat (right) saturation. The spontaneous rate of the fiber and the threshold can be deduced from the lowest SPL used and its discharge rate at that SPL. There is a tendency for cells with flat saturation to have low threshold and high spontaneous activity. Reused, with permission, from Sachs MB and Abbas PJ, 1974 550.

Figure 5. Schematic diagram of the primary cell types and their connections in the cochlear nucleus with its two major subdivisions, the ventral (VCN) and dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). Excitatory glutamatergic synaptic endings are shown in green, inhibitory glycinergic terminals in yellow, and inhibitory gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABAergic) terminals in red. Auditory inputs to the nucleus arrive as type I auditory‐nerve fibers (ANFs, lower right), and the major output projection pathways are the trapezoid body (TB) and the dorsal and intermediate acoustic stria (DAS/IAS), on the left. Electrical synaptic connections are indicated by resistive symbols in the molecular domain of the DCN. Cell types: SBC, spherical bushy cell; GBC, globular bushy cell; RN, nerve root neuron; TS, T‐stellate; DS, D‐stellate; OC, octopus cell; FC, fusiform cell; GC, giant cell; VC, vertical cell; CW, cartwheel cell; BC, basket cell; GoC, Golgi cell; GrC, granule cell; SC, superficial stellate cell; and UBC, unipolar brush cell.

Figure 6. Transformations of the ANF response (on the left) by the five major projection neurons of the cochlear nucleus (right). The PSTHs show the responses to tones at CF, in some cases for both low (phase‐locked) and high CF. The frequency‐tuning curve (FTC) shows areas of excitation (black) and inhibition (dotted lines). In the AVCN, the spherical bushy cells have a primary‐like response, the globular bushy cells have a primary‐like‐with‐notch response, T‐stellate cells have a chopper response with prominent inhibitory side bands in the FTC, octopus cells have an onset response with a wide FTC, and fusiform cells can have pauser or buildup responses and a complex FTC with prominent inhibitory areas.

Figure 7. Circuits in the superior olivary complex (SOC) for computing the interaural cues. (A) The EE circuit involving the MSO that encodes ITDs from excitatory inputs from SBCs of both sides. MSO neurons also receive inhibitory inputs from the contralateral ear relayed through the ipsilateral MNTB and from the ipsilateral ear through the ipsilateral LNTB. (B) The IE circuit involving the LSO that computes ILDs from excitatory inputs from spherical bushy cells on the ipsilateral side and inhibitory inputs from the MNTB. The red to green shading shows the tonotopic organization from low to high frequencies, respectively, in each of the major nuclei. Excitatory glutamatergic cells are shown in green and inhibitory glycinergic cells in red. For simplicity, cell types include principal and nonprincipal cells. The PSTHs show typical responses to tones at CF for the cells adjacent to the histograms. In some cases, two histograms are shown for low and high CF. Abbreviations: MSO, medial superior olive; LSO, lateral superior olive; MNTB, medial nucleus of the trapezoid body; LNTB, lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body; VNTB, ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body.

Figure 8. Drawings of Golgi‐impregnated axons/neurons in coronal sections through the superior olivary complex of the cat. Modified, with permission, from Figures 343, 344, and 345 of Ramon y Cajal S, 1909 516. (A) Axons projecting to the SOC. Midline is to the right edge of the drawing. The prominent calyces of Held in the MNTB are seen near (a), terminals in VNTB near (b), in MSO near (c), in the S‐shaped LSO near (d), and VNTB near (e). (B) Neurons in the LSO. The bipolar principal cells are shown near (a) and an example of a marginal cell near (b). (C) Neurons in the MSO. The bipolar principal cells are shown near (a) and a marginal cell near (b).

Figure 9. Head‐related transfer functions (HRTFs) for the cat. (A) HRTFs for five positions in space varying in azimuth at 0° elevation. At each position, the top traces show the time domain recordings from the left (blue trace) and right (red) ear to a click stimulus from the azimuthal position indicated. The bottom traces are the Fourier transforms of the time domain signal showing the frequency spectrum. (B) HRTFs for five positions varying in elevation at 0° azimuth. Here, the time domain traces are to the left and the spectra to the right in each pair. The midfrequency notch in each spectral plot is indicated by the asterisk. Dotted vertical lines in spectra traces are at 10 kHz for reference. Reused, with permission, from Musicant AD, et al., 1990 449.

Figure 10. The Jeffress model for computing ITDs. Reused, with permission, from Goldberg JM and Brown PB, 1969 199.

Figure 11. Comparison of phase‐locking of ANFs to bushy cells from the anesthetized cat. (A, B) Responses of an ANF to tones at CF (350 Hz) at 70 dB SPL plotted as dot rasters in (A) and period histogram in (B). Each dot indicates the time of occurrence of an action potential relative to stimulus onset at 0 time. Each row represents the response to one of the 200 stimulus presentations of tones of 25 ms duration (waveform seen below C), repeated every 100 ms. Period histograms in (B) of the same responses showing the probability of spikes to occur over a narrow range of stimulus phase angles. The histogram has been shifted on the phase axis so that the mean phase is 0.0 for ease of comparison with (D). Panels (C) and (D): dot rasters and period histograms for a bushy cell recorded from its axon in the trapezoid body with a CF of 340 Hz at 69 dB SPL. (E) Comparison of the maximum synchronization index over stimulus level for ANFs and bushy cells. The two lines indicate the range of Rmax in ANFs reported by Johnson 272, and the data points are for all the bushy cells recorded in the trapezoid body. The bushy cells are designated by SBC or GBC if there were anatomical data on the course of their axons (e.g. GBC projecting to MNTB as calyces of Held and SBC projecting bilaterally to MSO). Otherwise, they are called phase‐locked (PHL) since it is not possible to distinguish primary‐like from primary‐like‐with‐notch responses when they are phase‐locked. The ordinate is plotted on an expansive scale to emphasize the values greater than 0.9, which no ANF ever exceeds. Redrawn, with permission, from Joris PX, et al., 1994 277.

