Comprehensive Physiology Wiley Online Library

Endocrine Pancreas and Regulation of Metabolism


Listings: 1-20   21-40   41-45

Insulin‐like Growth Factor‐1 and the Endocrine Pancreas
David G. Maggs, Robert S. Sherwin
Source: Handbook of Physiology
The Aging Pancreas: Effects of Aging on Insulin Secretion and Action
William J. Evans, Peter A. Farrell
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Regulation of Muscle Glucose Uptake In Vivo
Lawrence J. Mandarino, Riccardo C. Bonadonna, Owen P. Mcguinness, Amy E. Halseth, David H. Wasserman
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Glucagon and Glucagon‐like Peptide Production and Degradation
Timothy J. Kieffer, Mehboob A. Hussain, Joel F. Habener
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Listings: 1-20   21-40   41-45