Figure 12. Coincidence detection in the MSO of the anesthetized cat. (A) ITD sensitivity to pure tones at CF (1000 Hz). Positive ITDs represent delays of the ipsilateral tone. Stimulus was 1 repetition of a 5‐s long tone at 60 dB SPL. The arrows labeled C and I on the ordinate indicate the level of response to monaural stimulation of the contralateral and ipsilateral ear, respectively. Downward arrow marks the mean interaural phase φd of the delay curve. Examples of waveform timing are shown below the plot. (B) Period histogram of responses to the same monaural tones to the contralateral ear. Downward arrow marks the mean monaural phase. (C) Period histogram of responses to monaural tones to the ipsilateral ear. Modified, with permission, from Yin TC and Chan JC, 1990 722.

Figure 13. Schematic diagram of the characteristic delay analysis. Each row is meant to illustrate a different type of response. For illustrative purposes, the ITD responses are idealized as linear, triangular responses on the left. Each curve is the response to a different stimulus frequency as shown by the different symbols. To the right is the interaural phase versus frequency plot. (A) Peak response type with CP = 0.0 and CD = +300 μs. (B) Trough response type with CP = 0.5 and CD = −100 μs. (C) Intermediate response type (tweener) with CP = 0.2 and CD = 200 μs. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC and Kuwada S, 1983 727.

Figure 14. Responses of three cells (rows) in the ICC of anesthetized cat that illustrate the three cell types commonly seen. On the left are the superimposed and normalized ITD curves at different frequencies, and on the right are the interaural phase versus frequency plots. CD and CP are as indicated. (A) Peak‐type cell. (B) Trough‐type cell. (C) Intermediate‐type cell. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC and Kuwada S, 1983 727.

Figure 15. Binaural‐beat stimulus and analysis. (A) Plots of the tone stimuli to the ipsilateral and contralateral ears during a binaural‐beat stimulus showing how the interaural phase (φ) changes continuously during the duration of the stimulus. In this case, the contralateral stimulus is higher by fb, so it leads the ipsilateral stimulus during the first half cycle and lags during the second half cycle. The cycle repeats every fb. (B) Schematic diagram of how the stimuli would be perceived, though the perceived position is inside the head rather than externalized as diagrammed. (C) Responses of a cell in the ICC to the binaural‐beat stimulus, in this case with fb = 1 Hz added to the ipsilateral tone. (D) Response of the same cell to ITDs of the same tone. (E) Comparison of the interaural‐phase sensitivity of the cell computed using ITDs (D) and binaural beats (C) plotted as interaural period histograms. Modified, with permission, from Yin TC and Kuwada S, 1983 726.

Figure 16. Comparison of ITD sensitivity to tones and noise in an MSO cell of the anesthetized cat. (A) ITD functions for eight frequencies plotted on a common ITD axis. (B) Response of the same cell to ITDs of noise (asterisks) and to tones (triangles) as computed by the composite curve, which is the sum of its responses to all frequencies. For comparison, the two curves are normalized to their peak response. (C) Characteristic delay analysis of the same cell showing its peak‐type response with CP = 0.63 and CD = 33 μs. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC and Chan JC, 1990 722.

Figure 17. Comparison, for nine ICC cells, of ITDs of noise (solid line, *) and tone composite curves (dashed line, Δ) from the anesthetized cat. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC, et al., 1986 724.

Figure 18. Responses of four ICC cells in the anesthetized cat to ITDs of noise with different interaural correlations. The interaural noise correlation for each curve is indicated in the key. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC, et al., 1987 723.

Figure 19. Stylized distributions (yellow surfaces) of optimal delays (ODs) with a hard boundary (dashed line) at the edge of the physiological range (A) or with a hard π‐limit (B). The middle panels represent a population of MSO (or ICC) neurons: each neuron (circle) is represented according to its OD (abscissa) and best frequency (BF) (ordinate). The top and bottom panels illustrate the corresponding ITD functions for a high‐ and lower BF neuron, respectively, at the edge of the distribution, as would be obtained in response to broadband noise (Figures 16,17,18). The distribution in (A) predicts that neurons with high BF would have a secondary maximum (slipped cycle) that is closer to 0 ITD than the primary maximum at the OD: this is only rarely observed. Experimentally, the largest ODs observed are such that the primary peak of the ITD function (at the OD) is usually the peak closest to 0 ITD. This results in the π‐limit. Modified, with permission, from Joris P and Yin TC, 2007 273.

Figure 20. Intracellular recording from gerbil MSO, in vivo, using the whole‐cell patch recording technique. The top panels show monaural responses to a long ipsilateral (200 Hz) or contralateral (201 Hz) tone at 70 dB SPL. Note that the EPSPs are spike‐like in duration and are subthreshold. There are no obvious IPSPs. The lower panels show two segments of the response when the two tones are now delivered as a binaural‐beat stimulus. When the tones are nearly in‐phase (left), spikes are triggered. When the tones are nearly out‐of‐phase (right), the EPSPs are smaller and remain subthreshold. Reused, with permission, from Franken TP, et al., 2015 177 and unpublished data.

Figure 21. ILD sensitivity of an LSO nonprincipal cell of the anesthetized cat. (A‐D) Dot rasters (top) and PSTHs (bottom) to 20 repetitions of CF tones with four combinations of ILDs obtained by holding the ipsilateral stimulus constant at 30 dB SPL, while the contralateral level varied between 5 dB (A) and 45 dB (D). The 16‐kHz tone was on during the first 300 ms. The inset in (A) shows the first 40 ms of a monaural ipsilateral tone at CF to show the chopping response. (E) Plot of the ILD sensitivity of the cell as mean discharge rate and +1 SEM. Points labeled (A‐D) correspond to the responses above. Dotted line labeled Spon indicates the spontaneous activity, and the vertical dotted line shows the half‐maximal ILD. Reused, with permission, from Tollin DJ and Yin TC, 2002 651.

Figure 22. Spatial receptive field in azimuth of the same LSO cell as in Figure 21 studied using VAS to simulate different spatial positions in azimuth at 0° elevation. (A) At each position, a broadband noise was filtered with the HRTF appropriate for that position in space and delivered to both the ipsilateral and contralateral ears. The dot rasters for 21 azimuthal positions spaced at 4.5° are stacked together and plotted as a function of poststimulus time. The duration of the stimulus was 0 to 200 ms. (B) Same stimulus as in (A) except that the input to the contralateral ear was turned off. (C) Plots of azimuthal receptive field derived from (A) and (B) showing the clear suppressive effect of the contralateral input at all azimuthal positions. Reused, with permission, from Tollin DJ and Yin TC, 2002 651.

Figure 23. Responses of an LSO cell in the anesthetized cat to ITDs and ILDs of clicks. The level of the excitatory ipsilateral click was held constant at 50 dB SPL, while the level of the contralateral click was varied from 30 to 70 dB SPL. Positive ITDs correspond to the excitatory ipsilateral click delayed in time, as shown by the schematic EPSP from the ipsilateral side and IPSP from the contralateral side at the top. The CF of the cell was 5.2 kHz. Traces above the plot illustrate the timing of the ipsilateral EPSP and contralateral IPSP during the three conditions. This cell gave a transient response to ipsilateral tones, and was therefore likely a principal cell. Reused, with permission, from Joris PX and Yin TC, 1995 290.

Figure 24. Test of the latency hypothesis from responses to bilateral click stimuli of cells in the LSO of the anesthetized rat. (A) ILD (or what they call IID) sensitivity function (open circles) and monaural rate‐level curve (solid circles, labeled ipsi alone). The ILD function was obtained with the contralateral SPL at the base level 75 dB and varying the ipsilateral SPL from 50 to 100 dB SPL as shown by the bottom axis. (B) ITD sensitivity of the same cell at 75 dB base in both ears. Positive ITDs indicate that the contralateral inhibitory stimulus leads in time. The ITDs used were chosen from the latency changes recorded from rate‐level curves for the ipsilateral excitatory stimulus (not shown). From this latency‐level function, the equivalent ITDs (ITDe) can be calculated for changes in SPL from the base (top axis in C). (C) Comparison of the ILD function (IID, open circles), with the equivalent ITD function (ITDe, closed circles) and delay‐cancelled ILD (IIDdc, open diamonds) for a cell in which the ILD sensitivity appears to be primarily derived from ITD through the changes in latency with level since the ILD and ITDe curves are similar, while the ILDdc curve is flat. (D) Same comparisons as in (C) for a different cell for which ITD appears not to be important in establishing the ILD sensitivity since the ILD and ILDdc curves are similar, while the ITDe curve is flat. Redrawn, with permission, from Figures 3 and 4 of Irvine DR, et al., 2001 260.

Figure 25. ILD functions in the LSO of the awake mustache bat, Pteronotus parnellii, showing the variation in the threshold for spike inhibition due to the inhibitory contralateral input. The ILD functions were obtained by holding the ipsilateral tone at CF constant, while varying the level of the contralateral inhibitory tone. Reused, with permission, from Park TJ, et al., 1997 498.

Figure 26. Topographic distribution of ILDs in the inferior colliculus of the mustache bat, Pteronotus parnellii. Reconstructions of four electrode penetrations in four different animals showing the systematic change in inhibitory threshold (numbers to the right of symbols) with increasing depth. ILD functions were obtained by setting the contralateral excitatory CF tone to 15 dB above threshold and varying the ipsilateral level. The inhibitory threshold was defined as the half‐maximal ILD. The CFs of multiunit cluster recordings are plotted on the abscissae. The approximate locations of the penetrations on a surface view of the IC are shown to the right, but all penetrations were in different animals. Reused, with permission, from Wenstrup JJ, et al., 1986 688.

Figure 27. Circuitry in DCN to account for the type IV response map. (A) DCN circuitry with respect to inputs to the type IV (fusiform) cells. The heavy horizontal line at the bottom represents the tonotopic input from ANFs with low frequencies to the left. The type II cell is thought to be the vertical cell and the wideband inhibitor (WBI) the D‐stellate cell in Figure 5. MSN (medullary somatic nuclei) represents the somatosensory input from the dorsal column and spinal trigeminal nuclei. Modified, with permission, from Figure 12 of Davis KA and Young ED, 2000 130. (B) Schematic of the tuning curves of the three inputs to the type IV cell that carry acoustic information from ANFs. Inhibitory input from type II cell is shown in red and from the WBI in green, while excitatory input from ANFs is shown in black. Drawn, with permission, from Young ED, et al., 1992 735. (C) Response map of a typical type IV neuron in the DCN of a decerebrate cat. Plots of spike activity as a function of frequency for nine different attenuation levels are shown modulated about the spontaneous activity (horizontal line in each plot). Inhibition is plotted below the spontaneous rate and is coded by the same shading as in (B). The CF of the neuron is 7.41 kHz. Modified, with permission, from Figure 2C of Spirou GA and Young ED, 1991 622.

Figure 28. Sensitivity of a type IV neuron in the DCN of a decerebrate cat to the frequency of a spectral notch. (A) Power spectrum of three stimuli of broadband noise filtered through a simulated HRTF spectral notch at different notch frequencies. (B) Response map of a type IV neuron tested with the notch filtered noises. The stimulus labeled c has a notch frequency that corresponds to the CF (11.6 kHz) of the type IV cell, shown by the downward arrow. Shading convention same as in Figure 27. (A) and (B) have a common frequency axis. (C, D) Responses of the cell to variations in stimulus level for the five different spectral notch frequencies. Modified, with permission, from Figure 5 of Young ED, et al., 1997 733.

Figure 29. Study of an IC neuron in the anesthetized guinea pig to test for convergent input. (A) Interaural phase versus frequency plot showing an intermediate CP = 0.2. (B) Superimposed ITD plots at 10 different frequencies. (C) PSTH of the responses to a 3‐s binaural beat at the CF of 250 Hz (histogram) and in the presence of suppressor tones at the two ears of 100 Hz (heavy line). The suppressor tone was chosen to have an unfavorable ITD at 100 Hz. (D‐H) Similar responses as in (C) at five other frequencies with the same suppressor tones. Here, the data are plotted as interaural‐phase period histograms for the binaural‐beat stimulus at the indicated frequencies. The 100‐Hz tone at an unfavorable ITD suppresses the interaural‐phase sensitivity at the lowest frequencies (E, 150 Hz) and phaseshifts the responses at higher frequencies. (I) Interaural phase versus frequency plot for the original unsuppressed responses (open squares and closed circles) and in the presence of the 100‐Hz suppressor (open circles). (J) ITD curves for the five highest frequencies in the presence of the low‐frequency suppressor show a peak‐type response as suggested by the phase‐frequency plot for these frequencies in (I). Reused, with permission, from McAlpine D, et al., 1998 420.

Figure 30. The precedence effect (PE). (A) Typical arrangement of studies of the PE using free field stimuli. A cat is positioned between two speakers (a) and (b). Identical stimuli, usually clicks or transients, are delivered to the speakers with an interstimulus delay (ISD) between the stimuli. When ISD = 0, the subject perceives the click to arise from a phantom source directly in front. (B) Plots of the perceived azimuth as a function of ISD. Three intervals of ISD are identified: summing localization, the period of the PE, and ISDs longer than the echo threshold (breakdown of fusion) when both clicks are heard and localized. Adapted, with permission, from Blauert J, 1997 51. (C) Behavioral measurements of localization in cats trained to direct their gaze to the location of sound sources. In this case, the speakers (a) and (b) were positioned at +18° and −18°, respectively, as shown by the arrows to the far right. With the head restrained, cats undershoot the acoustic targets. In this case, the apparent locations of “a” and “b” show the degree of undershoot. All three components of the PE are seen in cats. Reused, with permission, from Tollin DJ, et al., 2004 648.

Figure 31. Responses of a cell in the ICC of the anesthetized cat to stimuli mimicking the PE. (A) Spatial receptive field of the cell for single clicks varying in azimuth in the frontal hemifield. The locations of the two speakers used during PE stimuli are shown by the downward arrows. (B) Plots of the responses of the cell to PE stimuli, with a click to speakers at ±45° with variable interclick delays (ICDs). Positive ICDs correspond to the click to speaker (a) leading. Spikes during two different time periods are plotted: those occurring from 12 to 18 ms following the leading click (dashed line) and those during the 0 to 150 ms period (solid line). Error bars indicate +1 SEM over 50 repetitions. (C) Dot rasters of the responses to the PE stimuli. The ICD for each set of stimuli is indicated to the right. When the (b) speaker is leading (negative ICDs in lower section), the suppression of the lagging click to speaker (a) is apparent as the ICD is decreased from 100 to 2 ms. When the (a) speaker is leading, there is partial suppression of the response to the lagging (b) speaker even when the ICD is 100 ms and complete suppression for all other ICDs shown. Reused, with permission, from Yin TC, 1994 720.

Figure 32. Binaural masking‐level differences (BMLDs). Schematic diagram of the BMLD and its counterintuitive results from adding noise (bottom trace) or signal (tone trace). The frowning subject indicates difficulty in detecting the tone signal, while smiling means the signal is more easily detected. The nomenclature for describing the different stimulus conditions is shown in the right column, where N stands for noise, S for signal, the subscript m designates monaural, and o and π mean either in‐phase or out‐of‐phase, respectively. (A) Monaural signal and noise to one ear is difficult to detect. (B) Adding noise to the other ear now makes the signal more detectable. (C) Adding the signal to the other ear makes the signal difficult to detect. (D) Inverting the phase of the signal makes it detectable. Adapted, with permission, from Moore BCJ, 1982 436.

Figure 33. Studies of BMLDs in the ICC of anesthetized guinea pigs. Responses from three different cells (rows) are shown. In each row, the left‐hand plot is the ITD sensitivity for broadband noise. In the middle are interaural period histograms of the responses to binaural beats at CF. On the right are responses to stimuli mimicking the BMLD paradigm showing the responses plotted as D′ values of the detectability of the 500‐Hz tone with a constant noise masker as a function of the level of the tone. The two plots in each graph show the NoSo (solid circles) and NoSπ (open circles) configurations. (A) Cell shows a positive BMLD in which adding signal in‐phase causes an increase in discharge, while adding signal out‐of‐phase causes a decrease. (B) Cell shows a positive BMLD, where adding signal in‐ or out‐of‐phase both causes an increase in response. (C) Cell shows a negative BMLD, where adding signal in‐ or out‐of‐phase causes an increase in discharge. Modified, with permission, from Figures 4,5,6 of Jiang D, et al., 1997 270.

Figure 34. Studies of spatial release from masking in the ICC of anesthetized cats. Virtual acoustic space techniques were used to simulate sounds in free field but delivered over head phones. The top row shows the stimulus configuration. The stimulus (S) was a train of broadband chirps at 40 Hz repetition, while the noise (N) was broadband and continuous. The virtual positions of S and N are either at +90° or −90°. This cell had a CF of 740 Hz and responded best at +90°. Bottom row shows dot rasters as a function of noise level. In each condition, the signal was on from 0 to 200 ms, while the noise was continuous. Reused, with permission, from Lane CC and Delgutte B, 2005 351.
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Teaching Material

T. C. T. Yin, P. H. Smith, P. X. Joris. Neural Mechanisms of Binaural Processing in the Auditory Brainstem. Compr Physiol 9: 2019, 1503-1575.

Didactic Synopsis

Major Teaching Points:

  • To localize the spatial location of sounds, the brain must compute tiny differences in the sound to the two ears as well as the fine spectral properties of the sounds.
  • Three primary cues are used: differences in the time and intensity of sounds to the two ears are used to determine the horizontal component, while the spectral properties are used to code the vertical dimension.
  • Neurons in the cochlear nucleus show great diversity in the way in which they transform their inputs from the auditory nerve and convey that information to the auditory brainstem nuclei.
  • Neurons in the auditory brainstem appear to have evolved specialized anatomical and physiological properties that are not found anywhere else in the nervous system.
  • Circuits in the superior olivary complex use highly sensitive coincidence detectors to encode interaural time differences and inhibitory mechanisms to encode interaural level differences.
  • Despite considerable progress in recent years in studying these neural mechanisms, many questions still remain unresolved.

Didactic Legends

The following legends to the figures that appear throughout the article are written to be useful for teaching.

Figure 1 Teaching points. (A) The uniform spectral properties of ANFs: they have a narrow V-shaped filter, regardless of the CF of the fiber. (B) The temporal responses of ANFs depend on whether they are low or high CF. The low CF fiber on the left phase-locks to the tone, while the high CF fibers to the right do not. Also, there is some difference that depends on the spontaneous rate: fibers with high spontaneous rate have a higher initial response and adapt quickly, while those with low spontaneous rate have a lower initial response and adapt slower.

Figure 2 Teaching points. (A) Intracellular recordings from IHCs reveal that at low frequencies where the ANFs phase-lock, there is a prominent AC component to the IHC response with a cyclic response corresponding to each cycle of the input tone. This cyclic response disappears at the higher frequencies where phase-locking is no longer present. (B) When the responses to tones are plotted as period histograms, the phase-locking is revealed by the peaks in the histogram. The phase at which the peak occurs varies with frequency in a manner consistent with cochlear mechanics.

Figure 3 Teaching points. The top row of histograms (A-D) shows all-order interspike interval histograms. The easiest way to look at these is as follows: if the neuron fires a spike now (= 0 ms), when are the next spikes occurring? For a certain duration (equal to the refractory period), no other spike will be fired. Besides this gap, the histograms in (B-D) are featureless. However, the histogram of the low-frequency nerve fiber (A) has an oscillatory pattern. The dots indicate the periodicity associated with the cochlear place innervated by this fiber (1/550 Hz = 1.8 ms). Indeed, when this fiber fires, it has a somewhat higher probability to fire again at 1.8 ms and at 2 × 1.8 ms. Annoying in this analysis is that the refractory period obscures what happens at shorter timescales. The middle row shows shuffled autocorrelograms. Here, the stimulus is presented multiple times, and we ask the question: if the cell fires a spike at a certain time during a presentation of the stimulus (again we call this time 0 ms), how many spikes are then fired at the same timepoint of the stimulus, or later, when we repeat the stimulus? For this comparison across responses to a given stimulus, the refractory period is irrelevant. The histograms reveal a clear oscillatory pattern for fibers tuned to low frequencies (E-G), reflecting phase-locking to fast cochlear vibrations, and a broader peak for the high-frequency fiber (H), reflecting slower envelope fluctuations. The bottom row shows these shuffled autocorrelograms mirrored around 0 and as function rather than a histogram. Note the similarity in the shape of these functions with the ITD functions shown later in response to noise (Figure 16B). The shuffled autocorrelograms are a straightforward way to compare monaural spike trains with the output of coincidence detectors like MSO neurons. Indeed, the process of computing intervals between spikes in two spike trains is identical to the process of detecting coincidences between these spike trains when shifted in time w.r.t. each other.

Figure 4 Teaching points. The rate-level curves of a sample of ANFs varying in CF from low to high (rows) and with different spontaneous rates (columns) are shown. There is a tendency for high spontaneous rate fibers to have lower thresholds and saturating rate-level curves than those with low spontaneous rate, but the sample shows that there are exceptions to these tendencies.

Figure 5 Teaching points. A schematic diagram of the different cell types in the two divisions of the cochlear nucleus, the dorsal (DCN) and ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN), with their inputs from the auditory nerve fibers (ANF), interconnections between cell types, and their axonal projections to the trapezoid body (TB) or dorsal (DAS) or ventral acoustic stria (VAS). The three major classes of neurotransmitters, glutamate (excitatory), glycine (inhibitory), or GABAergic (inhibitory), are shown by different-colored axonal terminals. Note that the cells in the VCN, especially the two flavors of bushy cells, receive strong input from the ANF and relatively little input from other cells, whereas the cells in the DCN receive much more local connections from other cells in the cochlear nucleus.

Figure 6 Teaching points. Illustration of the differences in the physiological response properties of five of the major cell types in the cochlear nucleus as compared to their auditory nerve fiber input (extreme left). The poststimulus time histogram to pure tones at CF and their frequency tuning curve are shown. As expected, the bushy cells in the VCN that get strong input from the ANF and relatively weak inhibition have PSTH and tuning curves that resemble their ANF input, while the other cell types transform the input substantially.

Figure 7 Teaching points. The two circuits in the superior olivary complex that are critical for encoding the interaural cues of ITD and ILD. The EE circuit involves the MSO which receives excitatory input from both sides and computes ITDs. The IE circuit of the LSO receives inhibition from the contralateral side via the MNTB, and excitation from the ipsilateral side computes ILDs.

Figure 8 Teaching points. Drawings of Golgi-stained axons projecting to the superior olivary nuclei in (A) show the large calyces of Held endings in the MNTB and the axonal input to the two sides of MSO cells from the AVCN of both sides. Panel (B) shows the cellular architecture of the LSO, while panel (C) shows the MSO.

Figure 9 Teaching points. Graphs showing the changes in the acoustic input to the two ears as the position of a sound source is varied along the horizontal (A) or vertical (B) dimension. The signals are obtained from a microphone placed near the eardrum of the left (blue) and right (red) ears. The horizontal angle for five different positions is shown by the drawing in the center. For each of the five positions, the upper traces are the recordings from the microphone as a function of time for a click stimulus, while the lower traces are the frequency spectra for the same signals. The difference in the arrival times of the click response in the upper traces reflects the ITD, while the amplitude of the spectral traces reflects the ILD as a function of frequency. Note that when the sound originates directly opposite the left ear (-90°), the left ear signal arrives earlier and is larger in amplitude than the right ear signal. For signals varying in the vertical dimension (B) along the median plane, the left and right ear signals are essentially identical, but the position of a prominent notch in the frequency spectrum designated by the * varies in frequency and is thought to play a crucial role in encoding the vertical component of the sound. The filters for the left and right ears for each position in space are referred to as the head-related transfer function (HRTF).

Figure 10 Teaching points. A simplified drawing of the Jeffress model. Inputs from the ipsilateral and contralateral sides arrive to the MSO cell array by way of a lattice-like pattern so that, for example inputs from the contralateral side arrive at cell 1 before they arrive at cell 2 and subsequent higher numbered cells by virtue of a longer delay line (?t). If the MSO cells are coincident detectors, then only the cell for which the delay lines on the two sides compensate for the acoustic delay resulting from the sound in space will fire. See supplementary information for a video illustration of this model.

Figure 11 Teaching points. Illustration of the enhancement in phase-locking from the auditory nerve (A,B) to the bushy cells in the AVCN (C,D) for a pure tone stimulus of about 350 Hz. Each dot in the rasters in (A) and (C) represents the time of the occurrence of the discharge with respect to the onset of the stimulus at 0 ms. Each row of dots is one trial of the 200 identical presentations. The vertical alignment of dots reflects the propensity of the cell to respond at a particular phase angle of the input, i.e. phase-locking. The enhancement in phase-locking is seen by the improved alignment of dots in (C) as compared to (A). The period histograms in (B) and (D) are computed by graphing the occurrence of each spike with respect to 0 phase. Again the enhancement in the bushy cell is apparent in the narrowness of the period histogram in (D) as compared to (E). The enhancement is quantified by the synchronization index plotted as a function of CF. The range of synchronization indices in the auditory nerve is shown by the two lines, while the responses of bushy cells are indicated by the different symbols. Most bushy cells with CF < 1 kHz have synchronization indices above 0.9, which exceeds that ever seen in ANFs.

Figure 12 Teaching points. Illustration of coincidence detection in an MSO cell for tones at CF of 1000 Hz. Binaural response as a function of ITD is shown in (A), while monaural responses to stimulation of the contralateral ear (B) and ipsilateral ear (C) are shown as period histograms. The period histograms show phase-locked responses to stimulation of both ears, with the contralateral ear responding with a mean phase angle indicated by the downward arrow of 0.02, while the ipsilateral response leads the contralateral response with a mean phase angle of -0.13. For coincidence to occur when stimulated binaurally, the ipsilateral stimulus should then be delayed by 0.15 ms. The binaural response in (A) shows that the MSO cell responds maximally when the ipsilateral stimulus is delayed by 0.10 ms.

Figure 13 Teaching points. Illustration of the theoretical basis for the characteristic delay analysis. The three examples show responses that have a common peak (A), trough (B), and relative amplitude (C). For illustrative purposes, the cyclic ITD curves are simulated as triangular-shaped curves, and ITD responses are shown at six different frequencies. (A) For a cell that peaks at the same ITD (300 ?s) regardless of frequency, the plot of the interaural phase as a function of frequency to the right is linear with a slope of 300 ?s and a phase intercept or characteristic phase of 0.0. (B) For a cell that has a common trough at -100 ?s, the interaural phase versus frequency plot has a slope of -100 ?s and a CP of 0.5. (C) For a cell in which the response reaches a common relative amplitude at 200 ?s, the interaural phase versus frequency plot has a slope of 200 ?s and a CP of 0.2.

Figure 14 Teaching points. Examples of three cells in the IC with CD characteristics corresponding to those in Figure 13. Each of the ITD curves is normalized to the peak, and responses at different frequencies are plotted on the same ITD axis for a cell with a common peak (A), trough (B), and relative amplitude (C). As shown in these examples, cells with a common peak or trough are relatively easy to identify, but many cells have responses like those shown in (C) where it is not clear if and where a common amplitude exists. This is where the CD analysis is useful. The interaural phase versus frequency plots on the right are linear, which identifies cells as CD, with corresponding CPs near 0 for common peak and near 0.5 for common trough and intermediate CPs. Most, but not all, cells in the IC have linear phase-frequency plots, but there is a wide range of CPs. On the other hand, CD cells in MSO tend to have CPs near 0, while those in the LSO have CPs near 0.5, reflecting their EE and IE binaural interaction, respectively.

Figure 15 Teaching points. Using binaural beats to study interaural phase sensitivity. The binaural beat stimulus is illustrated in (A); it provides a continuously changing interaural phase through each period of the beat frequency. So, for example a 1-Hz beat frequency will repeat the same interaural phase sequence every 1000 ms. If the stimuli are turned on in phase, then the ear (contralateral in this drawing) receiving the higher frequency signal initially leads until the stimuli are out of phase (p = 0.5), and then the other ear stimulus leads until the stimuli are back in phase. The perceived movement inside the head is drawn in (B) with the sound initially in the middle of the head, then moving toward the contralateral ear, suddenly jumping to the ipsilateral ear as the tones are out of phase, and returning to the midline. In this case, the perceived movement is from the ipsilateral toward the contralateral ear. The direction of movement can be changed by using a negative beat frequency, and the speed of movement is determined by the magnitude of the beat frequency. Panel (C) shows the poststimulus time histogram of a response to the binaural beat for a cell in the IC. In this case, the stimulus duration is 3 s long with a beat frequency of 1 Hz, resulting in three bursts at the preferred interaural phase. Panel (D) shows the ITD curve for the same cell. As expected, it responds at a preferred interaural phase with four repetitions over the ±2 cycles of ITD tested. Panel (E) compares the interaural phase sensitivity obtained using binaural beats in (C) (histogram) and ITDs in (D) (solid line). The value of the binaural beat stimulus is the efficiency with which all possible interaural phases can be probed as compared with static ITD measurements, and the similarity between the two measures of interaural phase sensitivity (E) demonstrates its utility.

Figure 16 Teaching points. Figure depicting that the sensitivity to ITDs of a broad band noise signal can be approximated by summing the ITD curves of individual frequencies within the noise band. Panel (A) shows superimposed ITD curves over eight different frequencies between 500 and 1.7 kHz plotted on a common ITD axis. Individual ITD curves are as number of spikes, not normalized to the peak. Panel (B) compares the summed responses to the eight different frequencies in (A) (curve labeled “Tones”) with the response to ITDs of a wide band noise (Noise). The two responses are very similar. The interaural phase versus frequency plot for this cell in panel (C) shows that it demonstrates CD and has a common peak.

Figure 17 Teaching points. Plots like Figure 16B for nine different cells in the IC illustrate how similar the noise and tone delay curves are for a population of cells.

Figure 18 Teaching points. The computation of ITD to noise in the IC is similar to the process of cross-correlation. This was tested by creating pairs of noises that had different amount of correlation, from perfectly correlated (correlation coefficient r = 1.0) to completely uncorrelated (r = 0.0) and several values in between. When tested with these pairs of noises, the IC cells invariably responded best to the correlated pair with systematically decreasing modulation as the interaural correlation of the stimuli decreased toward 0. Responses to uncorrelated noises were unmodulated by ITD.

Figure 19 Teaching points. This schematic contrasts the distributions of optimal delays (ODs) expected for the Jeffress model with the distribution experimentally observed. The OD is the ITD to which a coincidence detector neuron is most active (red dot in top and bottom ITD curves): it reflects the internal delay, which is the difference in delay for the signals from the two ears to influence the binaural neuron. In (A), the distribution is rectangular. Each circle represents one neuron. Here, there is a range of internal delays that is independent of the best frequency to which the coincidence detector is tuned. The ITD curves illustrate the effect of a large internal delay (0.4 ms) on a fiber tuned to a low (bottom) and high (top) frequency. What is seen physiologically (B) is a pattern of ODs with a small range at high and a large range at low frequencies. The largest ODs approximate half a period of the frequency to which the neuron is tuned.

Figure 20 Teaching points. These intracellular recordings from an MSO neuron show the coincidence process. The top traces show 45 ms from a response to a monaural tone played either ipsilaterally (200 Hz) or contralaterally (201 Hz). The membrane potential shows postsynaptic potentials: brief depolarizations that are phase-locked to the stimulus and that remain subthreshold. When the stimuli are combined and produce a binaural beat, the cell shows spiking when the stimuli are in-phase (lower left) but not when they are in antiphase (right). For the in-phase part of the stimulus, the postsynaptic potentials from the two sides are now aligned and generate fast and phase-locked upswings in membrane potential, which in two cases set off an action potential. For the antiphase part, the potentials are interspersed and do not line up, so that they remain subthreshold.

Figure 21 Teaching points. Illustration of the sensitivity to ILD of LSO cells. Panels (A-D), a dot raster and PSTH of the responses to stimulation of the ipsilateral ear at 30 dB SPL, while the contralateral level was varied from 5 (A) to 45 (D) dB SPL. The inhibition provided by the contralateral side is evident in the systematic decrease in response as the contralateral level is increased. The ILD function is plotted in (E). The inset in (A) shows the first 40 ms of the response, which reveals the chopper pattern typical of LSO nonprincipal cells. Again, this clearly shows that increasing the contralateral stimulus level decreases the response.

Figure 22 Teaching points. The spatial receptive field of the same LSO cell as in Figure 21 using virtual acoustic space techniques. The spatial location of the stimuli was simulated using the HRTFs (Figure 9). The responses to 21 spatial positions varying in azimuth along the frontal sound field are stacked and plotted as dot rasters in (A) and (B). The stimulus is turned on at 0 ms and turned off at 200 ms. In (A), both ears are stimulated and the cell responds for stimuli with negative azimuths (left frontal field) and inhibited for stimuli in the right frontal field. In (B), the stimuli to the contralateral ear are turned off so that only the excitatory ipsilateral is on. Without the contralateral input, the inhibition is eliminated. The spike counts during the duration of the stimulus are plotted in panel (C). The distance between the two curves represents the inhibition from the contralateral side.

Figure 23 Teaching points. The ITD sensitivity of an LSO cell to click stimuli. Since LSO cells show IE binaural interaction, the contralateral input inhibits the ipsilateral response but only for a short range of ITDs for a transient stimulus. In this experiment, the excitatory ipsilateral stimulus was held constant at 50 dB SPL, while the contralateral click varied from 30 to 70 dB SPL. When the contralateral click was at 30 or 35 dB, there is little effect. At 40 dB, the response is inhibited over a narrow range of ITDs, which broadens as the contralateral SPL is raised. The curves at the top show the putative EPSPs and IPSPs for three different ITDs. For ITD of -1500 ?s, the inhibition arrives too late to effect the EPSP, while at +1500 ?s ITD, the inhibition is over when the EPSP arrives.

Figure 24 Teaching points. A test of the latency hypothesis in the LSO of the rat. Panel (A) shows plots of the ipsilateral click alone (dotted curve and lower axis) and binaural response (solid curve, circles) in which the inhibitory contralateral level is held constant at 70 dB, while the ipsilateral varies from 50 to 100 dB. Panel (B) shows the ITD sensitivity in a manner similar to that shown in Figure 23. The question raised in this experiment is whether the ILD sensitivity is due to the ITD sensitivity coupled with the change in latency as the SPL is changed. Since the excitatory stimulus is varied to vary ILD, the latency changes can be measured from the rate-level curves. Two curves are obtained to compare with the natural ILD (here labeled IID) curve: (i) the equivalent ITD curve (ITDe) is calculated by incorporating the changes in latency with the ITD function of panel (B) with constant SPL of both ears, while (ii) the delay cancelled ILD (IIDdc) is generated by delivering the ILD but with latency changes from the rate-level curves nulled so that ITDs are not present. Panel (C) shows responses of a cell in which the natural ILD curve (ILD) is essentially the same as the ITDe curve, while the IIDdc curve is flat, so it would correspond to a cell that fits the latency hypothesis. On the other hand, panel (D) shows responses from a different cell in which the ILD curve matches the IIDdc curve, while the ITDe is flat, which corresponds to a cell where the ILD function is not affected by response latency.

Figure 25 Teaching points. A family of ILD functions showing the variability in form of ILD functions in the LSO of the awake bat. Note that the half-maximal ILD, which is defined as the inhibitory threshold, varies over about 40 dB. One can consider the ILD functions as a crude representation of the spatial receptive field of the cell, and the change in threshold ILD would be equivalent to changes in the border of the receptive field.

Figure 26 Teaching points. Plots of the inhibitory threshold as a function of depth of the penetration in the IC of the bat at four different locations. The numbers for all four penetrations have a systematic change as a function of depth, suggesting that ILDs are mapped in a systematic way in the IC.

Figure 27 Teaching points. The type IV cells (fusiform) have unusual response maps (C) that are thought to be established by the circuitry in the DCN shown in panel (A). The frequency tuning of the inputs to the type IV cell is shown in (B). The CFs of the inputs from the ANFs are depicted by the horizontal line at the bottom. The type IV cells receive strong excitatory ANF input and inhibitory input from type II cell that has a slightly lower CF and from the wide band inhibitor which receives ANF input from a broader range of frequencies. The response map in (C) shows responses of the type IV cell at nine different attenuation levels. At the highest attenuation, the cell only responds at CF, but as the attenuation is decreased, the small excitatory bump at CF is replaced by inhibition over a band around CF. This inhibition is created by type II input at frequencies lower than CF and by the WBI at higher frequencies.

Figure 28 Teaching points. Sensitivity of a type IV neuron to the frequency of spectral notches like those found in the HRTFs. Typical spectral notches at three different frequencies are plotted in panel (A). Panel (B) shows the response map of a type IV cell with the typical excitatory bump at low sound levels (high attenuation) near CF and inhibition at higher levels. Panels (C) and (D) show the response of the cell to five different noise stimuli with different spectral notches with the notch frequencies indicated by (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) in panels (A) and (B). In this cell, as the level is raised with a spectral notch at CF (11.6 kHz), there is pronounced inhibition at higher levels. The inhibition is not present for the same levels when the notch frequencies are 0.7 or 1.4 kHz distant from CF. Thus, this cell is a good candidate for detecting a spectral notch at 11.6 kHz and not at nearby notch frequencies.

Figure 29 Teaching points. An example of testing an IC cell with intermediate CP for convergent input. Panel (A) shows the interaural phase versus frequency plot that the cell exhibits CD, but has an intermediate CP of 0.20. Individual ITD curves are shown in panel (B) for six different frequencies. To test for convergent input, a suppressor tone was delivered at the same time as binaural beats at other frequencies. So, in panel (C), the histogram shows the PSTH of responses to binaural beats at 250 Hz. The suppressor tone was chosen to be 100 Hz at an unfavorable phase. When the suppressor tone is added, the binaural beat response changes to the heavy black line. Panels (D-H) show similar results as in (C) at different frequencies and the same suppressor tone. Panel (I) plots the interaural phase versus frequency for both the original and responses with the suppressor (circles). Black dots show that at the frequencies near the suppressor the ITD curve is flat. At the four highest frequencies distant from the suppressor, the interaural phase versus frequency plot is linear and has a CP = 0.03, reflecting a common peak, as plotted in panel (J). These results suggest that the cell has an intermediate CP due to convergent input which at high frequencies has a common peak, reflecting the MSO input.

Figure 30 Teaching points. The precedence effect (PE) and demonstration that cats also experience the effect. Panel (A) shows a typical situation for testing the PE: a subject faces two speakers placed symmetrically in front. When identical sounds are delivered to the two speakers with no ISD, the subject perceives the sound to come from a phantom source at the midline. As the ISD is gradually increased, the perceived source location moves toward the leading speaker. This is the period of summing localization (B). At about ISD = 1 ms, the perceived source is entirely at the leading speaker and the lagging speaker is not perceived spatially: this is the period of the PE. The name comes from the situation of a sound that is delivered in an echoic environment but is localized to the speaker, despite the presence of later arriving echoes, i.e. the leading sound takes precedence for spatial localization. As the ISD is increased even further, the echo threshold is reached, and the subject hears both sounds at their respective locations. Panel (C) shows results of a behavioral localization experiment in which cats were trained to direct their gaze to the location of sound sources. When PE stimuli were used, the perceived location of the speaker followed the model results shown in (B), i.e. they looked between the speakers for ISDs in the summing localization range, and at the leading speaker for ISDs in the PE range. For large ISDs, the response was much more variable, presumably because the cat heard both sounds and was confused about which to look at. These results were obtained by delivering other non-PE stimuli at high probability and the PE at low probability, while rewarding the PE trials regardless of the response.

Figure 31 Teaching points. Correlates of the perceived PE in responses of cells in the IC of the cat when stimulated with PE stimuli. When pairs of clicks are delivered with variable ISD, the cell responds to the initial click and the response to the lagging click can be suppressed for periods that depend on the strength of the initial response. When the speaker (a) leads, the response to the lagging speaker (b) is suppressed for all ISDs out to around 100 ms, as seen in the top half of the dot rasters of panel (C) (positive ISDs). When speaker (b) leads, the suppression is weaker since the response to (b) is weaker, while that to (a) is stronger, as seen in the bottom half of the dot rasters of panel (C) (negative ISDs). For ISDs in the summing localization range (between -1 and +1 ms of panel B), the response maps that obtained from single clicks varying in spatial position from (b) to (a) (panel A). Thus, the cell responds in the summing localization range as if it is “perceiving” the stimulus spatially between speakers (b) and (a).

Figure 32 Teaching points. Illustration of the counterintuitive nature of the binaural masking level difference (BMLD). (A) Delivering noise and tone in one ear makes it difficult to hear the tone (frowning expression of subject). (B) Adding noise in phase to the other ear makes the tone more easily detectable (smiling). (C) Then adding a tone in phase to the second ear makes the tone less detectable. (D) Inverting the phase of the tone makes it more detectable. So, in some cases, adding noise makes the tone easier to hear, while adding a tone can make it more difficult to hear.

Figure 33 Teaching points. Examples of studies of BMLD in the IC of guinea pigs. Three different cells are shown in the three rows. In each row, the ITD curve to noise is on the left, the interaural period histograms of responses to a 500-Hz binaural beat are in the middle, and the masked rate-level function on the right. The masked rate-level function is obtained using signal detection to calculate the detectability index D as a function of tone level for a fixed noise level. Comparisons between the NoSo (solid circles) and NoS? (open circles) conditions are shown. The point at which the absolute value of D exceeds ±1 is considered detectable. The cell in panel (A) has a positive BMLD of 11 dB (NoS? condition has a lower threshold), and adding signal in phase increases the discharge, while adding signal out of phase causes a decrease. The cell in panel (B) also has a positive BMLD, but in this case adding the signal in or out of phase causes an increase response. Finally, the cell in panel (C) has a negative BMLD (NoS? condition has a higher threshold). As might be expected, IC cells show a variety of different responses to the BMLD stimuli, but on average they have positive BMLDs, and the hierarchy of the BMLDs is similar to that seen psychophysically.

Figure 34 Teaching points. The studies of spatial release from masking in the IC of cat using virtual acoustic space techniques. The stimulus configuration is shown by the cartoons in the top row. In panel (A), both the signal and noise were delivered at +90°, i.e. to the spatial position opposite the right ear. In panel (B), the noise is opposite the left ear, while the signal is opposite the right. In panel (C), the configuration is opposite to panel (B). In the dot rasters on the bottom row, the responses as the noise level is varied from 25 to 67 dB are shown. The signal is on from 0 to 200 ms, while the noise is continuous. This cell responded best for a sound on the right. The highest noise level at which the signal can still be detected is a measure of the spatial release from masking. In panel (A), the response to the periodic chirp signal can be seen in the dot rasters at between 43 and 49 dB noise level, while in panel (B), the periodic chirp response can be seen between 55 and 61 dB. Thus, the signal is more detectable when the noise is spatially separated. Note that in panel (B), there is no response to the noise, but it does suppress the response to the signal at the highest noise levels.


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Tom C.T. Yin, Phil H. Smith, Philip X. Joris. Neural Mechanisms of Binaural Processing in the Auditory Brainstem. Compr Physiol 2019, 9: 1503-1575. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c180036